[PDF] A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for

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SWI2050 SWISS Aeropolitics 2014-4 FR f1 01

ce contexte libéral, les compagnies aé-riennes de droit privé sont les plus aptes à offrir une parfaite interconnexion en s’affirmant sur un marché ouvert Le marché aérien mondial est malheureu-sement loin de correspondre à cet idéal La concurrence n’est pas régie par des règles universelles L’exercice des droits

LES La plus belle pour aller bosser - Clarence Edgard-Rosa

et la jupe, impos e depuis d but2014 Les compagnies a riennes, dernier bastion dÕun sexisme surann fa on0SS117 ? Si lÕIrlandaise Ryanair a d cid , en octobre, de ne plus publier son calendrier o posaient ses h tesses en petite tenue, la jupe obligatoire, elle, demeure 2 BE LL E COMME une Ferrari ÇAu Mondial de lÕauto,

ÉTROSPECTIVE Une année de turbulences et despoir aussi

de faillite (banque Trust), soutien aux compagnies aé-riennes, restrictions sur les exportations de blé la liste est longue 28 décembre: Un Airbus A320-200 de la com-pagnie malaisienne AirAsia avec 162 personnes à bord disparaît du contrôle aérien une heure après son décol-lage de l'île de Java Il s'agit du troisième drame pour

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vie par les compagnies aé-riennes, les acquéreurs sont apparemment de retour et soutiennent les prix Pour un studio au centre-ville, il faut compter selon les notaires entre 4180 et 6100 euros le mètre carré, alors qu'un 2 pièces trouvera preneur entre 3 510 et 4 860 euros Mais quand il s'agit de logements ayant une vue sur la Grande

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A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for

Minekus et al 2014 Food Funct 5, 1113-24 46 citations Hot paper (0 1 ) 014 Simulated digestion fluids The oral phase Always include an oral phase (± enzymes)

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For example, a two-week strike during August 2014, concerning a dispute in salary and benefit negotiations, cost the company US$ 744,335 30 in revenue daily Further, the government is putting

Going Local: A Trend towards Insourcing of Production?

actually justify the increased risks (Bergin et al , 2011; Drauz, 2014) Reportedly, some companies have already moved back production activities to their home country,

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INRA Agrocampus Ouest ² Milk and Egg Science & Technology


A standardised static in vitro digestion

method suitable for food

An international consensus


Gut = interface between food and human body

Digestion releases food components that can have a beneficial or a deleterious effect on human health By increasing our knowledge on food digestion, we will increase our knowledge on the effect of food on human health

Scientific Context

Diet-related diseases ј

ª Prevent these pathologies rather than

cure them ----- USA ----- UK ----- FR ----- NL


and the digestive process has been considered as a black box so far ) This community is scattered: many ongoing projects at the national level but no current research action on this topic in Europe and no network for exchanges ) There is no scientific international congress on food digestion where scientists could have exchanges ) There were no scientific journal dedicated to food digestion before the creation of " Food Digestion » and "Food & Function » (2010) This is the perfect time for developing a trans-European network to improve dissemination of critical findings, develop truly multidisciplinary collaborations and


) There is a dramatic lack of harmonization between the in vitro digestion models used throughout Europe and a real need of validation of these models ) During the last 10 y, ј in the number of publication on food digestion, associating food scientists, nutritionists and gut physiologists: a multidisciplinary new scientific community has been created Improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process

COST Action FA1005

Dr. Didier DUPONT, Senior Scientist, INRA, France

June 2011 May 2015



ͻGathering scientists from different disciplines (food science, our knowledge on food digestion ͻCompare the existing digestion models, harmonize the methodologies and propose guidelines for performing experiments ͻValidate in vitro models towards in vivo data (animal and/or human) ͻIdentify the beneficial/deleterious components that are released in the gut during food digestion ͻDetermine the effect of the matrix structure on the bioavailability of food nutrients and bioactive molecules 6



Didier Dupont - France


Alan Mackie - UK

Tor Lea


A. Bordoni


Evaluation of the health

effects WG3

Immunomodulatory properties

Regulation of appetite and satiety

Effect of BFC on human microbiota

I. Recio


In vitro, in vivo and in silico

models of mammalian gastrointestinal digestion WG2

A. Brodkorb


Digestion models harmonization

Comparison in vitro / in vivo

Digestion products identification

BFC absorption /bioavailability

Dairy, Egg

Fruits & Vegetables

Meat, Cereals


Characterization of raw

materials and processed food matrices for optimized nutrient bioaccessibility WG1

F Capozzi


B. Murray


BFC identification

Stability during processing

Food multi-scale characterization




Le Marre

Riddett Inst

New Zealand


Laval Univ

Univ Guelph


Ege Univ

Rothamsted Res

Centr Food Res Inst

Univ Belgrade


Wageningen UR

Inst Food Res


Univ Ghent

Univ Greifswald


Tech Univ Denmark



Milan State Univ

Univ Bologna

Norwegian Univ Life Sci

Polish Academy of Sci

Leatherhead Food Res

340 scientists - 130 institutes 37 countries


Univ Eastern Finland

Max Rubner-Institut

Ben Gurion Univ

KTU Food Inst

Cent Rech Lippmann

Univ Alto Douro

Univ Novi Sad

Agroscope Posieux

Univ Leeds

Univ Reading

Univ Aarhus


ITQB Pom Med Univ






Univ Buenos Aires Deakin Univ

Univ Queensland

Czech Univ Prague

Inst Chem Technol

Univ Copenhagen Univ Oulu

Agrocampus Ouest



Univ College Cork

FEM CNR Univ Milan Univ Naples

Univ Roma

Lithuanian Univ HS

Plant Food Res

Gdansk Univ Tech

NIH Ricardo Jorge

Maize Res Inst

Univ Murcia

Univ Granada

Univ Sevilla

Univ Basque Country

Univ Valencia

Chalmers Univ Tech

Lund Univ



James Hutton Inst

Univ Birmingham Univ Manchester

Univ Glasgow Univ Greenwich Univ Nottingham

Univ Ljubljana

Univ Zagreb Riga Stradin Univ


Agric Univ Tirana

Aristote Univ Thessaloniki

USA Univ


Davis .08

Industry involvement

) 40 European companies are involved in INFOGEST storage, grinding and mixing in the stomach chewing and deglutition


Gastric lipase

blood mouth stomach duodenum jejunum ileum pylorus esophagus small intestine large intestine

Trypsin, Chymotrypsin

Pancreatic lipase

gastric emptying intestinal transit

HCl Fasted pH 1.3-2.5



Kong and Singh, 2008

Gastric phase = a very complex but crucial step

for the whole digestion process

The digestive process

pH 6.5-6.8



In vitro

static models Human models

Models for simulating digestion

In vitro dynamic


Animal models

In silico


12 12 1 1 12 1whey caswpd aggr caswpdk V m k m) u u u u


In vitro

In vivo

Main Reasons :

- Ethical - Technical - Financial

Static in vitro digestion models: pro's & con's


Standardisation of the experimental conditions

Good reproducibility and repeatability

Easy sampling, possibility to follow kinetics


You can't mimic the complexity of the GI tract

in a test tube!!!

Needs harmonization


In vitro gastro-intestinal digestion

Consensus INFOGEST protocol


Consensus model

based on available physiological data (in vivo)

The Infogest consensus in vitro digestion model


Calibration of the

digestive enzymes,quotesdbs_dbs11.pdfusesText_17