[PDF] A gentle Introduction to docker and gitlab-CI

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What is Veri cation?

CNRS-Verimag, Grenoble August, 2008 Plan of the Talk I Context: model-based system design (mathematical models) I Example: how to have your co ee, drink it too

Laboratoire VERIMAG

plan is the gathering of most computer science laboratories within a new PILSI building, which would solve for long the problem of premises, and favor the scientific cooperation with other laboratories and teams 1 4 Threats During the last period, two researchers left Verimag, and moved to foreign countries These

Veri cation & Validation Meets Planning & Scheduling

1 Verimag Laboratory, Grenoble, France 2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Inst of Technology, USA 3 ISTC-CNR, National Research Council, Italy Received: date / Revised version: date Abstract A Planning and Scheduling (P&S) system takes as input a domain model and a goal, and produces a plan of actions to be executed, which will achieve

Toward a More Dependable Software Architecture for Autonomous

†Verimag Laboratory, Grenoble I University, CNRS, France level automated action planning and plan execution)

A gentle Introduction to docker and gitlab-CI

A gentle Introduction to docker and gitlab-CI Erwan Jahier Verimag Technical Seminar 4 october 2018 Erwan Jahier A gentle Introduction to docker and gitlab-CI 4 october 2018 < 1 / 43 >

Systems as Data ow Machines - École Polytechnique

Systems as Data ow Machines Hugo Gimbert, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Simon Bliudze, VERIMAG, Grenoble, France Daniel Krob, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau


Climate plan since 2005 100 km from Lyon and Geneva 320 km bike routes around the city 2020 hours of sun per year City #2 for housing 5 mountain ranges 20 ski resorts around Grenoble AN OUTSTANDING QUALITY OF LIFE


The Exploitation Plan Document presents opportunities inside a market in the industry of Space Robots or other fields where the project can be exploited Besides, it describes the actions of exploitation of each consortium member, being very relevant the actions of the next PERASPERA projects 1 2 SCOPE

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