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Situated Learning And Motivation Strategies To Improve

Figure 1 : Motivational Dynamic (Viau, 1994) T HE S OURCES OF MOTIVATION:The perception of the value of an activity is the judgment that a student passes on the interest and the usefulness of a school activity in regards with the goals the student aims to reach Lens et Decruyenaere (1991) have shown that the students who have clear

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 391 488 AUTHOR Sultan, Adel; Jones

(Viau, 1994) A farmer, for example, would take his son to the field and teach him practically how to plant the seeds, weed the plants, and collect the crops The son, in this learning situation, would have the opportunity to observe and model after his father, practice what he observed and learned, and get immediate feedback to correct


him As well, Viau (1994) states that motivation is a dynamic state that has its origins in the student perceptions of himself and his environment and the incentive to choose an activity, engage and persevere in his accomplishment to achieve a goal According to the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002),

European Journal of Educational Research

conceptions more or less in line with scientific reality and which can hinder his learning (Giordan, 1994) The motivation of the learner which allows him to find himself in the proposed context, to gauge his own knowledge and skills (Viau, 1994) Indeed, Houssaye (1993), defined as ‘’any intervention that leads the

Les facteurs relatifs à la classe qui influent sur la

(Brophy, 1998; Eccles et al , 1998; Paris et Turner,1994; Viau,1998) Les 4 facteurs les plus importants : " Les activités pédagogiques " Les pratiques évaluatives " Le professeur " Le climat de la classe R Viau U de Liège Les activités pédagogiques La signifiance: des activités authentiques

Vesna Simović - ResearchGate

Dans ses nombreux travaux, Viau (1994, 2000, 2001) définit la dynamique motivationnelle comme « un état dynamique qui a ses origines dans les perceptions

La motivation condition au plaisir dapprendre et denseigner

Rolland Viau 3e congrès des chercheurs en Éducation Bruxelles, mars 2004 / 2 Cette dernière question peut paraître bizarre lorsqu’on la compare aux deux autres, mais elle s’inscrit bien dans mes intérêts de recherche qui portent sur les facteurs qui influent sur la motivation des élèves

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