[PDF] [PDF] Text Classification and Naïve Bayes - Stanford University

Text Classification: definition • Input: • a document d Text Classification and Naïve Bayes Formalizing the Naïve Bayes Classifier training examples was

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Example of Bayes Theorem • Given: – A doctor knows that Cold causes fever 50 of the time Example of Naïve Bayes Classifier P(Refund=YesNo) = 3/7

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Properties of Bayes classifiers Naive Bayes classifiers Parameter estimation, properties, example Dealing with sparse data Application: email classification

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We are about to see some of the mathematical formalisms, and more examples, but keep in mind the basic idea Find out the probability of the previously unseen  

[PDF] Text Classification and Naïve Bayes - Stanford University

Text Classification: definition • Input: • a document d Text Classification and Naïve Bayes Formalizing the Naïve Bayes Classifier training examples was

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Example of Bayes Classification: https://github com/varunon9/naive-bayes- classifier https://www slideshare net/ashrafmath/naive-bayes-15644818 

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Naive-Bayes Classification Algorithm 1 Introduction to Bayesian Classification The Bayesian Classification represents a supervised learning method as well as  

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Naïve Bayes Lecture 17 David Sontag New York Bayesian Learning • Use Bayes' rule Your second learning algorithm: MLE for mean of a Gaussian

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Introduction and the most basic concepts Fundamentals of AI Conditional independence, Naïve Bayes and Bayesian Networks 

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Whatisthesubjectofthisarticle?•AntogonistsandInhibitors•BloodSupply•Chemistry•DrugTherapy•Embryology•Epidemiology•...6MeSHSubjectCategoryHierarchy?MEDLINE Article

I love this movie! It's sweet,

but with satirical humor. The dialogue is great and the adventure scenes are fun...

It manages to be whimsical

and romantic while laughing at the conventions of the fairy tale genre. I would recommend it to just about anyone. I've seen it several times, and I'm always happy to see it again whenever I have a friend who hasn't seen it yet! it I the to and seen yet would whimsical times sweet satirical adventure genre fairy humor have great 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I love this movie! It's sweet,

but with satirical humor. The dialogue is great and the adventure scenes are fun...

It manages to be whimsical

and romantic while laughing at the conventions of the fairy tale genre. I would recommend it to just about anyone. I've seen it several times, and I'm always happy to see it again whenever I have a friend who hasn't seen it yet! it I the to and seen yet would whimsical times sweet satirical adventure genre fairy humor have great 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I love this movie! It's sweet,

but with satirical humor. The dialogue is great and the adventure scenes are fun...

It manages to be whimsical

and romantic while laughing at the conventions of the fairy tale genre. I would recommend it to just about anyone. I've seen it several times, and I'm always happy to see it again whenever I have a friend who hasn't seen it yet! it I the to and seen yet would whimsical times sweet satirical adventure genre fairy humor have great 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

NaïveBayesClassifier(I)cMAP=argmaxc∈CP(c|d)=argmaxc∈CP(d|c)P(c)P(d)=argmaxc∈CP(d|c)P(c)MAP is "maximum a posteriori" = most likely classBayes RuleDropping the denominator

NaïveBayesClassifier(II)cMAP=argmaxc∈CP(d|c)P(c)Document d represented as features x1..xn=argmaxc∈CP(x1,x2,...,xn|c)P(c)

NaïveBayesClassifier(IV)How often does this class occur?cMAP=argmaxc∈CP(x1,x2,...,xn|c)P(c)O(|X|n•|C|)parametersWe can just count the relative frequencies in a corpusCouldonlybeestimatedifavery,verylargenumberoftrainingexampleswasavailable.

Laplace(add-1)smoothingforNaïveBayesˆP(wi|c)=count(wi,c)+1count(w,c)+1()w∈V∑=count(wi,c)+1count(w,cw∈V∑)#$%%&'(( + VˆP(wi|c)=count(wi,c)count(w,c)()w∈V∑

MultinomialNaïveBayes:Learning•CalculateP(cj)terms•ForeachcjinCdodocsj←alldocswithclass=cjP(wk|cj)←nk+αn+α|Vocabulary|P(cj)←|docsj||total # documents|•CalculateP(wk|cj)terms•Textj←singledoccontainingalldocsj•ForeachwordwkinVocabularynk←#ofoccurrencesofwkinTextj•Fromtrainingcorpus,extractVocabulary

PR RP F 2 2 )1( 1 )1( 1 1

53•Most(over)useddataset,21,578docs(each90types,200toknens)•9603training,3299testarticles(ModApte/Lewissplit)•118categories•Anarticlecanbeinmorethanonecategory•Learn118binarycategorydistinctions•Averagedocument(withatleastonecategory)has1.24classes•Onlyabout10outof118categoriesarelargeCommon categories(#train, #test)Evaluation:ClassicReuters-21578DataSet•Earn (2877, 1087) •Acquisitions (1650, 179)•Money-fx(538, 179)•Grain (433, 149)•Crude (389, 189)•Trade (369,119)•Interest (347, 131)•Ship (197, 89)•Wheat (212, 71)•Corn (182, 56)Sec. 15.2.4

54ReutersTextCategorizationdataset(Reuters-21578)document 2-MAR-1987 16:51:43.42livestockhogAMERICAN PORK CONGRESS KICKS OFF TOM ORROW CHICAGO, March 2 -The American Pork Congress kicks off tomorrow, March 3, in Indianapolis with 160 of the nations pork producers from 44 member states determining industry positions on a number of issues, according to the National Pork Producers Council, NPPC.Delegates to the three day Congress will be considering 26 resolutions concerning various issues, including the future direction of farm policy and the tax law as it applies to the agriculture sector. The delegates will also debate whether to endorse concepts of a national PRV (pseudorabiesvirus) control and eradication program, the NPPC said.A large trade show, in conjunction with the congress, will feature the latest in technology in all areas of the industry, the NPPC added. ReuterSec. 15.2.4

56PerclassevaluationmeasuresRecall:Fractionofdocsinclassiclassifiedcorrectly:Precision:Fractionofdocsassignedclassithatareactuallyaboutclassi:Accuracy:(1-errorrate)Fractionofdocsclassifiedcorrectly:ciii∑ciji∑j∑ciicjij∑ciicijj∑Sec. 15.2.4

57Micro-vs.Macro-Averaging•Ifwehavemorethanoneclass,howdowecombinemultipleperformancemeasuresintoonequantity?•Macroaveraging:Computeperformanceforeachclass,thenaverage.•Microaveraging:Collectdecisionsforallclasses,computecontingencytable,evaluate.Sec. 15.2.4

62TheRealWorld•Gee,I'mbuildingatextclassifierforreal,now!•WhatshouldIdo?Sec. 15.3.1

63Notrainingdata?ManuallywrittenrulesIf(wheatorgrain)andnot(wholeorbread)thenCategorizeasgrain•Needcarefulcrafting•Humantuningondevelopmentdata•Time-consuming:2daysperclassSec. 15.3.1

64Verylittledata?•UseNaïveBayes•NaïveBayesisa"high-bias"algorithm(NgandJordan2002NIPS)•Getmorelabeleddata•Findcleverwaystogethumanstolabeldataforyou•Trysemi-supervisedtrainingmethods:•Bootstrapping,EMoverunlabeleddocuments,...Sec. 15.3.1

65Areasonableamountofdata?•Perfectforallthecleverclassifiers•SVM•RegularizedLogisticRegression•Youcanevenuseuser-interpretabledecisiontrees•Usersliketohack•ManagementlikesquickfixesSec. 15.3.1

66Ahugeamountofdata?•Canachievehighaccuracy!•Atacost:•SVMs(traintime)orkNN(testtime)canbetooslow•Regularizedlogisticregressioncanbesomewhatbetter•SoNaïveBayescancomebackintoitsownagain!Sec. 15.3.1

67Accuracyasafunctionofdatasize•Withenoughdata•ClassifiermaynotmatterSec. 15.3.1BrillandBankoonspellingcorrection

70Howtotweakperformance•Domain-specificfeaturesandweights:veryimportantinrealperformance•Sometimesneedtocollapseterms:•Partnumbers,chemicalformulas,...•Butstemminggenerallydoesn'thelp•Upweighting:Countingawordasifitoccurredtwice:•titlewords(Cohen&Singer1996)•firstsentenceofeachparagraph(Murata,1999)•Insentencesthatcontaintitlewords(Koetal,2002)Sec. 15.3.2
