[PDF] Conditions Générales de transport de fret

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The General Conditions for the Transport of Passengers (CGTP) are published on the Company website www gnv it The purchase of a ticket implies Passenger’s unconditional acceptance for all the effects of law of all the


a) The Conditions of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage in Air Transport (further referred to as Conditions) shall be related to all scheduled and charter intranational and international transport of passengers and baggage undertaken by Travel Service Group (further referred to as carrier) including services relating to transport and carriage

Conditions of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage

2 4 Conditions prevail over Rules If these Conditions of Carriage are inconsistent with any of our Rules, these Conditions of Carriage will apply If any part of our Rules becomes invalid in whole or in part, the other parts of our Rules will still apply 2 5 English language text prevails


b) These Conditions of Carriage also apply to gratuitous carriage unless otherwise agreed c) These Conditions have been developed in accordance with the Rules of Air Carriage of Passengers and Baggage of Convention and Inter-company agreement of International Air Transport Association (IATA), defined in article I 2 Overriding Law

General Conditions of Carriage - Malaysia Airlines

2 1 1 Except as provided in Articles 2 2 to 2 6, these Conditions of Carriage apply to all transportation of passengers and Baggage that we perform for compensation or that other Carriers or companies perform on our behalf 2 1 2 These Conditions of Carriage also apply to gratuitous and reduced fare


Qatar Airways Conditions of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage Page 5 Date: December 2019 ARTICLE 2 - APPLICABILITY 1 General 1 1 These Conditions are the Conditions of Carriage referred to in the ticket and except as provided in Sub Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article, these Conditions apply only on those

General conditions of carriage - Turkish Airlines

^ARRIER'S REGULATIONS _: Rules other than these conditions published by the arrier and in effect on the date of ticket issue, governing carriage of Passengers and/or Baggage, including any applicable tariffs in force "CHECKED BAGGAGE" is carried in the compartment and is under the responsibility of the Carrier

Driver Qualifcation Rules

Designed or used to transport between 9 and 15 passengers, including Designed to transport 8 or more passengers, including the driver, Section 07 Driver Qualifcation Rules 49 CFR Part 391 and Minn Stat Chapter 221 Driver qualification (DQ) rules set the minimum standards for a person who drives a commercial motor vehicle (CMV)

Conditions Générales de transport de fret

Les Conditions de transport de passagers de BAI SA sont accessibles sur le site web : www brittany-ferries 4 Fret Le fret est exigible, en totalité, à compter de la formation du contrat de transport, au moment de la réservation, sauf conditions de paiements négociées Il est dû en toutes circonstances,

Driver Agreement to Terms, Conditions, Rules and Regulations

safety of passengers, pedestrians and others is every driver's highest priority The following rules are included by reference on the credentialing form and, by submitting credentials each driver agrees to abide by the following terms, conditions, and rules and regulations Drivers will: 1 Have and carry a valid driver's license while driving

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