[PDF] [PDF] Handout: Naming Organic Compounds Substituents Longest carbon

Name parent+suffix: longest carbon chain + family suffix 2 Number Amides Derive name from parent carboxylic acid, replacing –oic acid with –amide

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[PDF] Chapter 17: Amines and Amides

17 3 Nomenclature for Amines Atomic grouping Suffix -amine Prefix amino Position in chain anywhere General formula CnH2n+3N Rule 1: Select as the 

[PDF] questions NAMING ORGANIC COMPOUNDS: 2 - Chemguide

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1 Given the structure of a carboxylic acid, carboxylate ion, ester, amide, or amine molecule, be able to give the systematic names and vice 

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followed in practice, and the common or trivial name may be used Carboxylic acids are named by dropping the –e ending and adding the –oic acid


F Amides 18 G Nitriles 19 H Aldehydes 19 I Ketones 21 J Amines and Ammonium Salts 22 naming practice, attempting to standardise nomenclature

[PDF] Handout: Naming Organic Compounds Substituents Longest carbon

Name parent+suffix: longest carbon chain + family suffix 2 Number Amides Derive name from parent carboxylic acid, replacing –oic acid with –amide

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We use the same procedure to name acid chlorides by common nomenclature except that we begin with the common names of the corresponding carboxylic acids 

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