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MOBILE WEBOPTIMIZATIONwww.adops.com March 2017



You built a mobile website. That's great! But, chances are good that your job is far from done. Implementing targeted mobile web optimizations, aimed at bringing down content load and ad load speeds, can deliver enormous benefits both for your mobile sites and across the entire web ecosystem. Publishers who invest in these optimizations see lower bounce rates, higher viewability scores, and most importantly, more engaged (and happy!) users.

Studies continue to show that people across the

world are increasingly consuming content on their mobile devices. Many developing markets often have audiences with only mobile devices linking them to the web. Peopl e expect to be able to access any content on their phones and tablets. They have little patience for slow page loads. In response to this growing market, we have seen an increasingly close relationship between mobile web and mobile applications, with companies like Facebook (Instant Articles), Google (AMP), Twitter and Slack blurring the boundaries. Meanwhile, most publishers still struggle to fully access this massive potential, because the quality and load times of mobile ads have not kept pace with user expectations and technological advancements. The mobile web environment has become a magnet for intrusive, low quality, heavy and slow ads that end up turning o? users and increasing the adoption of ad blockers. Ads are a major contributing factor to overall mobile web latency. For example, Google AMP pages load lightning fast... except for the slow loading ads.

1www.adops.com To avoid alienating users, it is important for mobile ads to respect touch-dependent environments and account for the smaller amount of real estate available on mobile screens. Publishers must begin the process of assessing current site load speeds, diagnosing

problem areas, determining whether optimizations are ad related/content related (or both), outlining priority optimizations and quick hit items, developing a road map with phases for optimizations, integrating new product initiatives into the optimization strategy where possible, and creating an internal team for running post-optimization analysis at the end of each phase.

Publishers who invest in

these optimizations see lower bounce rates, higher viewability scores, and most importantly, more engaged (and happy!) users.


Forming and

Executing an



Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

Assessment & Diagnostics

Outside Site

Auditing and Analysis Tools:

The recommended approach is to

use a combination of outside site auditing and analysis tools, along with conditional checks across browsers and devices to get a well-rounded read of potential areas for optimization.Site Auditing:

Outside site auditing and analysis

tools allow the user to test various browsers and platforms from a single webpage. These tools allow for "spoofing" to simulate other browsers and connection speeds, etc., but are

not 100% reliable.Conditional Checks:Conditional checks are checks that are made within everyday conditions, in di?erent browsers and platforms that are typically interacted with. These checks can reveal issues that are impacted by other device conditions and behaviors that simulations might not encounter. The downside is that results are typically less clearly defined than some of the outside services. Everyday Environments:Use everyday environments for conditional checks, from at least two separate locations (example: one check at the o?ce, one check at home, or checks across more than one o?ce location).

3www.adops.com Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

Using the tool is incredibly simple, drop the test url into the URL field, and click the "Test Now" button. The test is quick, and produces a results page with an option to get a free report.

Site Auditing & Analysis Tools

Test My Site

https://testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com/ powered by Google's PageSpeed

WebPageTest provides a robust testing suite for

targeted simulations, with additional controls for testing di?erent connection speeds, browsers, visual comparisons, batch testing and other common settings.

Test results are comprehensive, and include

letter-grade ratings, charts, and export options

Important: It's advised to refrain from using the

HTTP Basic Authentication feature, available

under Analytical Review > Advanced Settings > Auth > HTTP Basic Authentication.

Even if

a test account is used, there are potential risks that can be avoided by using di?erent methods of authentication testing. Please do not use any accounts associated with DFP Networks with this feature.

4www.adops.com Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

Site Auditing & Analysis Tools


https://www.webpagetest.org/ Page Speed Insights is a tool, built by Google, which measures the network-independent aspects of page performance: the server configuration, the HTML structure of a page, and its use of external resources such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. It fetches the url twice; once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent. It then scores the page on a scale ranging from 0 to 100 points (a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well), and provides potential areas for improvement.

PageSpeed Insights measures how the page can

improve its performance on: • Time to above-the-fold load (content above the fold is rendered by the browser) • Time to full page load (the page is fully rendered by the browser)

5www.adops.com Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

PageSpeed Insights

The browser is your friend in many ways:

• Testing with browser preferences. • Using the browser as a diagnostic tool.

Taking advantage of most of the server-side

services that are actually built directly into some of the browser developer tools, which can be accessed directly via Android and Safari remote

USB debugging, or spoofed from the desktop

browser dev tools.


Conditional Testing

Site Auditing & Analysis Tools

Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

7www.adops.com Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

• Determine whether the majority of latency and experience issues are due to the content or the ads. • Once the causes are diagnosed, work with the content and ad teams to resolve

major issues.• The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Project was introduced in early 2016 as an open source e?ort

by Google to proactively address and improve the mobile web experience. • AMP tackles latency head on, using a combination of a stricter ver sion of HTML (AMPhtml), minified JavaScript, and hardened requirements that boost runtime e?ciency wit h additional measures to prevent some of the more common malvertising methods from entering the s pace. • With AMP, Google caches many of the common components to improve load time. • tags are HTML-based.

1Content? Ads? Both?Google's AMP Project 2

8www.adops.com Forming and Executing an Optimization Strategy

• Recent developments for ad delivery in the mobile space have helped result in increased e?ciency and performance for mobile ads. • https://developers.google.com/doubleclick- gpt/gpt_light

• GPT Light is a lightweight ad tag which

prioritizes performance over customization.

• GPT Light intentionally has a minimal

API surface and primarily utilizes a

declarative API.

• Note: GPT Light is currently in Beta and is

currently only supported as a passback tag.

• Consider optimizing for viewability as a

part of the strategy:

• Viewability is impacted by latency in

scrolling environments.

• New channels include some viewable

optimization options.

3GPT Light4Facebook Instant Article Ads5Additional opportunities


Technical Considerations & Suggestions


Google | Principles of Mobile Site Design: Delight Users and Drive Conve rsions ns.html

AMP Project


GPT Light

Facebook Instant Articles
