[PDF] [PDF] introduction to javascript variables objects

during run-time cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI 3 3 objects • an object is another JavaScript data type • an object literal defines an object and its contents var book  

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When working with variables, an important distinction has to be made: is the variable contain the value of a primitive type, or does it contain a reference to a ( non- 

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21 mai 2020 · To store collections of data JavaScript provides object data type booleans, or complex data types ( arrays, function and other objects)

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single value In addition to these primitive data types, JavaScript supports a composite data type known as object We will cover objects in detail in a separate  

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[PDF] introduction to javascript variables objects

during run-time cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI 3 3 objects • an object is another JavaScript data type • an object literal defines an object and its contents var book  

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One thing to remember about JavaScript is that variable can contain any type of data— string values, integers, objects, arrays, functions You "open" or initiate a 


JavaScript program contains variables, objects and functions declare it, and data types are converted automatically as needed during script execution So, for  

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cisc3660 gameprogramming fall2012 lecture#I.3 topic: •veryquick andbrief introductionto javascript references: •JavaScript:TheDefinitive Guide,6thedition, byDa vidFlanagan,O'R eillyMedia,Inc.,(c)2011. •on-linetutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp •on-linereferenceguid e: cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.31 introductiontojavascript •JavaScriptisaco mpletelydi fferentlanguagef romJava -thesyntax islike Java -butthe functions aresimilartoScheme -andthepr ototype-ba sedinheritanceissimilartoSelf •worksintan demwit hHTMLandCSStoimpl ementwebpage s: -HTML→content -CSS→presentation -JavaScript→behavior cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.32 variables •variablesaredeclaredwiththe varkeyword varx;// declarea variablenamedx •valuesarenumbers,t extstrin gs,andbooleanvalues •somee xamples: vara= 1; varb= 0.23; varc= "hello"; vard= 'world'; vare= true; varf= false; varg= null;// nullmeans "novalue" varh= undefined;//undefined islike null thedatat ypeis inferredfromthevaluethatisassignedtothe variable;this canchange duringrun-time cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.33 objects •anobjectisanother JavaScriptdatatype •anobjectliteraldefinesanobject anditsco ntents varbook ={ genre:"mystery"; pages:180; name:"The ThinMan"; }//endofobjectliteral book.author="Dashiell Hammett";//add fieldbyassigning avalue book.getName=function() {returnthis.name; }//define amethod •emptyobjectsca nbecreatedintwoway s: varbook1 ={}; varbook2 =newObject(); //then putstuffintheempty objects: book1.genre="mystery"; book2.name="The Thin Man"; cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.34 arrays •JavaScriptalsosuppo rtsarrays •arrayscanbede finedandin itiali zedlikethis: varmyarray =[1,2,3,4, 5];// createnewarray myarray[6]=13; //add newentriesto existingarray •emptyarrayscan becreatedintw oways: varmyarray1 =newArray(); varmyarray2 =[]; •arrayscancont ainanytype ofdata,includingobje cts cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.35 operators •arithmetic,logicalandrelationa loperatorsarejustlikeJ ava •JavaScriptalsohas" strict"o perato rs: -===means"strictequa lity" -!==means"strictine quality" -i.e.,objectsareide ntical(asopposedtothevalue stheystor ebeingequal) cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.36 functions •functionscanbedefine dinline,withp arametersa ndwithreturnvalues(bothare optional) •functionsdefinedwithinobj ectsarecalledmethods •functionscanbedefine dlikethis: functionplusplus( x){ return(x +1); orl ikethis: varplusplus =function(x){ return(x +1); andinvok edlikethis: vary= plusplus(3 );//y issetto 4 cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.37 client-sideJavaScript •client-sideJavaScriptisembedded inHTMLandisinvokedinbrowserw indow s •asopp osedtoserver-sideJavaScript,whichim pliesanyJavaScr iptrunoutsideofaw eb browser •otherJavaScrip tinterpreters(otherthanwebbrow sers)include -Rhino ?freesoftware fromMozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/rhino ?aJa vaScriptinterpreterwritteni nJava ?providesaccesstothefu llJavaAPI -Node ?freesoftware ,underactivedevelopme nt: http://nodejs.org ?aJa vaScriptinterpreterwritteni nC++,thatsitsontopofGoogle'sV8J avaScript engine cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.38 events •eventhandlersareHT MLattributesthatbeginw ith"on",e .g.,"onclick" •categories: -device-dependentinputevents -userinter faceevents -state-changeevents -API-specificevents -timeanderror handlers •Legacyevents -Formevent s -Windowevents:onload(),onerror() shiftKey cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.39 •example: click me cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.310 windowobject •Timers:registera functiontob ein vok edonceo rrepeated aftertimehaselapsed -setTimeout():invokeonce -setInterval():invokerepeatedly -clearInterval():cancelssetInterval() •Locationobject -window.location== document.location -referstotheURL ofthe webpage -includesfi elds:protocol,host,hostname,port,pathname,search,hash ?searchisset totheURLelements aftera?characterintheURL ?hashissetto theURLelem entsaftera #characterintheURL -methods: ?loc.replace(URL )orlocation=URL loadspage cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.311 •Historyobject -lengthisthenum berof entriesinthehistory(browser page) -go(N) isafunction thatreturnsthe pagetothe previousN-thpageinthe browserhistory forexample ,go(2 )islik ehittingthe"back"buttontwicein thebro wser •Navigatorobject -containsbrowserandversionnu mberinformation -fieldsinclude appName,appVersion,userAgent(USER\_AGENTcontentfromHTTP header),platform(operatingsystem) -methods: ?online()returnstrueifconnec tedorfalse otherwise ?geolocation() ?javaEnabled() ?cookiesEnabled() •Screenobject -window.screen -fieldsinclude width,height,colorDepth cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.312 •Dialogboxes -alert() -confirm() -prompt() •Errorhandling function -window.onerror= function(msg,url, line){ ...} cisc3660-fall2012-sklar-lecI.313quotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26