[PDF] [PDF] State of Louisiana—Highlighting Low-Lying Areas Derived from

New Orleans Shreveport Map compiled by J J Kosovich in May, 2008 USGS topographic map bare-earth contours, which were converted into gridded

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[PDF] New Orleans Elevation

NEW AURORA - ENGLISH TURN FLORIDA DEV LAKEVIEW New Orleans Elevation Parks Elevation In Feet -8 to -7 Map Design: Carrie Beth Lasley

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Map of relative water depth in New Orleans, La , on September 2, 2005 The estimated flood depth is based on lidar-derived elevation data and water level data 

[PDF] State of Louisiana—Highlighting Low-Lying Areas Derived from

New Orleans Shreveport Map compiled by J J Kosovich in May, 2008 USGS topographic map bare-earth contours, which were converted into gridded

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Created Aug 30th, 2005 Map sources: USGS (elevation data), City of New Orleans Planning Commission (neighborhood boundaries),

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Contrary to popular perceptions, half of New Orleans is at or above sea level map it, and estimate how many people could theoretically reside there, based on lower-elevation areas west of the canal were spared because those levees 

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Louisiana Hurricane Katrina Surge Inundation1 and Advisory Base Flood Elevation Map Panel Index Date of Event: August 29, 2005; Date of Map: June 2006

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New Orleans Old Shell Beach 46 39 39 46 1 The contour elevations shown on this map reflect surge levels only; local wave heights and wave runup are 

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Pleistocene geologic map of the New Orleans area The yellow stippled bands Topographic map with one foot contours prepared under the direction of New 

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CovEr Photo: Elevation of a house on wooden cribbing with ground story removed, ca mid-1950s (courtesy of Abry Bros , Inc ) CovEr MAP: From “Birds' eye view 

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