[PDF] Cat Showmanship Information and Diagrams

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semi-cobby, muscular, wide and firm body Their coat is dense and rich, plush and thick in both shorthair and longhair varieties Slightly reserved in temperament, they are a four feet on the floor breed, and like to be handled with gentle firmness and supported when carried ALLOWANCES: Seasonal changes in coat density, length and texture

EM4900E 4-H Cat Project

cobby, moderate, and foreign—with some overlapping • Cobby: Cobby refers to a heavy, short-legged, compact, broad-chested body Examples are the Persian and Manx • Semi-Cobby: Semi-cobby bodies are a little longer and not quite as broad-chested Ex-amples are the Chartreux and British Short-hair • Moderate: Moderate refers to a well


semi-cobby, mus cular, wide and firm body Their coat is dense and rich, plush and thick in both shorthair and lon ghair va rie tie s Slig htly res er ve d in tem pera me nt, they ar e a four feet on the floor breed, and like to be handled with gentle firmness and supported when carried ALLOW ANCES: Seasonal changes


compact semi-cobby body The impression one gets when viewing the Kurilian Bobtail is one of strength and power This breed is known as an amazing hunter and fish catcher They are affectionate and active, and must be in the company of their people ALLOWANCES: Standard favors the male Allowance MUST be made for size difference between the

Cat Showmanship Information and Diagrams

• Body (long body – oriental, foreign, semi-foreign or cobby body – semi cobby, cobby); substantial body • Tail or lack of tail • Coat texture • Show other attributes of your cat in the manner your cat’s breed, or breed resemblance, requires Your Appearance and Attitude

UNIT TWO - Cat Tales 4-H Club

--Cobby, Semi-Cobby, Moderate, Semi-Foreign, and Foreign Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 1 Give two examples of a breed that has a cobby body --Persian, Manx Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 1 Give two examples of a breed with a semi-cobby body --Chartreaux, British Shorthair Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 1 Which body type is the most common? --Moderate

Kurilian Bobtail Japanese Bobtail American Bobtail Pixiebob

well muscled and a semi-cobby body; large head, moderate wedge shape with rounded contours and wide at the cheekbone level; the chin is rounded in profile The impression one should get when viewing the Kurilian Bobtail is one of strength and power Head Lar ge, modera te we dge s hape, rounded in contours, wide at the cheekbone With a flat to

Application for WCF Recognition of New Breed

Motivation for new breed recognition Historic classification as Persian Sub genepool escaped breeding towards the modern Persian standard 60 years of pure colour

recognized by TICA

body is medium to large, compact and semi-cobby, with a broad chest On first seeing, Kurilian Bobtail you may think that the cat is not particularly heavy, but upon lifting the cat it becomes apparent that these marvelous creatures are very solid and brawny Mature males can weigh as much as 15 pounds, however

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