[PDF] [PDF] Phaeacian Dido: Lost Pleasures of an Epicurean Intertext

Phaeacian" cliche in better known authors such as Lucretius Philodemus Epicurus, refers derisively to Epicurus as "the Phaeacian philosopher, the farmer

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Phaeacian manners - JSTOR

114 PHAEACIAN MANNERS nection among Poseidon, the boats, and Phaeacian hostility" In Nausikaa says that the Phaeacians do not care for bow and

Phaeacian Therapy in Homers Odyssey*

Phaeacians “rich tourists” only capable of “entertainment ”5 I will argue that Alcinous and Odysseus conduct themselves much like therapist and patient, that far 

The Fantastic Phaeacians: Dance and Disruption in the Odyssey

In the eighth book of the Odyssey, the Phaeacian king Alcinous commands two of his sons to “dance alone” (μουνὰξ ὀρχήσασθαι, 8 371) 1 This is the only

[PDF] Phaeacian Dido: Lost Pleasures of an Epicurean Intertext

Phaeacian" cliche in better known authors such as Lucretius Philodemus Epicurus, refers derisively to Epicurus as "the Phaeacian philosopher, the farmer

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of marriage between Odysseus and the Phaeacian princess ' Even when modern scholars are more sympathetic to the romantic potential of the young woman's 

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