[PDF] [PDF] Harmonica Chart [All Keys] - BluesHarmonicacom

2010 David Barrett The Harmonica Masterclass Co for BluesHarmonica com, All Rights Reserved Diatonic Harmonica Note Layout Including Bends & 

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[PDF] Harmonica Chart [All Keys] - BluesHarmonicacom

2010 David Barrett The Harmonica Masterclass Co for BluesHarmonica com, All Rights Reserved Diatonic Harmonica Note Layout Including Bends & 

[PDF] Harmonica catalog (PDF) - Hohner

instrument with ten holes, containing 20 notes, also known as the blues harp Diatonic But diatonic harmonicas don't just offer a great way to feel the blues or play lonesome flexibility of chordal layout plus easy maintenance Balanced 

[PDF] Bending Notes on the Harmonica - CCRMA

notes of the C Major Diatonic Harmonica Figure 4 – C Not every hole (note) on the harmonica can be bent, and not every hole that you can bend allows the

[PDF] Cross Harp - Lee Oskar Harmonicas

single-note MELODY PLAYING in the Cross Harp position Only three notes have been altered from standard Major diatonic tuning This makes it easier to play 

[PDF] Lee Oskar QuickGuide - Updated-20pg - Lee Oskar Harmonicas

Lee Oskar Harmonicas Selection Guide for Major Diatonic This Key of Harp Playing Styles This chart shows 4 fundamental, common The Melody Maker™ harmonica, with its three altered notes (shown above), is great for playing

[PDF] PDF File - Harpinanawhinin

The typical 10 hole diatonic harmonica: - I_I_II_I_I_I_I_I_I_I The blow notes on a 21 note tremolo harmonica in care the same So 4 would be the fourth blow 

[PDF] SPAH, August 2011 Introduction to Fourkey Tuning

Desirable properties for a diatonic harmonica (Andy Newton's Let x be any note in the chromatic scale that is played as a bend in the harp Let y be the Some prefer a modified fourkey layout that starts at the 3rd-position tonic and adds a 

[PDF] TUNING CHARTS - Strumenti Musicali

20 nov 2017 · G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hole Octave 32 D F# A C E F# A C Draw CHROMATIC HARMONICAS CHROMATIC HARMONICAS (KEY OF C) 1


The straightforward tonal layout and pleasant sounding chords made it easy to diatonic single note Richter harmonica or blues harmonica and works the same

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