[PDF] Molière’s TARTUFFE

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Tartuffe or the Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere

"Tartuffe " Compared with such characterization as Shakespeare's, Moliere's method of portraying life may seem to be lacking in complexity; but it is precisely the simplicity with which creations like Tartuffe embody the weakness or vice they represent that has given them their place as universally recognized types of human page 2 / 151

Tartuffe - Ataun

Tartuffe, who uses his dupe to make a buck, Knows a hundred wily ways to pluck this duck; He rakes off great sums with his biblical bull And demands the right to censor us all His foolish footman has such presumption That even he dares to give us instruction ,

Tartuffe Production Script USM 81818

Tartuffe a religious hypocrite and con-man; he weasels his way into the Orgon’s household and almost walks away with the house; lusts after Elmire M Loyal a bailiff serves eviction papers to Orgon Officer an officer of the court Laurent Tartuffe’s lackey Mme PernelleOrgon’s mother; totally deluded by Tartuffe


This Dover edition, first published in 2000, contains the unabridged text of Tartuffe, based on the 18th-century translation from the French by H Baker and J Miller A new Note has been added Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Molière, 1622-1673 [Tartuffe English] Tartuffe / Molière p cm —(Dover thrift editions

Molière’s TARTUFFE

attacks Tartuffe as blasphemous and calls for total censorship, urging the king to “stop the view and flow of his impious and irreligious production and its licentious and libertine poetry ” 1664: Molière’s First Petition to the King (see ex-cerpt, opposite page) July 1667: Molière rewrites Tartuffe and shows it to the

Molieres Preface to TARTUFFE

Moliere's Preface to TARTUFFE Here is a comedy about which people have raised quite a stir, which has long been persecuted, and the people it mocks have made plain that they were more powerful in France than all those I have mocked heretofore


Tartuffe, considered one of Molière’s most controversial and masterful pieces, features a con man in the title role The titular character pretends to minister to the family’s religious and moral needs By the play’s end, the mistress of the house exposes Tartuffe as an imposter, womanizer, and scam artist

Tartuffe - Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár

Szóval, bolondja lett, Tartuffe a hős neki, Mindig idézi őt, mindig dicsőíti, Csodatétel neki minden köznapi tette, És ha Tartuffe beszél, minden szó szent előtte Az pedig persze jó bolondját ismeri S úgy elszédíti őt, hogy az már mesteri: Álszentséggel egész vagyont szed ki belőle S mindannyiunknak ő lett a bírája, őre


MOLIÈRE, TARTUFFE (1669), ACTE I, SCÈNE 4 Orgon, Cléante, Dorine ORGON Ah mon frère, bonjour CLÉANTE Je sortais, et j'ai joie à vous voir de retour La campagne à présent n'est pas beaucoup fleurie

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