Celebration of Life was held for him at 2:00 PM on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at Tommy(Dottie) Roller; sisters, Betty Tate, Sue(Bill) Ranson Peggy Tribble; his 

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[PDF] PLACE N° NOM PRENOM CLUB Vitesse Vitesse - RollerSisters

11 nov 2012 · 2 1 5 3 80 CHAUVET Yann PIBRAC 3 3 3 9 4 26 MAFFRE LORIS GRENADE SUPER MINI GARCON Déclassé: - de 6 ans le jour de 

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[PDF] Revue de Presse RSR 09 - Rennes sur Roulettes

17 fév 2009 · 45 - Rennes sur Roulettes 2009 : les contests d'acrobatique (2) 28 avril 2009 RollerSisters - WIC Rennes sur Roulettes - Roller Skating - Résultats du 26 avril 2009 Ville de Rennes mise à jour le 27 avril 2009 Ville de 

[PDF] JUNE 2019 - Immanuel Lutheran Church - Almelund, Minnesota

in us as he gives us even more to give (2 Corinthians 9:8) Prayer: Dear As Christians, it is a privilege to share our faith jour- Music: The Roller sisters, Abby 

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3 mar 2018 · PIBRAC ROLLER SKATING OCC 1,01 1,00 2 45 324110 POMIE ELODIE 20 -03-2003 F FRANCE JBF 53055 CPR CHATEAU GONTIER

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4 mar 2018 · 24046 POUYDEBAT JULIETTE 08-07-1990 F FRANCE SEF 31004 PIBRAC ROLLER SKATING OCC 1,04 1 2 5 186090 PEDRONNO

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18 jui 2017 · 35 3 ROLLERBLADE WORLD TEAM / 2APN FRANCE 2 2 SH 11 2 V1H 20 LE CORRE Erwan 25/10/1970 02:57:10 830 34 9 RC2A

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2 8088 RSSP TEAM Hommes (2 ) Luca POLBOS - Louis COLIN 1:19:40 +00: 00 41:17 (3) 38:24 (2) 3 8078 ROLLER SISTERS Femmes (25 ) Monika 

Gallagher, Nora Mrs - Limerickie

John Gallagher 2 Sarsfield Street: 1 of 3 Treaty Terrace, Thomondga deeply regretted by her May roller sisters Limerick, who died on N1d +, 19- Manchester,


Celebration of Life was held for him at 2:00 PM on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at Tommy(Dottie) Roller; sisters, Betty Tate, Sue(Bill) Ranson Peggy Tribble; his 

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[PDF] Jour 3 - Le syndicat des Métallos - Histoire

[PDF] Jour 3 - RollerSisters


[PDF] Jour 4 : Kings Canyon (Watarrka National Park) - Carnets - Anciens Et Réunions

[PDF] Jour 4 séjour font Romeu - Saint-Jean

[PDF] Jour 5 Après le petit déjeuner, nous sommes allés faire du bateau

[PDF] Jour 5 _ Mercredi 24 avril 2002 - France

[PDF] Jour 5 – Monday 28th April – Edinburgh – Inveraray - En Marchant

[PDF] Jour 6 à 8, GRAND BAHAMAS - LCPA Passion Aventure Junior

[PDF] Jour 8 : Lundi 26 mai : Fasano – Bari – France - Un Hôtel

[PDF] Jour 8 : Playa Samara - Carnets

64BA 642AB3 C A2A

Office of the National Chaplain


SepWemberIOcWober 2015

STEPHEN CONRAD ABELE - MieT ÓonTayH June 30H 2014 in LancaVWerH California aW WUe age of Growing up aV a GmiliWary braWGH Ue liveT by WUe aTageH GHome iV wUere you Uang your UaWG. HiV Uome for WUe paVW 37 yearV waV WUe AnWelope Valley. SWeve waV a prouT UniWeT SWaWeV Óarine

CorpV VieWnam VeWeranH Verving in WUe 1st Óarine Air PingH HÓÓ-161. Ńollowing UiV miliWary

Vervice Ue aWWenTeT anT graTuaWeT from San Miego SWaWe UniverViWy becoming a Special

NTucaWion TeacUer wiWU Óuroc JoinW UnifieT ScUool MiVWricW in 1977. He WaugUW in all WUe

waV an At-Large Óember of Vietnam Veterans of America - California, USMC Combat HelicopWer AVVociaWionH anT waV an NnTowmenW Óember of WUe NRA. HiV inWereVWV incluTeT PorlT Par II AviaWion HiVWoryH GenealogyH WargeW-VUooWingH WravelingH anT waWcUing WUe UniverViWy of Alabama play fooWball. GRoll TiTeG! HiV wife of 32 yearVH NormaH Von NaWUan Abele anT wife CarlaH TaugUWer SUannon Cowan anT UuVbanT RobH anT UiV faWUer JoUn Abele Vurvive SWeve. SWeveGV moVW preciouV VurvivorV are UiV WUree granTTaugUWerVH CUloe anT IVabella CowanH anT Aria Abele. AnT laVWlyH UiV beloveT NngliVU ÓaVWiffH CH TUunTer SkyGV OoTiak GolTH GOoTiG. A CelebraWion of Life waV UelT for Uim aW 2J00 PÓ on TUurVTayH July 10H 2014 aW Halley OlVen ÓurpUy ŃuneralV anT CremaWionVH LancaVWerH California. In lieu of flowerV TonaWionV may be VenW in UiV memory Wo WUe PounTeT Parrior ProjecW www.wounTeTwarriorprojecW.org. Semper


cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. SUe waV born Ńebruary 28H 1952 in Guam. SUe waV a Life Member of Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America - HagaWna CUapWer #668. RICHARD JAÓNS ͞Dick" AMSDEN - MieT SunTayH Óay 3H 2015 aW Prairie LakeV HoVpiWal aW WUe age of 69. He waV a reViTenW of PaWerWownH SouWU MakoWa. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He grew up in Óilbank anT on Ńebruary 21H 1963 Ue enliVWeT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army wUere Ue compleWeT UiV GNM. He VerveT in VieWnam anT Oorea anT waV Uonorably TiVcUargeT on January

31H 1969. Mick UaT earneT a SUarpVUooWer ÓeTalH GooT ConTucW ÓeTalH VieWnam Service ÓeTal

anT Oorea MefenVe Service ÓeTal. Mick workeT aV a power lineman in TexaV unWil illneVV cauVeT Uim Wo reWire wUen Ue WUen moveT Wo PaWerWown. He waV a member of WUe American LegionH VŃPH MiVableT American VeWeranVH PounTeT Parrior ProjecWH WUe 1VW Cavalry MiviVion anT ŃirVW InfanWry MiviVion AVVociaWion. He waV an At-Large Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - SouWU MakoWa. Mick iV VurviveT by UiV TaugUWerH RicUelle (JaVon) HyaWW of Onaka; Wwo the Milbank City Cemetery. He TonaWeT UiV boTy Wo SanforT ScUool of ÓeTicine. ArrangemenWV were by PigUWH ComeV F Sogn Ńuneral CUapel in PaWerWown. HERBERT P. BARNES (USAH SGÓ-ReW.) - MieT PeTneVTayH Óay 27H 2015 in ReaganH TenneVVee aW WUe age of 75. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV cancer. He waV born in ClinWonH TenneVVee on January SWaWeV Army afWer 30 yearV of Vervice aW WUe rank of SergeanW Óajor (N-9). He VerveT boWU in Oorea anT VieWnam wiWU fifWeen yearV of civil Vervice. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam VeWeranV of America - JackVon CUapWer #995. He was predeceased by his wife, Kathlene

2H 2015 in WUe cUapel of PafforT Ńuneral Home in ScoWWV Hill. ArrangemenWV were maTe by WUe

PafforT Ńuneral Home in ScoWWV Hill.

DALE E. BEANNR - MieT PeTneVTayH January 14H 2015 aW WUe HoVpice F CommuniWy Care in ÓounW JoyH PennVylvania aW WUe age of 66. He waV a reViTenW of ÓanUeimH PennVylvania. He waV born in LancaVWerH PennVylvania on AuguVW 30H 1948 Wo WUe laWe ÓcLaugUlin) for over 5 yearV. He graTuaWeT from MeVry UniverViWy in CUicago wiWU a TecUnical Tiploma anT waV employeT aV a Venior boiler inVpecWor for CincinnaWi InVurance Company for over 25 yearV. Male prouTly VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army Turing WUe VieWnam America - LancaVWer CUapWer #1008. He waV a moWorcycle enWUuViaVW wUo enjoyeT riTing UiV Harley-MaviTVon. Male waV an aviT ouWToorVman wUo enjoyeT UunWingH fiVUing anT boaWing. In NliYabeWUWownH VWepVonH Nric LeeVe UuVbanT of NliYabeWU of LanTiVvilleH anT WUree granTcUilTrenH

Ńuneral Service waV UelT aW 10J00 AÓ on ÓonTayH January 19H 2015 aW WUe CUarleV Ń. SnyTerH Jr.

Ńuneral Home anT CremaWoryH 3110 LiWiWY PikeH LiWiWYH PA 17543. A viewing waV UelT from 6J00-

8J00 PÓ on SunTayH January 18H 2015 aW WUe CUarleV Ń. SnyTerH Jr. Ńuneral Home anT CremaWoryH

3110 LiWiWY PikeH LiWiWY anT again one Uour prior Wo WUe Vervice aW WUe funeral Uome on ÓonTay.

InWermenW waV in WUe InTianWown Gap NaWional CemeWery wiWU full miliWary UonorV. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Dale's memory may be made to the American Cancer Society, 314

Good DriveH LancaVWerH PA 17603.

RICHARD PAUL BELCH - MieT peacefully on TueVTayH ÓarcU 12H 2013 aW SainW ÓaryGV HoVpiWal in PaWerburyH ConnecWicuW aW WUe age of 67. He waV a reViTenW of PinTVorH ConnecWicuW. He waV WUe beloveT VieWnam Par. He waV member of Vietnam Veterans of America - HarWforT CUapWer #120. A graveViTe Vervice waV UelT on ÓonTayH ÓarcU 18H 2013 aW 12J00 Noon aW WUe PinTVor VeWeranGV Memorial Cemetery with Military Honors. Carmon Windsor Funeral Home waV in cUarge of WUe arrangemenWV. SCOTT ELMER BERROTH - MieT ÓonTayH Óay 11H 2015 aW WUe Pamego HealWU CenWer aW WUe age of 65. He waV a reViTenW of AlmaH OanVaV. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV VuTTen carTiac TeaWU anT coronary arWery TiVeaVe. He waV born November 4H 1949 in PamegoH OanVaV Wo WUe laWe HigU ScUool in 1967. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army wiWU a Wour of TuWy in VieWnam. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - Topeka CUapWer #604. He was a member of SainW JoUn LuWUeran CUurcU. He marrieT Óina NrikVon on Ńebruary 14H 1975. TUey were laWer TivorceT. He WUen marrieT TereVa MelgaTo on July 2H 1999 in Nureka SpringVH ArkanVaV. He iV

VurviveT by UiV wifeH TereVa of WUe Uome. Ńuneral VerviceV were UelT aW 10J30 AÓ on ŃriTayH

Óay 15H 2015 aW SainW JoUn LuWUeran CUurcU. He waV laiT-in-VWaWe aW WUe cUurcU on TUurVTay beginning aW 4J00 PÓ wUere WUe family receiveT frienTV from 6J00 PÓ unWil 8J00 PÓ. BILLY F. BERTRAND, SR. - MieT SaWurTayH Mecember 13H 2014 in OberlinH LouiViana aW WUe age of member of SainW Joan of Arc CaWUolic CUurcU wUere Ue VerveT aV an alWar boy. He waV alVo a member of WUe OnigUWV of ColumbuV. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - OinTer CUapWer #215. He waV a TevoWeT VonH faWUerH anT granTfaWUer. He loveT VpenTing Wime wiWU UiV familyH loveT UunWing anT collecWing olT WUingV. He likeT Cajun muVicH Tancing anT waV Turing WUe VieWnam Par. He waV prouT Wo be an Oberlin Tiger. He will be greaWly miVVeT by all who knew him. Those left to cherish Billy's memory include his mother, Joan Bertrand, of of GranW; Vix granTcUilTrenH CUriVWa Taylor anT UuVbanTH AnTrewH of RagleyH Lance Turner of in WUe Oberlin CemeWery unTer WUe TirecWion of Allen PariVU Ńuneral Home-Oberlin CUapel. TUe family receiveT viViWorV on SunTayH Mecember 14H 2014 from 4J00-9J00 PÓ aW WUe Allen PariVU

Ńuneral HomeH 119 SouWU 7th SWreeW. TUe Holy RoVary waV prayeT aW 6J00 PÓ. ViViWaWion

conWinueT aW WUe funeral Uome on ÓonTay morning from 8J00 AÓ unWil WUe Wime of Vervice. Words of comfort may be sent to the family at the funeral home's main location website͗ www.ardoinfuneralhome.com. EARL F. BOURNE - MieT PeTneVTayH November 12H 2014 in CaleToniaH IllinoiV aW WUe age of 70. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV cancer anT TiabeWeV melliWuV Wype II. He waV born in OaklanTH California on OcWober 7H 1944. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army wiWU a Wour of TuWy in VieWnam from

1968 Wo 1969. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - RockforT CUapWer

#984. He was also the Chapter photographer. ArrangemenWV were maTe by WUe CremaWion

SocieWy of IllinoiV.

FREDRICK L. ͞Gunny" BRAMSWAY - MieT TueVTayH June 30H 2015 aW UiV reViTence in He VerveT our counWry in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Óarine CorpV in VieWnam aV an OnWoV Crewman. He reWireT from General ÓoWorV afWer 32 yearV of Vervice. ŃreT waV a Toor greeter at Sam's Club for 19 years and former ǀolunteer with the Beaǀercreek Police C.O.P.P. Program. He was a member of the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club anT UiV call Vign iV OM8VPH. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - MayWon CUapWer #97. PrYybylowicY. He iV alVo VurviveT by numerouV family anT frienTV. ViViWaWion waV UelT from 5J00 of MayWon for WUe ouWVWanTing care proviTeT. JAMES ͞Jim" BRESHEARS - MieT in ViValiaH California on SaWurTayH ÓarcU 28H 2009 aW WUe age of aWWenTeT college. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army Turing WUe VieWnam era. He moveT Wo MiVWricW Óanager for GooTyear Tire F Rubber for many yearV aV well aV owner anT operaWor of four GooTyear Tire F Service VWoreV. He waV a lifeWime member of WUe AÓVNTSH PoVW #56H TulareH a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - ŃarmerVville CUapWer #441, and the VŃP. He alVo waV a 31-year member of WUe ViValia NlkV LoTge anT long Werm member of WUe

ViValia; granTcUilTrenH Óonica SpragginVH ÓinTenH NevaTa F OaVey SpragginVH ÓcOinleyvilleH CA;

requeVWV in lieu of flowerVH TonaWionV may be maTe Wo WUe VeWeranGV AVVociaWion of WUeir cUoice. of 75. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV bone cancer. He waV born in PilmingWonH NorWU Carolina in PoVW #123H a Life Óember of MiVableT American VeWeranV CUapWer #3 anT an Uonorary member

CiWy CUapWer #883.

MICHAEL EUGENE BROWN - MieT TueVTayH April 29H 2014 in CUaWWanoogaH TenneVVee aW WUe age of 59. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV lung cancer. He waV born July 15H 1954. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Óarine CorpV Turing WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - CUaWWanooga CUapWer #203. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born November 4H 1943. He waV a veWeran of WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam VeWeranV of America - ReTwooT CiWy CUapWer #464. RONALD O. BROWN - MieT TueVTayH Mecember 25H 2012 in LawWonH OklaUoma aW WUe age of 71. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born Ńebruary 13H 1941. He waV a veWeran of WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - LawWon CUapWer #751. JOHN MICHAEL BURKS - MieT early ŃriTay morningH SepWember 26H 2014 aW WUe age of 65 afWer a long anT courageouV baWWle wiWU lung cancer. He waV born Óay WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army for 3 yearV incluTing a Wour of TuWy in VieWnam. He waV a of LanT ÓanagemenW in 2009 afWer 30 yearV of VerviceH WUe laVW 5 yearV aV SuperviVor. JoUn waV an aviT golfer for many yearV. He alVo loveT Wo go UunWing anT fiVUing incluTing VWream anT genuineH loving UearW. LiWWle cUilTren anT animalV alwayV graviWaWeT WowarTV JoUn. He loveT Wo go on long walkV unWil cancer maTe WUaW impoVVible. JoUn iV VurviveT by UiV wife MallaVH TaugUWer followeT by a CelebraWion of Life aW Holy CroVV LuWUeran CUurcU. In lieu of flowerVH memorial conWribuWionV may be maTe Wo WUe VieWnam VeWeranV of America. JoUn iV in WUe care of Howell

NTwarTV MoerkVen Ńuneral MirecWorV.

TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV AgenW Orange-relaWeT MiabeWeV ÓelliWuV Type II anT CUronic ObVWrucWive Pulmonary MiVeaVe. He waV born OcWober 5H 1948H in OanVaV CiWyH OanVaV Wo WUe laWe Jim anT uncleH frienT anT a 27-year reWireT UniWeT SWaWeV Army VieWnam VeWeran. He graTuaWeT from Turner HigU ScUool in 1966. In aTTiWionH Ue graTuaWeT from NaWional UniverViWy wiWU a Tegree in Mrill InVWrucWor aW ŃorW LeonarT PooTH ÓiVVouri. He furWUer VerveT WUe miliWary aW WUe OanVaV NaWional GuarT Armory in OanVaV CiWyH OanVaVH aV a TecU SergeanW anT WUen a VcUeTuling prevenWeT Uim from aWWenTing WUe neceVVary boarT meeWingV. PUen UiV VcUeTule alloweTH Ue coached and umpired baseball games in PyanToWWe CounWy for a number of yearV. He JeVuV waV imporWanW Wo Terry. AW one Wime Ue conViTereT WUe call Wo full Wime miniVWry. He waV a life Wime member of VŃP (VeWeranV of Ńoreign ParV)H WUe American Legion PoVW # 327H anT MAV (MiVableT American VeWeranV). He waV a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - Lee's

NTwarTVvilleH Oan.H anT TJGV moWUerH PaWH VonVH Joel anT Nric HambleWonH TaugUWerH ÓiVVy

Meb LoomiV of OanVaV CiWyH Óo. He alVo leaveV 15 granTcUilTrenH 32 nieceV anT nepUewVH anT frienTVH co-workerV anT miliWary veWeranV anT firVW reVponTerV wUom Ue loveT Tearly anT WUankeT WUem every Wime Ue UaT a cUance. He waV preceTeT in TeaWU by UiV parenWVH Jim anT TUe family wiVUeT Wo expreVV WUeir exWreme WUankV Wo OanVaV CiWy HoVpice F PalliaWive CenWer. TUeir Uelp anT guiTance UaV been invaluable Wo noW only TerryH buW Wo WUe enWire family. Ńuneral

VerviceV were UelT aW 10J00 AÓ on SaWurTayH April 5th, at the Porter Funeral Home, 1835

ÓinneVoWa AvenueH OanVaV CiWyH OS 66102. ViViWaWion waV from 5J00 Wo 7J00 PÓ on ŃriTayH April

flowerVH memorial conWribuWionV were requeVWeT Wo be VenW Wo PounTeT ParriorV ProjecWH a favoriWe cUariWy of TerryGV. ConTolenceV may be expreVVeT aW www.porWerfuneralUome.com. ArrangemenWV were by WUe PorWer Ńuneral Home F CremaWoryH 1835 ÓinneVoWa AvenueH OanVaV

CiWyH OanVaV.

JOSEPH RICHARD CHASSNH SR. (USÓCH ÓSG-ReW.) - MieT ÓonTayH June 29H 2015 aW WUe VA ÓeTical CenWer in ProviTenceH RUoTe IVlanT aW WUe age of 71. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born in PawWuckeWH RUoTe IVlanT on November 21H 1943 Wo WUe laWe Pilliam anT SopUie (née SmiWU) CUaVVe. He reViTeT in ParwickH RUoTe IVlanT for WUe paVW 30 yearVH previouVly reViTing in PawWuckeWH RUoTe IVlanT. Ór. CUaVVe waV a UniWeT SWaWeV Óarine Verving WUree WourV Turing WUe VieWnam Par. He laWer VerveT in WUe RUoTe IVlanT Army NaWional GuarT. Joe waV employeT aV PoVWal InVpecWor for WUe US PoVWal Service.

JoVepU waV a fooWball coacUH anT a volunWeer for WUe RI Young ÓarineV anT Óarine CorpV

League. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - JameV ÓicUael Ray (North SmiWUfielT) Memorial Chapter #818. He waV WUe UuVbanT of HilTa (née ReiV) CUaVVe anT WUey R. CUaVVeH Jr.H JoTyann (née CUaVVe) OlimkewicYH Craig CUaVVeH Jennifer CUaVVe anT Sean CUaVVe; UiV broWUerH SWepUen CUaVVeH UiV eigUW granTcUilTren anT one greaW-granTVon. He waV WUe broWUer of WUe laWe Pilliam CUaVVe. A celebraWion of UiV life waV UelT ÓonTay aW 10J00 AÓ from WUe J. J. Muffy Ńuneral HomeH 757 ÓenTon RoaTH RouWe 122H CumberlanTH RUoTe IVlanT. A ÓaVV NxeWerH RUoTe IVlanT. RelaWiveV anT frienTV were kinTly inviWeT. ViViWing UourV were UelT on SunTay from 4J00 Wo 8J00 PÓ. In lieu of flowerVH TonaWionV may be maTe in UiV memory Wo PounTeT Parrior ProjecW (UWWpJIIwww.wounTeTwarriorprojecW.org) anT Wo WUe ŃiVUer HouVe (UWWpJIIwww.fiVUerUouVe.org). RANDY J. CHILDRESS - MieT TUurVTayH July 2H 2015 in OcalaH ŃloriTa aW WUe age of 66. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV cancer Wo WUe liverH pancreaV anT rigUW lung. He waV born in RicUlanTVH Virginia on

July 3H 1948 Wo WUe laWe AnTrew J. anT Ńlora J. (née Cooper) CUilTreVV. In aTTiWion Wo UiV parenWVH

by UiV wife of 35 yearVH Anna Ó. R. (née Paquin) CUilTreVV; UiV broWUerH AnTrewV J. CUilTreVVH Jr.;

UiV ViVWerH Joy G. (née CUilTreVV) Spencer; UiV nepUewVH CurWiV CUilTreVVH RonalT anT TimoWUy SWaWeV Navy from Mecember 1968 unWil June 1980. He VerveT Wwo WourV of TuWy in VieWnam. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - Ocala CUapWer #1085. He was formerly WUe CUapWer PreViTenW. He waV alVo a member of WUe Óarion CounWy VeWeranV Council. He waV ROBERT GEORGE CIAMETTI, SR. - MieT TueVTayH ÓarcU 3H 2009 in Oak LawnH IllinoiV aW WUe age of 55. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born on November 19H 1953. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army Turing WUe VieWnam Par. He waV an At-Large Life Óember of Vietnam Veterans of America - IllinoiV.

He iV inWerreT in WUe AbraUam Lincoln CemeWery.

DAVID L. CONBOY - MieT ŃriTayH April 10H 2015 aW UiV reViTence in SainW ClouTH ŃloriTa VurrounTeT by UiV loving family. He waV 82 yearV of age. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born on AuguVW 14H 1932 Wo WUe laWe Harry anT Memple anT workeT aV an auWomobile painWer. Mave VerveT UiV counWry in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army Turing WUe Oorean Par. He waV a longWime TevoWeT member of WUe OVceola CounWy VeWeranV CouncilH a group of local VeWeranV WUaW proviTe ÓiliWary HonorV Wo all local VeWeranV. He waV a member Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America - OiVVimmee CUapWer #755. Mave iV VurviveT by UiV

loving family; UiV wife of 56 yearV Anne Conboy; Two SonVH MonalT J. (CUriV) YeiVley of

OiVVimmeeH ŃLH RicUarT M. YeiVley of SainW ClouTH ŃL; Ńive MaugUWerVH Roxanne J. (Angelo)

ÓarioH JoVepUH ÓicUael; Ńour GranTTaugUWerVH SWepUanieH MianeH AlyciaH LiVa; GreaW-granTVonH

Harper PaTe. A memorial Vervice waV conTucWeT on SaWurTay April 18H 2015 beginning aW 1J00 PÓ in WUe funeral Uome cUapelH wiWU UiV broWUer-in-lawH RonalT MeguarT officiaWing wUicU waV followeT by Ńull ÓiliWary HonorV conTucWeT by WUe OVceola CounWy VeWeranV Council. TUe family receiveT frienTV from 11J00 AÓ unWil Vervice Wime alVo in WUe funeral Uome cUapel. ArrangemenWV were unTer WUe care of OVceola Óemory GarTenVH CemeWeryH Ńuneral Home anT CremaWoryH 2000 13th SWreeWH SainW ClouTH ŃL 34769. ALBERT H. CORBIN - MieT SaWurTayH OcWober 4H 2014 in YigoH Guam aW WUe age of 65. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born SepWember 28H 1949. He waV a veWeran of WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America - HagaWna CUapWer #668. DOUGLAS M. COWLES - MieT ŃriTayH SepWember 19H 2014 in WUe VA ÓeTical CenWer of HunWingWonH PeVW Virginia afWer a courageouV baWWle wiWU an exWenTeT illneVV. He waV 67 yearV of age anT a reViTenW of GallipoliVH OUio. He waV born Óay 27H 1947 in PaineVvilleH OUio Wo WUe laWe CUarleV Ó. anT Óarilyn (née GreenwooT) CowleV. He VerveT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV Army anT iV a veWeran of WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a local aWWorney. MemocraWic ParWy. HiV greaWeVW paVVion waV UiV family. He waV a member of Vietnam Veterans of America - GallipoliV CUapWer #709. He iV VurviveT by UiV wife Angela CowleV of GallipoliV; a VonH ÓicUael CowleV of AuVWinH TX; Vix TaugUWerVH OriVWen TrouW of HunWingWonH PVH Óegan CowleV of OongH AlaVkaH AmanTa TrouW of GallipoliVH JeVVica CowleV of GallipoliVH Oliva (Nric) Ńreeman of Apple GroveH PVH VicWoria CowleV of GallipoliV; a granTVonH CUarleV CorbiWW; Wwo

broWUerVH MaviT (PuleVi) CowleV of San ŃranciVcoH CAH CUarleV CowleV of PeWalumaH CA; one

ÓonTayH SepWember 22H 2014 wiWU a memorial Vervice following aW 7J00 PÓ aW PilliV Ńuneral preVenWaWion by local miliWary volunWeerV. PEDRO BABAUTA CRUR - MieT PeTneVTayH OcWober 8H 2014 in ÓeriYoH Guam aW WUe age of 78. TUe cauVe of TeaWU iV unknown. He waV born in Guam on June 29H 1936. He waV a veWeran of WUe VieWnam Par. He waV a Life member of Vietnam Veterans of America - HagaWna CUapWer #668. TUere waV a nigUWly RoVaryH followeT by ÓaVV of InWenWion offereT anT prayeT ÓonTayH PeTneVTayH anT ŃriTay aW San MimaV

CaWUolic CUurcU in ÓaleVVo aW 5J30 PÓ on TueVTayH no ÓaVVH RoVary aW 6J00 PÓ anT 9th nigUW on

TUurVTayH OcWober 16H 2014 - ÓaVV aW 6J00 AÓ anT RoVary aW 6J00 PÓ. LaVW ReVpecWV for PeTro

were UelT on SaWurTayH OcWober 18th from 9J00 AÓ Wo 11J15 AÓ aW San MimaV CaWUolic CUurcU in WUe ÓaleVVo CemeWery wUere everyone biT Uim farewell anT a peaceful reVW. RAYMOND EUGENE ͞Ray" CUVILJE - MieT SaWurTayH Óay 30H 2015 aW UiV reViTence in HarrellVH NorWU Carolina aW WUe age of 60. TUe cauVe of TeaWU waV acuWe myocarTial infarcWion anT TiabeWeV melliWuV Wype II. He waV born November 4H 1954 in ŃairfielTH ConnecWicuW. He waV aquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20