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Measurements and mathematical modeling of a DC motor for the

Function k1 k2 k3 Crit f Mkkf =+1 2ω 0 1547 3 629e-4 1 16e-5 Mkkf =+1 2 ω 0 1136 8 262e-3 4 58e-6 Mkk kf =+ +1 23ωω 0 05304 -5 116e-4 0 01968 9 48e-7 Table 2: Mathematical models of the friction moment Mf=f(ω) We can see, third model gives the best result Fig 7 to 9 show us measured speed of the

Mathematical Olympiads 1997-1998: Problems and Solutions from

k1, a k2, a k3, and a k4 must exist Let w = a k1, x = a k2, y = a k3, and z= a k4 Now, by the given condition, 1997 = w2 +x2 +y2 Thus, w p 1997

Discussions: A Solution of the Quartic Equation

To obtain a root, we choose for k1 either square root of any root of (3); this is of the form xi+xj Choose for k1' either square root of either of the other roots of (3); this has one of the x's in common with k1, and is thus of the form Xi+Xk Now k1" is determined uniquely by the condition (xi+x9)(xi+Xk)(Xi+Xl) -a3

Explicit 2D Infinity­Harmonic maps whose interfaces have

[K1] and has been subsequently studied together with (1 3) in [K2,K3] (1 2) is a quasilinear degenerate elliptic system in non-divergence form (with discontinuous coe cients) which can be derived in the limit of the p-Laplace system pu = Div jDujp 2Du = 0 as p1 The special case of the scalar 1-Laplacian reads 1u = D iuD juD ij 2 u = 0 and


conditions, in order that hypotheses (K1) and (K3) could be ful lled by the resulting K 's Also, such functions may exhibit a degenerate behavior when x and y are far from each other (compare this with the left-hand side of (K2)) Important examples of admissible potentials W are given by W (x;r ) = Q (x ) 1 r2 d or W (x;r ) = Q (x )(1+cos r ) ;

Ann Sci Math Qu´ebec

compositum of quadratic fields (see [K2]); or if the degree of K is the square of an odd prime (see [Kr]) We have seen that, similarly to the case of cyclotomic fields, CS(K)is again defined by means of explicit generators and its finite index is described by a formula containing


s5 = k1 s4 =k0 s3 = k3 ⊕ 1 s2= k2 ⊕ 1 s1 = k1 ⊕ 1 s0 =k0 ⊕ 1 The FSM is initialized with R1 = R2 = R3 = 0 Then, the cipher runs in a special mode without


• d nombres entiers (entre 0 et 25) que l’on note k1, k2, , kd • Pour chaque bloc su message la i ème lettre sera substituée selon llalgorithme’algorithme de César avec comme clé ki • Exemple • d = 3, (k1, k2, k3) = (7, 0, 12) • Message à transmettre « TO BE OR NOT TO BE »

Conception et réalisation dune maquette électronique

k1 pour la simulation, k2 pour l'étude théorique, k3 pour les mesures expérimentales b) Que constate-t-on ? Commentez IV 2 Epilogue Promet de vote rapport avec en annexe le calque du circuit imprimé, la liste des composants et éventuellement le coût de revient du circuit imprimé réaliser

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