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e fmpc-2 194 (rev to fmpc-2065) feed materials production center spill prevention control and countermeasures plan july 25, 1990 u s department of energy feed materials production center p 0 box 398705 cincinnati, ohio 45239-8705 prepared by the westinghouse materials company of ohio d j brettschneider a r olding 3

FMPC Guiding Principles & Process - The AAFP Foundation

The Family Medicine Philanthropic Consortium (FMPC) is a collaborative program of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Foundation and the Constituent Chapters and Chapter Foundations of the AAFP

This report was prepared by

community surrounding the former Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) near Ross, Ohio resulting from exposures to contaminants released from the site during its years of operation The FMPC was a government-owned; contractor operated uranium-processing facility that was part of the United States (U S ) weapons production complex

AAFP Foundation FMPC Awards Booklet

FMPC Grant Awards Volume II: 2010-2016 Page 1 of 56 Published Spring 2017 A Word about the FMPC and its Grant Awards The Family Medicine Philanthropic Consortium (FMPC) was established in 2006 as


Report (EMR) for the Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) are estimates on both radiological and nonradiological emissions to the environment This ad- dendum to the EMR is being issued to include chemical release estimates from the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) 313 report


V2:08-23-2018 Committee at FMPC meetings The Steering Committee is empowered to recommend to the FMPC guidelines, policies, events and programs; and to recommend expenditures consistent with the


Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) Q: W HAT IS A RISK ASSESSMENT? A: A risk assessment is the scientific analysis and characterization of adverse effects of environmental hazards It involves a number of steps for addressing the potential human health effects These involve data gathering and use of mathematical models to: •

Financial Management Performance Criteria

City Council approved the most recent revision to the FMPC in December 2017 The status of each criterion is updated annually and presented with the annual budget, at year-end, and for each debt issuance Revisions: 9/27/1978 7/8/1981 9/28/2011 10/8/2014 12/13/2017 643

Moravian College Edition 6 FMPC NEWS

FMPC has procured an inventory of sneeze guards, sanitizer, soap, paper towels, masks (including KN95s and cloth masks for faculty and staff), gloves, face shields (added protection for FMPC and tool for hearing impaired students), goggles, tyvek suits, contactless

on March 15, 1978, to provide standards and guidelines for

City Council approved the most recent revision to the FMPC in December 2017 The status of each criterion is updated annually and presented with the annual budget, at year-end, and for each debt issuance Revisions: 9/27/1978 7/8/1981 9/28/2011 10/8/2014 12/13/2017 7

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1.0 NAME

The name of the organization shall be the Family Medicine Philanthropic Consortium, referred to hereinafter as the "Consortium" or the "FMPC".


The Family Medicine Philanthropic Consortium is a collaborative program of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation and the constituent chapters and chapter foundations of the American Academy of Family Physicians. The Consortium is organized to improve the health care of all people.

The FMPC accomplishes its mission by:

Prioritizing national healthcare initiatives

Cooperating in identifying, seeking and receiving funding sources Collaborating administratively, sharing financial resources fro m a portion of the National dues check-off and/or grant monies as sought and received by the FMPC, sharing of expertise; replicating programs; sharing of best practices; and sharing in evaluation of outcomes of healthcare initiatives.


The FMPC shall be an official advisory body of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation ("AAFP/F"). The AAFP/F Board of Trustees grants this charter because it deems the Consortium uniquely positioned to assist in the fulfillment of the mission and goals of the AAFP Foundation. Through this affiliation, the FMPC is entitled to all rights and benefits conferred upon them as an advisory body of the

AAFP/F Board of Trustees, including:

1. Legal rights to use the name of Family Medicine Philanthropic

Consortium, (the "Consortium" or the


2. The right to bring recommendations of the FMPC before the AAFP/F

Board of Trustees for consideration.


3. Entitlement to funding from the AAFP/F as documented need and resources are available.

4. Staff support and assistance from the AAFP/F national office as

negotiated by the AAFP Board of Trustees and the Foundation executive.

5. The right to elect a Steering Committee.

6. The right to replicate programs of the AAFP/F at the state and local


7. The right to work with the AAFP Foundation to collaborate or compete for the opportunity to obtain national grants from public or private sources. This does not preclude states from applying for grants on their own.


All constituent chapters and chapter foundations of the American Academy of Family Physicians (the "Academy") may be members of the FMPC. Where a chapter and a chapter foundation co -exist, they shall choose only one voting representative.


There are no costs for membership in the FMPC.


The membership will hold meetings at least two times per year. An attempt will be made to set these meetings in conjunction with other meetings attended by the same constituency. Attendance may be in person or by teleconference. The number of members present, either in person or by teleconference, at a duly called meeting of the FMPC shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. Business matters must receive a simple majority of votes for approval.


The FMPC has the right to elect a Steering Committee from among the membership to represent the FMPC in conducting the day-to-day business of the Consortium. The

Steering Committee will

have 11 members, not including the Convener. The Steering Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the FMPC and to transact business between the meetings of the FMPC. The FMPC will ratify all actions of the Steering


Committee at FMPC meetings.

The Steering Committee is empowered to recommend to the FMPC guidelines, policies, events and programs; and to recommend expenditures consistent with the policies of the AAFP Foundation. The Steering Committee is responsible for setting the agenda, plannin g the FMPC meetings, creating and submitting an annual plan to the FMPC for approval. The Steering Committee shall hold a minimum of two meetings per year. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the Convener or upon petition to the

Convener b

earing the signature of at least one -third of the members of the Steering Committee. A petition for the meeting shall state the specific purpose for holding such a meeting. The Convener shall call a meeting within seven days and shall hold such a meeting within 14 days of receipt of a petition. A quorum of the Steering Committee shall consist of two -thirds of the members.

Attendance may be in person or by teleconference.


Annually, the President of the AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees shall appoint a

Convener of the FMPC for a one

-year term. The President of the AAFP Foundation has the right to re -appoint an incumbent Convener. The Convener will serve as the presiding officer of the Steering Committee. The Convener will be appointed from among the constituent chapter members of the Foundation Board of Trustees. The Convener will not have a vote in matters of the FMPC unless such matter ends in a tie vote.


The Convener shall serve as presiding officer of the Steering Committee and an ex officio member of all the committees. The Convener will call FMPC meetings as needed and preside at those meetings. The Convener will report to the Board of Trustees on all FMPC activities and serve as liaison back to the FMPC.


The election process of the Steering Committee will be under the direction of the AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees. Election will be ratified at the fall meeting of the Board of Trustees, having a slate of nominees submitted to them by the FMPC for consideration. Any current member of the FMPC can nominate a candidate(s), including themselves, for election. Nominees are encouraged to submit a letter of intent to at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting date. Letters of Intent should be emailed


to rbrock@aafp.org, AAFP Foundation Programs Specialist. The submission of names of nominees will be closed 30 days prior to the annual fall meeting date of the FMPC. The slate will be sent via electronic mail to each member. All votes must be cast electronically and must be received at least 5 business days prior to the fall meeting. No nominations or voting will occur at the


meeting. The slate of winning candidates will be announced at the fall meeting and submitted to the AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees for confirmation at their November meeting.


Unless otherwise provided, any vacancy in the Steering Committee shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the nomination/election of a successor. Candidate to fill the vacancy shall be selected by a call for nominations. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be selected provided that a quorum is established. The recommendation would then be ratified by the AAFP

Foundation Board of Trustees.


Ad hoc committees may be formed from time to time.quotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40