[PDF] 3 The tower gets a make over - La tour Eiffel

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3 The tower gets a make over - La tour Eiffel

SUIVEZ GUS Parcours enfants de la Tour Eiffel - Fiche pédagogique French / Reading / Spelling † Write the following sentences on the board Ces peintres sont des acrobates La Tour paraît comme neuve après une campagne de peinture Cet ouvrier semble voler au-dessus des poutrelles

The Eiff el Tower - Lego

Gustave Eiffel The Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower (La tour Eiffel) is the famous, iron lattice structure located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France It is named after the engineer, Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower as the entrance to the 1889 Exposition Universelle, or World’s Fair The

La tour Eiffel - La maîtresse geek

Pour arriver tout en haut de la tour, tu peux prendre un ascenseur ou monter un escalier de 1 665 marches Elle a été construite en 1889 par l’ingénieur Gustave Eiffel On la surnomme la « Dame de fer » Elle mesure 324 mètres Pendant longtemps, elle était le plus haut monument du monde La tour Eiffel La tour Eiffel


sommet de la Tour Eiffel, à 300 mètres de hauteur, et le Pan-théon, sur une distance de 4 km Gustave Eiffel offre, en 1903, le site de la Tour au ministre de

La tour Eiffel - legocom

La tour Eiffel L’architecte La tour Eiffel est la célèbre structure en treillis métallique située sur le Champ-de-Mars à Paris Elle doit son nom à l’ingénieur Gustave Eiffel, dont l’entreprise a conçu et construit la Tour comme entrée de l’Exposition universelle de 1889 La Tour est l’une des plus célèbres

la tour eiffel - Le Petit Journal des Profs

la tour eiffel 1 Observe la Tour Eiffel telle qu’elle a été représentée par des artistes / La Tour Eiffel gondolée, Robert Doisneau La Tour, Guillaume Apollinaire La Tour Eiffel, Robert Delaunay La Tour Eiffel, Bernard Buffet La Tour Eiffel, Georges Seurat

Réinvente la TOUR EIFFEL - cesbroncm2com

La tour Eiffel est une tour de fer de 324 mètres de hauteur (avec antennes) située à Paris, à l’extrémité nord-ouest du parc du Champ-de-Mars en bordure de la Seine Construite par Gustave Eiffel (Gustave Eiffel, né le 15 décembre 1832 à Dijon et mort le 27 décembre 1923 à Paris, est un ingénieur et un industriel français, qui a

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SUIVEZ GUS ! Parcours enfants de la Tour Eiffel - Fiche pédagogique © SETE / Carat Culture / Éditions rue des écoles


The Tower gets a make over

Page 1

As written by its designer, Gustave Eiffel, paint protects the metal of the Tower from rust. " One should assimilate the idea that paint is the essential element that protects metal and only care and maintenance can guarantee its life ». As the Tower was being built, a coat of protective red lead paint was fi rst applied. Then, before March 1889, the workers of Mr. Nourrisson"s company applied two coats of linseed oil . In May 1889, a fourth coat of glossy brownish red paint was ap- plied by the staff of the same company. The colour was shaded using a dark colour for the base and lighter shades upwards to the top, so that at a distance, the colour seemed to be even. The

cost of the last coat amounted to 60,000 francs-gold.In 1892, a new contractor was chosen for the fi rst mainte-

nance campaign of the Tower: Mr. Riviere. The original paint was washed and covered with a pigmented ocre yellow paint guaranteed for fi ve years. At a cost of 57,000 francs-gold. Painting the Eiffel Tower - At a height of 230 metres

One of the Tower"s painters hanging from a cable

FOLLOW GUS! Children"s tour of the Eiffel Tower - Pedagogical file SUIVEZ GUS ! Parcours enfants de la Tour Eiffel - Fiche pédagogique

The Tower gets a make over

© SETE / Carat Culture / Éditions rue des écoles

Page 2

It was then decided that the Tower would be cleaned and painted every seven years. By 2008, the Tower had been painted eighteen times since its construction. Its colour has also changed since its construction: originally yellowish brown, then yellow ocre, and bronze as it is today. Just like at the beginning, the colour has different shades from the base to the top so that visitors from all over the world can have the impression of an even shade all the way up. Every painting campaign requires previous cleaning and scraping of the last coat. The fi gures representing the supplies match the size of the iron giant: 1,500 brushes, 5,000 scraping abrasive Painters painting the Tower using a roll attached to the end of a brush (long brush) disks and 60 tons of paint. To ensure the workers" safety,

50 km of safety ropes and 2 hectares of protective nets are

installed. It takes a team of 25 painters and over one year to paint all the metallic beams. Since 1988 a video system has controlled the painting works.

The 19

th campaign will start in April 2009 and will end at the end of 2010. For the eighteenth painting campaign, from December 2001 to June 2003 a new lead free paint was used to cover the 200 000 m 2 of metal parts in order to respect the environment. FOLLOW GUS! Children"s tour of the Eiffel Tower - Pedagogical file SUIVEZ GUS ! Parcours enfants de la Tour Eiffel - Fiche pédagogique Mathematics / Numbers and calculationsFrench / Reading / Spelling

Have the pupils read the following words.

Chien, rien, peindre, peinture, bien, terrien, teinte, enceinte, sein, canadien, magicien Loin, moins, soin, récréation, construction, point, pion, mission, action, coin, témoin, lion, champion, végétation. Draw the pictures and have them write the appropriate word under each drawing.


Learning the relations between

letters and sounds in complex written forms such as " ein », " ien », " oin » and " ion ».


Solving problems relating to

addition, subtraction and multiplication. © SETE / Carat Culture / Éditions rue des écoles


CP - CE1

Page 3

Have the pupils solve these 3 problems.

This morning, Peter, Samir and Jo, three painters, each took 7 pots of paint from the Eiffel Tower stock. How many pots did they take in total? Yesterday evening, there were 97 pots of paint in stock. How many are there left now? Every day, Stephane, the painter in charge of the stairs and surrounding beams, goes up 12 steps. How many steps will he have climbed after 5 days of work? On Monday, Paul used 9 pots of paint, on Tuesday 8, on Wednesday 10, on Thursday 6 and on Friday 8.

How many pots has he used this week?

The Tower gets a make over


lionDessin peintreDessin chienDessin point Un l............... Le p............... Un ................ Un ...............t

Mathematics / Sizes and measurements


Comparing and classifying

objects according to their mass.Have the pupils use a scale to weigh various objects found in the classroom so that they can understand

that the heaviest item is on the side where the scale goes down.

Visual arts CP to CM2 / Speech


Imagining and expressing

one"s artistic sensitivity with specifi c tools and support.In the style of the Tower

When the monument was painted, in order that the colour seemed to be of an even shade it was decided to

use darker paint at the bottom and a lighter shade at the top.

Ask the pupils to draw the Tower, or another monument, and then to paint it one single colour then just add

some black at the base and some white at the top to make it look lighter.

Each pupil has to prepare his/her basic colour: primary or secondary colour, and then has to shade it to

make it darker and lighter.

Then, display the drawings and see what they look like. Each pupil has to explain why he/she chose his/her

basic colour and how he/she mixed paints to obtain darker and lighter shades. FOLLOW GUS! Children"s tour of the Eiffel Tower - Pedagogical file SUIVEZ GUS ! Parcours enfants de la Tour Eiffel - Fiche pédagogique

French / Reading / Spelling

Write the following sentences on the board.

Ces peintres sont des acrobates !

La Tour paraît comme neuve après une campagne de peinture. Cet ouvrier semble voler au-dessus des poutrelles.

Have the pupils fi nd the verbs and the subjects and ask them to fi nd the words that supply information

about the subject.

Have the pupils underline the subject complements found in the sentences and show them that the verbs

that separate them from the subject are stative verbs. Reminder concerning other stative verbs: devenir, rester, avoir l"air (become, stay, seem).

Show the different natures of the complements: adjective (neuve), nominal group (des acrobates), infi nitive (voler).

Have the pupils complete the sentences with complements of different natures (nouns, adjectives, infi nitives).

La Tour Eiffel est .............................................. La peinture a l"air ............................................. Je deviens ........................................................ Elle paraît .........................................................


Identifying the subject

complement. © SETE / Carat Culture / Éditions rue des écoles

Page 4Page 4


CE2 - CM1 - CM2

Mathematics / Numbers and calculations


Solving problems that require

one or several stages.Have the pupils solve these 3 problems.

60 tons of paint are required in order to paint the Tower. It has already been painted 18 times. How

many tons of paint were used?

The total metal area to be painted is 200,000 m

2 . 25 painters were hired to achieve this work properly.

What is the area to be covered by each painter?

The fi rst painting campaign cost 57,000 francs-gold, while the coat of paint applied in 1889 had cost

60,000 francs-gold. What is the price difference between the two painting campaigns?

The Tower gets a make over

Visual Arts CP to CM2


Imagining and expressing

one"s artistic sensitivity using specifi c tools and support.Equipment - one copy of a painter"s photo to each pupil - scissors and glue - one A4 sheet of paper per pupil - pencil, eraser Give the pupils a black and white copy and an A4 white sheet of paper. Have them stick the picture in the centre of the sheet, in a corner or on one side, as they wish. Then ask the pupils to continue the drawing using only the pencil. FOLLOW GUS! Children"s tour of the Eiffel Tower - Pedagogical filequotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8