[PDF] Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using Time

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Ambigu with Diamond 10 Technology Coating They are based on general experience using established methods and cleaning materials It is important that these guidelines are read carefully Ultimately, local site conditions will determine what specific maintenance procedures and frequencies are needed

Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using Time

Classification of power quality disturbances using time-frequency ambiguity plane and neural networks Min Wang Piotr Ochenkowski Alexander Mamishev


imprecision just short of that rendering a claim “insolubly ambigu­ ous” would diminish the definiteness requirement’s public-notice function and foster the innovation-discouraging “zone of uncertainty,” United Carbon, 317 U S , at 236, against which this Court has


Corps to rely on ecological considerations only to resolve that ambigu-ity in favor of treating all abutting wetlands as waters Isolated ponds are not “waters of the United States” in their own right, see SWANCC, supra, at 167, 171, and present no boundary-drawing problem justifying the invocation of such ecological factors Thus,

The Appeal of Parallel Distributed Processing

others The third, fourth, and fifth lines show that these characters are indeed ambigu-ous in that they assume other identities in other contexts (The ink-blot technique of making letters ambiguous is due to Lindsay and Norman, 1972) information leaves open for each so constrain the possible identities of

The “officially released” date

port either party’s interpretation, the term was ambigu-ous The court also determined that the statute’s legisla-tive history did not clarify the meaning of the word ‘‘submit ’’ The court, however, explained that in MSK Properties, LLC v Hartford, Superior Court, judicial district of New Britain, Docket No CV-15-6029158-S

by JUDON FAMBROUGH Enforcing Deed Restrictions

framers’ intent If there is any ambigu-ity regarding the intent, the covenant should be strictly construed in favor of the free and unrestricted use of the premises The approach does not confl ict with either case precedent or the TPC Some attorneys felt the Texas Su-preme Court settled the matter in favor

Stufflebeams (IPP Evaluation Model Defining Evaluation

tional curricula While some of the results were ambigu­ ous, it was clear that many of the students who used the new curricula learned very little 96 Several leaders in the field of educational psychology and evaluation, including Lee Cronbach and Michael Scriven, recognized that the problems with this approach

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