[PDF] [PDF] Benjamin Franklin and Colonial Money - Econ Journal Watch

evaluate Michener and Wright's position on colonial money Pennsylvania they said, “ that the paper currency has been issued in this colony, and in

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Pennsylvania Paper Currency - JStor

Pennsylvania was always more moderate in its emissions of paper money than any other of the colonies Its paper currency, accord- ingly, is said never to have 

[PDF] ii colonial currency - Neil S Berman Inc

Usually, notes were denominated in Pounds-Shillings-Pence Some colonial notes, par- ticularly after 1775, were denominated in Spanish Milled Dollars, the well-known “Pieces of Eight ” Other times, the notes were denomi- nated in both English and Spanish money

[PDF] Collecting Colonial Currency - Colonial Coin Collectors Club

Expressed in terms of the value of a Spanish-American dollar, the exchange rates in the later colonial period would be as follows: 4s6d in Maryland paper money = 6s in Massachusetts Bay and other New England paper currencies = 7s6d in Pennsylvania notes = 8s in New York paper money


Pennsylvania, a colony noted for the restraint of its policies and the relative lack of deprecia- tion by its currency, he concluded that the issue of fiat money was 

[PDF] The Constitutional Creation of a Common Currency in the US 1748

Some colonies, such as Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York, had instituted such policies on their own accord well before 17606 Each colonial government 

[PDF] Benjamin Franklin and Colonial Money - Econ Journal Watch

evaluate Michener and Wright's position on colonial money Pennsylvania they said, “ that the paper currency has been issued in this colony, and in

[PDF] Colonial Currency - Library of Congress

A New York pound, for example, had a different value than a Pennsylvania pound, and neither was a British pound Even though American colonists expressed 

[PDF] Benjamin Franklin and the birth of a Paper Money Economy

What was the state of Pennsylvania's economy when Pennsylvania of its gold and silver coins: medium of exchange between colonies and countries

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