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The ideas now guiding attachment theory have a long developmental history Although Bowlby and Ainsworth worked independently of each other during their early careers, both were influenced by Freud and other psychoanalytic thinkers-directly in Bowlby’s case, indirectly in Ainsworth’s

Attachment as an Organizational Construct

was reestablished In this way Bowlby sought to remove any drive considerations or any need for an attachment motive Attachment behaviors could be activated without requiring an attachment drive and could be terminated without invoking concepts of expended or rechanneled energy Significant as Bowlby's classic work has been,

Universality claim of attachment theory: Children’s

In Bowlby’s framework, the definition of attachment and its qualities, emergence, and consequences are considered to be uni-versal Universality is also claimed for the other core assumptions of attachment theory: normativity, sensitivity, and competence (13) Normativity defines the secure attachment relationship as the uni-

The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth

The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth Inge Bretherton Department of Child and Family Studies University of Wisconsin—Madison Attachment theory is based on the joint work of John Bowlby (1907-1991) and Mary Salter Ains-worth (1913- ) Its developmental history begins in the 1930s, with Bowlby's growing interest


The Bowlby-AinsworthModel of Attachment Bowlby (1969) described the behaviors of infants and young children who were in residential nurseries and hospital wards and therefore separated from their mothers The children who had experienced a secure relationship with their mothers showed a predictable behavior sequence during their separations

Attachment theory - Saylor Academy

unfamiliarity, being alone or rapid approach According to Bowlby, proximity-seeking to the attachment figure in the face of threat is the "set-goal" of the attachment behavioural system [16] The attachment system is very robust and young humans form attachments easily, even in far less than ideal circumstances [24]

Attachment-Based Psychotherapy Press Definition anD

Bowlby’s attachment theory and uses the results of basic research to treat and develop preventive attachment-based interventions for parents and children, adolescents, and adults Attachment-based psychotherapy differs completely from a form of intervention that, unfortunately, increasingly calls itself “attachment

Childhood Trauma and Adult Attachment - IASA

The DMM view of attachment as a dynamic as well as a maturational process is similar in concept to Bowlby’s developmental pathways7 For example, as illustrated in figure 1, avoidant type A attachment strategies can become increasingly reliant on distortions of cognition, which result in idealisation of caregivers who may not have

The Relationship Imperative: Arguments for a Broad Definition

attachment First, they suggest that a definition of attachment that stresses Bowlby's (1969) ideas about the central role of protection in the attachment system provides a distinction be-tween the attachment construct and more general models of social development As they correctly note, there is a danger of attachment

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