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medical abbreviations taken from www cambridge org/elt/pro Page 2 All content is taken from Professional English in Use Medicine Abbreviation Meaning #

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medicalabbreviations takenfrom www.cambridge.org/elt/pro


Professional English in Use Medicine

Abbreviation Meaning

# fracture increased / raised decreased / reduced / male / female mol/L micromols per litre g microgram

1/12 1 month

1/52 1 week

10 9 /L times ten to the power nine per litre a&w alive and well

AB apex beat

ABC airways, breathing, circulation

abd / abdo. abdomen

ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone

AF atrial brillation

AFP alphafetoprotein

AI aortic incompetence

AIDS acquiredimmunodeficiencydisease

AJ anklejerk

alk.phos. alkalinephosphatase

ALT alanineaminotransferase

AN antenatal

AP antero-posterior

APH antepartumhaemorrhage

ARM artificialruptureofmembranes

ASD atrialseptaldefect

ASO antistreptolysinO

ATS antitetanicserum;


AVF augmentedvoltagefoot

AVL augmentedvoltageleftarm

AVR augmentedvoltagerightarm

b.d./b.i.d. twiceaday(Latin)

BB bedbath;blanketbath

BBB bundlebranchblock

BCG bacilleCalmette-Guérin

BID broughtindead

BMR basalmetabolicrate

BNO bowelsnotopened

BO bowelsopened

BP bloodpressure

BPD bi-parietaldiameter

BS breathsounds;bowelsounds

BWt birthweight

c.c. withmeals/food(Latin) c/o complainsof

CA/Ca cancer;carcinoma;calcium

CABG coronaryarterybypassgraft

CAD coronaryarterydisease

CAT coaxialor


CBT cognitivebehaviouraltherapy

CCF congestivecardiacfailure

CFT complementfixationtest

CHF chronicheartfailure

Chr.CF chroniccardiacfailure

CNS centralnervoussystem

COAD chronicobstructiveairwaysdisease

COP changeofplaster

creps crepitations

CSF cerebrospinalfluid

CSSD CentralSterileSupplyDepot

CSU catheterspecimenofurine

CT cerebraltumour;

coronarythrombosis; computerizedtomography

CV cardiovascular

CVA cardiovascularaccident;


CVS cardiovascularsystem;


Cx cervix

CXR chestX-ray

D&C dilatationandcurettage

D&V diarrhoeaandvomiting

DD dangerousdrugs

decub. lyingdown(Latin) dl decilitre

DNA didnotattend

DNA deoxyribonucleicacid

DOA deadonarrival

DOB dateofbirth

DS disseminatedsclerosis

DTs deliriumtremens(Latin)

DU duodenalulcer

DVT deepvenousthrombosis

Dx diagnosis

E electrolytes

EBV Epstein-Barrvirus

ECF extracellularfluid

ECG electrocardiogram

ECT electroconvulsivetherapy

EDC expecteddateofconfinement

EDD expecteddateofdelivery

EDM earlydiastolicmurmur

EEG electroencephalogram

ENT ear,noseandthroat

ESN educationallysub-normal

ESR erythrocytesedimentationrate

ETT exercisetolerancetest

EUA examinationunderanaesthesia

fb fingerbreadth

FB foreignbody

FBC fullbloodcount

FH fetalheart

FH familyhistory

FHH fetalheartheard

FHNH fetalheartnotheard

fl/fL femtolitre

FMFF fetalmovementfirstfelt

FOB faecaloccultblood

FSH folliclestimulatinghormone

FTND fulltermnormaldelivery

FUO feverofunknownorigin

G gravidity

g/L gramsperlitre

GA generalanaesthetic

GB gallbladder

GC generalcondition

GCFT gonococcalcomplement


GCS GlasgowComaScale

GIS gastro-intestinalsystem

GnRH gonadotrophin-releasinghormone

GP GeneralPractitioner

GPI generalparalysisoftheinsane

GPT glutamicpyruvictransaminase

GTN glyceryltrinitrate

GTT glucosetolerancetest

GU gastriculcer

GUS genito-urinarysystem

Gyn. gynaecology

Hb/Hgb haemoglobin

HCT/Hct haematocrit

HDU highdependencyunit

HHV-8 (human)herpesvirus8

HIB HaemophilusinfluenzaeB

HIV humanimmunodeficiencyvirus

HPV humanpapillomavirus

HR heartrate

HS heartsounds

HVS highvaginalswab

IBS irritablebowelsyndrome

ICF intracellularfluid

ICS intercostalspace

ICU intensivecareunit

ID infectiousdisease

Ig immuneglobulin

i.m./IM intramuscular infus n infusion

IOFB intra-ocularforeignbody

IP in-patient;interphalangeal

IQ intelligencequotient

ISQ conditionunchanged/


IU internationalunit

i.v./IV intravenous

IVC inferiorvenacava

IVF invitrofertilization

IVP intravenouspyelogram

IVU intravenousurogram

Ix investigation

JVP jugularvenouspressure

K potassium

KUB kidney,ureterandbladder

L left

L/L litresperlitre

LA leftatrium;localanaesthetic

LAD leftaxisdeviation;


LBP lowbackpain;lowbloodpressure

LDH lacticdehydrogenase

LE lupuserythematosus

LFT liverfunctiontest

LH luteinizinghormone

LIF leftiliacfossa

LIH leftinguinalhernia

LKS liver,kidneyandspleen

LLL leftlowerlobe

LLQ leftlowerquadrant

LMP lastmenstrualperiod;


LOA leftoccipito-anteriorpositionoffetus

LOP leftoccipito-posteriorpositionoffetus

LP lumbarpuncture

LSCS lowersegmentcaesareansection

LUQ leftupperquadrant

LV leftventricle;lumbarvertebra

LVD leftventriculardysfunction

LVE leftventricularenlargement

LVF leftventricularfailure

LVH leftventricularhypertrophy

M/F male/female

m/r modifiedrelease

M/W/S married/widow(er)/single

mane inthemorning(Latin) mcg microgram

MCH meancorpuscularhaemoglobin

MCHC meancorpuscular


MCL mid-clavicularline

MCV meancorpuscularvolume

MDM mid-diastolicmurmur

mg milligram

MI mitralincompetence/insufficiency;

myocardialinfarction ml millilitre mmol/L millimolsperlitre

MMR massminiatureradiography;


MOP medicalout-patient

MRI magneticresonanceimaging

MS mitralstenosis;multiplesclerosis;


MSSU mid-streamspecimenofurine

MSU mid-streamurine

NA notapplicable

Na sodium

NAD noabnormalitydetected

NBI noboneinjury

ND normaldelivery

NE notengaged

NND neo-nataldeath

nocte atnight(Latin)

NP notpalpable;nasalpassage

NPO nothingbymouth(Latin)

NPU notpassedurine

NS nervoussystem

NSA nosignificantabnormality

NYD notyetdiagnosed

o.d. daily(Latin)

O/E onexamination

OA onadmission;osteo-arthritis

OAP oldagepensioner

Obs. obstetrics

OBS organicbrainsyndrome

oed. oedema

OM otitismedia

OOH outofhours

OPD outpatientdepartment

OT occupationaltherapist

P pulse;protein;parity

p.o. bymouth(Latin) p.r. byrectum(Latin) p.r.n. asrequired p.v. byvagina(Latin)

PA perniciousanaemia

Para.2+1 fulltermpregnancies2,


PAT paroxysmalatrialtachycardia

PBI proteinboundiodine

PDA patentductusarteriosus

PERLA pupilsequalandreactivetolight


PET pre-eclamptictoxaemia

PH pasthistory

PID prolapsedintervertebraldisc;


Pl. plasma

PM postmortem

PMB postmenopausalbleeding

PMH pastmedicalhistory

PN postnatal

PND postnataldepression;

paroxysmalnocturnaldyspnoea PO 2 pressureofoxygen

POP plasterofParis

PPH postpartumhaemorrhage

PROM prematureruptureofmembranes

PU passedurine;pepticulcer

PUO pyrexiaofunknownor


PVT paroxysmalventriculartachycardia


R right;respiration

RA rheumatoidarthritis;rightatrium

RAD rightaxisdeviation

RBC redbloodcell(count);


RBS randombloodsugar

RCA rightcoronaryartery

ref. refer reg. regular

Rh. Rhesusfactor;rheumatism

RI respiratoryinfection

RIF rightiliacfossa

RIH rightinguinalhernia

RLL rightlowerlobe

RLQ rightlowerquadrant

ROA rightoccipitalanterior

ROM rangeofmotion

ROP rightoccipitalposterior

RS respiratorysystem

RTA roadtrafficaccident

RTC returntoclinic

RTI respiratorytractinfection

RUA rightupperarm

RUQ rightupperquadrant

RVE rightventricularenlargement

RVH rightventricularhypertrophy

Rx take(inprescriptions);

treatment(incasenotes)(Latin) s.c. subcutaneous s.l. sublingual

SAH subarachnoidalhaemorrhage

SB still-born

SBE sub-acutebacterialendocarditis

sep. separated

SG specificgravity

SH socialhistory

SI sacro-iliac

sl. slight

SM systolicmurmur

SMR sub-mucousresection

SOB shortofbreath

SOBOE shortofbreathonexertion

SOP surgicalout-patients

SROM spontaneousruptureofmembranes

stat. immediately(Latin)

SVC superiorvenacava

SVD spontaneousvertexdelivery;

spontaneousvaginaldelivery sw/sw. swab

SWD shortwavediathermy

T temperature

T&A tonsilsandadenoids

t.d.s./t.i.d. threetimesaday(Latin) T 3 tri-iodothyronine T 4 tetra-iothyronine tabs tablets

TB tuberculosis

TI tricuspidincompetence

TIA transientischaemicattack

TMJ temporo-mandibularjoint

TNS transcutaneousnervestimulator

TOP terminationofpregnancy

TPHA treponemapallidum


TPR temperature,pulse,respiration

TR temporaryresident

TRH thyrotrophin-releasinghormone

TS tricuspidstenosis

TSH thyroid-stimulatinghormone

TT tetanustoxoid;tuberculintested

TURP transurethralprostateresection

TV trichomonasvaginalis

U urea;unit

U&E ureaandelectrolytes

U/L unitsperlitre

UGS urogenitalsystem

UMN uppermotorneurone

URTI upperrespiratorytractinfection

USS ultrasoundscan

UVL ultra-violetlight

VD venerealdisease

VDRL venerealdisease


VE vaginalexamination

VI virgointacta

VP venouspressure
