[PDF] [PDF] Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book - Pearsoncmgcom

A bonus 2-hour set of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6: Learn by Video tutorials are included, from video2brain and Adobe Press Learn by Video is one of the most 

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[PDF] ADOBE® PREMIERE® PRO - Adobe Help Center

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 offre un nouvel espace de travail de montage par défaut d'Adobe Premiere Pro, visionnez cette vidéo de Maxim Jago pour Learn by Pour plus de détails sur le format XDCAM, reportez-vous à ce document PDF 

[PDF] Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe Help Center

Montage de vidéos Premiere Clip dans Adobe Premiere Pro Pour utiliser Encore CS6 avec Premiere Pro CC, reportez-vous aux ressources suivantes : Vous pouvez imprimer un document PDF contenant les raccourcis clavier cités D: Working with Final Cut Pro from the Editor's Guide to Premiere Pro mis au point par 

[PDF] Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book - WordPresscom

learn more about Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and use it with greater efficiency and ease The diagram below represents the contents of the lesson files directory, 

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Premiere Pro CS6 Help Guide This help book is designed as a visual guide to introduce you to some of the basic operations of the Adobe workflow and help 

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Files in the viewer will appear to your project tab once files have been added to your sequence in the timeline In order to properly hear and view the audio, double 

[PDF] Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book - Pearsoncmgcom

A bonus 2-hour set of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6: Learn by Video tutorials are included, from video2brain and Adobe Press Learn by Video is one of the most 

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9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1

A bonus 2-hour set of Adobe Premiere Pro

CS6: Learn by Video

tutorials are included, from video2brain and Adobe Press. �earn by �ideo is one of the most critically acclaimed training products on Adobe software and is the only Adobe-approved video courseware for the Adobe Certi?ed

Associate �evel certi?cation.

L���� �� ����� ����� ���������

L����� ���� �inks to Adobe Community �elp, product �elp and

Support pages, Adobe

Press, Adobe certi?cation

programs, Adobe ��, and other useful online resources can be found inside a handy ��M� ?le. �ust open it in your Web browser and click on the links, including a special link to this book�s product page where you can access updates and bonus material.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Classroom

in a Book, and A d o b e P re m ie re P ro a re tr a d e m a rk s o f A d o b e S y ste m s In c o rp o ra te d . M a c in to sh is a tra d e m a rk o f A p p le , r e gistered in the U

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.S. a n d /o r o th e r co u n trie s.

© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated

All rights reserved. Made in the USA.

ISBN-13: 978-0-321-82247-5

ISBN-10: 0-321-82247-1

07/12 Adobe


Pro CS6




Peachpit Universal Mask

updated 3/11/2011

Color Instructions

0321822471_APremiereProCS6CIB_Disc.indd 15/17/12 4:25 PM

O����� ���������

�roughout this title you will see re�erences to lesson or resource ��les on a disc.

�lease note that these �les are available to eBook readers via high-s�peed download. �lease click here to go to the last page in this eBook �or the download location and instructions. adobe Premiere Pro Cs6 Classroom in a Book includes the lesson �les that you�ll need to complete the e�ercises in this book, as well as other content to� help you learn more about Adobe �remiere �ro CS6 and use it with greater e�cie�ncy and

ease. �e diagram below represents the contents o� the lesson �les �directory, which

should help you locate the �les you need. �BOOK R�A��RS� �IN� �O�R L�SSON �IL�S �ach lesson has its own folder inside the �essons folder. �ou will need to download these lesson folders to your hard drive before you can begin each lesson. aVaILaBLe VIa DoWnLoaD iv CONTENTSiv CONTENTS


I N � S�AR��� �

About Classroom in a Book

�rere�uisites ...............................................� Installing Adobe �remiere �ro CS6 ..........................�

Adobe �remiere �ro CS6 trial

Optimi�ing per�ormance

Copying the lesson �les

Relinking the lesson �les

�ow to use these lessons ...................................� Additional resources ........................................� Adobe certi�cation .........................................6 Checking �or updates .......................................6 1 �O�RIN� A�OB� �R�MI�R� �RO CS� � �etting started ............................................�� Nonlinear editing in Adobe �remiere �ro ...................�� ��panding the work�ow Touring the Adobe �remiere �ro inter�ace ..................�6 2 S���IN� �� A �RO��C� �� �etting started ............................................�6

Setting up a pro�ect

Setting up a se�uence .....................................�6 3 IM�OR�IN� M��IA �� �etting started ............................................5�

Importing assets


Working with the Media Browser

...........................5� Importing images .........................................5�

A��B� P��MI��� P�� CS� C�ASS���M IN A B��� v

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A��ANC�� ��I�IN� ��C�NI���S ���

�etting started ...........................................��� Four-point editing ........................................��� Retiming clips ............................................���

Replacing clips and �ootage

Nesting se�uences .......................................��5

Regular trimming

Advanced trimming


Trimming in the �rogram Monitor panel

...................�96 9 ����IN� CLI�S IN MO�ION ��� �etting started ...........................................��6 Ad�usting the Motion e�ect ...............................��6

Changing clip position, si�e, and rotation

Working with key�rame interpolation

Using other motion-related e�ects ........................��� 10 M�L�ICAM�RA ��I�IN� ��� �etting started ...........................................���

The multicamera process

Creating a multicamera se�uence .........................���

Switching multiple cameras

Finali�ing multicamera editing ............................��� Additional multicamera editing tips .......................��� 11 ��I�IN� AN� MI�IN� A��IO ��� �etting started ...........................................��6

Setting up the inter�ace to work with audio

��amining audio characteristics ...........................�5�

Ad�usting audio volume


Ad�usting audio gain


Normali�ing audio

........................................�5� Creating a split edit .......................................�59 Ad�usting audio levels in a se�uence ......................�6�

Working with the Audio Mi�er


A��B� P��MI��� P�� CS� C�ASS���M IN A B��� vii

�2 S�����NIN� SO�N� ��� �etting started ...........................................���

Sweetening sound with audio e�ects

Ad�usting �� .............................................��5 Applying e�ects in the Audio Mi�er .......................��9 Cleaning up noisy audio ..................................��6 A��IN� �I��O ����C�S ��� �etting started ...........................................�96

Working with e�ects


Key�raming e�ects

��ects presets ............................................��5 Fre�uently used e�ects ...................................��� COLOR CORR�C�ION AN� �RA�IN� ��� �etting started ...........................................���

Color-oriented work�ow

An overview o� color-oriented e�ects

Fi�ing e�posure problems

Fi�ing color balance ......................................���

Special color e�ects

.......................................�5� Creating a look ...........................................�55

���LORIN� COM�OSI�IN� ��C�NI���S ���

�etting started ...........................................�6�

What is an alpha channel�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�6�

Using compositing in your pro�ects


Working with the Opacity e�ect

...........................�6� Working with alpha-channel transparencies ...............�66 Color keying a greenscreen shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�6� Using mattes .............................................��� viii CONTENT S

1� CR�A�IN� �I�L�S ���

�etting started An o verview o� the Titler window V ideo typography essentials Cr eating titles �9� St yli�ing te�t �9� W orking with shapes and logos M aking te�t roll and crawl 17 M ANA�IN� �O�R �RO�� C S �etting started T he �ro�ect menu ��9 U sing the �ro�ect Manager F inal pro�ect management steps I mporting pro�ects or se�uences M anaging collaboration ��5 M anaging your hard drives ��5 18



S� AN�

S ����N C �S �etting started O verview o� e�port options ��por ting single �rames ��por ting a master copy W orking with Adobe Media �ncoder ��5 changing with other editing applications R ecording to tape ��6 I

