[PDF] I Hic, haec, hoc (this, these - The Latin Library

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I Hic, haec, hoc (this, these - The Latin Library

I Hic, haec, hoc (this, these) Singular (this) Plural (these) Masc Fem Neut Masc Fem Neut Nom Gen Dat Acc Abl hic huius huic hunc höc haec huius huic hanc häc hoc huius huic hoc höc hï hörum hïs hös hïs hae härum hïs häs hïs haec hörum hïs haec hïs II Ille, illa, illud (that, those) Singular (that) Plural (those)

Chapter Sixteen - The Latin Library

Hic, haec, hoc: Can be used as a pronoun or adjective Either way, it agrees with the word or idea it refers to or modifies Singular (this) Plural (these) M F N M F N Nom Gen Dat Acc Abl hic huius huic hunc hoc haec huius huic hanc hac hoc huius huic hoc hoc hi horum his hos his hae harum his has his haec horum his haec his

Chapter 9: Hic, Ille and Iste - Utah State University

very irregular forms And so here it is, your first Latin demonstrative pronoun: hic, haec, hoc, which means “this” in the singular, “these” in the plural Let’s recite it together starting with the nominative singular masculine and going across the genders, as we did before with first/second-

Latin I: Interrogative, Intensive, and Demonstrative Adjectives

Declination of hic, haec, hoc : Singular Case: m f n Nominative hic haec hoc Genitive huius huius huius Dative huic huic huic Accusative hunc hanc hoc Ablative hōc hāc hōc Plural Case: m f n Nominative hī hae haec Genitive hōrum hārum hōrum Dative hīs hīs hīs


Hic, Haec, Hoc and Ille, Illa, Illud Hic, haec, hoc means “this,” or in the plural, “these ” Ille, illa, illud means “that”, or in the plural, “those ” Hic is used to point out a noun that is nearby Ille is used to point out a noun that is far away or distant They can also be translated as “the latter” and “the former ”

LATIN Level 1 LATIN - Rosetta Stone

® Tests – Latin Level 1 Exercitium 10 Circle the word that correctly completes the sentence Follow the example: (Hic / Haec / Hoc) vir tunicam non gerit 5) (Hic / Haec / Hoc) femina e Ruthenia oriunda est 1) (Hic / Haec / Hoc) pulvinus roseus est 6) (Hic / Haec / Hoc) hospes ex Aegypto oriundus est 2) (Hic / Haec / Hoc) malum bene

Jenney’s First Year Latin Lesson 25

Jenney’s First Year Latin Lesson 25 1 Lesson 25 Vocabulary 2 4thConjugation Verbs 3 Demonstrative Adjectives/Pronouns a) Hic, Haec, Hoc b) Ille, Illa, Illud c) Is, Ea, Id

Pronomina Latina (Pronouns)

Nom: hic haec hoc hi hae haec Gen: huius* huius huius horum harum horum Dat: huic** huic huic his his his Acc: hunc hanc hoc hos has haec Abl: hoc hac hoc his his his * hoo-yus ** hoo-ick 2 ille, illa, illud, ‘that’ Singular Plural

Henle I TM for Units 6-14, Second Edition

Pronouns: hic/haec/hoc, ille/illa/illud review a selection of Verbs: Indicative passive of laudō, moneō, mittō, audiō Subjunctive passive of laudō, moneō, mittō, audiō essential: Pronoun: hic/haec/hoc, ille/illa/illud Vocabulary Pp 337 and 341 Say aloud three times Write three times Add new flashcards to

Eduqas GCSE Latin - Extra Resources

Nov 19, 2019 · Eduqas Latin GCSE: Travel by Land and Sea 19 HORACE A journey by canal (Satires 1 5 1-26) Lines 5 - 9 hoc iter ignavi divisimus, altius ac nos praecinctis unum: minus est gravis Appia tardis hic ego propter aquam, quod erat deterrima, ventri indico bellum, cenantes haud animo aequo exspectans comites 5 5 6 7 hic, haec, hoc - this

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