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Avec cette adaptation en BD du Journal d'Aurore, Agnès Maupré met en images le roman éponyme de Marie Desplechin Les deux auteurs nous livrent ainsi le quotidien d'une jeune fille pas comme les autres – quoi qu'en dise la principale intéressée - en utilisant la voix désabusée d'Aurore dans

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Le journal d’Aurore by Marie Desplechin and Agnès Maupré BD BD BD a b o o k a m o n t h f r o m nov e b e r t o j u n 8 e books Created Date: 7/20/2017 11:32

Download Le Journal DAurore: Jamais Contente Toujours Fâchée

Le journal d'Aurore - Tome 1 - Le journal d aurore t1 bd Le journal d'Aurore Tome 1 : Le journal d aurore t1 bd-jamais contente toujours fachee (Bande dessinée jeunesse - cartonné) Tome 1 Le journal d'Aurore Agnès Maupr é Marie Desplechin 45 -5 avec retrait magasin 15€ 4 neufs à 15€ 11 occasions dès 0€95

supermax - ecoledesmaxcom

Le journal d’Aurore Par Marie Desplechin et Agnès Maupré Vous l’avez aimée en trilogie de romans? Adorée sur grand écran ? Attention, Aurore revient en BD, et elle n’est toujours pas contente Moche et tarte, selon elle-même, méchante comme une teigne, pessimiste, défaitiste, caustique, rageuse,

aurore palletCrystal Violet - Accueil

nous est donné d’en voir le travail d’aurore Pallet aborde ce qui s’entrevoit, plutôt que ce qui s’appréhende immédiatement Comme s’il fallait se rappeler de toujours douter de ce qui s’offre visuellement à notre regard, et chercher la face cachée de chaque chose ” Isabelle Bernini dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre l

Revues de langue française - BnF

Un second article, d’Olivier Dufaut et Ophélie Praly, analyse Le Journal d’Aurore(sorti au cinéma en janvier 2017) dans sa version BD, avec Agnès Maupré aux crayons, qui a paru en 2016 chez Rue de Sèvres Autre rencontre, dans ce même numéro, cette fois-ci avec Nathalie Papin qui a reçu le Grand prix de littérature dramatique

Annuaire de maisons d’édition de jeunesse et de bandes

par Egmont, le géant danois du secteur, il a fait la part belle aux productions franco-belges entre 1970 et 1990, avant que ce segment ne s’effrite à son tour Aujourd’hui, l’émergence d’une création locale favorise le développement de la BD et permet à des romans graphiques de faire leur entrée en


4 LE JOURNAL D’INFORMATION DE ATOUT FRANCE RÉNOVATION DE L’IMMOBILIER DE LOISIR DES STATIONS : DE NOUVELLES SOLUTIONS EN CONSTRUCTION Le 23 janvier dernier, une table ronde a réuni les représentants des 13 stations de montagne et du littoral participant au dispositif France Tourisme Ingénierie

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supermax march 2018april 2018 may 2018june 2018

Le journal d"Aurore

by Marie Desplechin and Agnès Maupré Did you love the trilogy of novels? Did you thrill to her on the big screen? Listen up! Aurore is back in a comic book. And she"s still not happy! Ugly and ridiculous - according to herself - as nasty as they come, pessimistic, defeatist, furious and grumbling, while loving and, above all... so funny, you"ll laugh until you cry.

144 pages, 210

275 mm, in colour, glossy soft cover

Le diable de monsieur Wai

by Jean-François Chabas Kin and Jen"s parent were too poor to feed them, so they were hired out to a rich businessman. Thanks to him, perhaps they"ll escape their island and see other horizons. But their new master soon reveals himself to be a nasty man. He"s always ying o the handle and sees devilry everywhere. But why?

162 pages, 135 x 210 mm, in colour, glossy soft cover

Le choix de Sam

by Edward van de Vendel, translated from Dutch by Maurice Lomré. An enormous and beautiful white dog showed up at their

door. Kix and her sister called him Sam and wanted to adopt him. Sam is gentle, loves being petted and guards the house.

But with time the children uncover his history. His owner is a crazed and violent man. What if he comes to take Sam back?

198 pages, 135 x 210 mm, glossy soft cover

Les ombres de Kerohan

by N. M. Zimmermann Viola is quickly disenchanted when she"s sent to rest at her uncle"s home in Brittany. The fresh sea air? It seems unhealthy. Her uncle"s fortune? Virtually nonexistent. The quiet setting? Shadows hover around the hallways, the piano groans. This is a tale of horror by an award winning new novelist.

234 pages, 135 x 210 mm, glossy soft cover

november 2017december 2017 january 2018

Pile ou Face : Cavale au bout du monde

by H. Larson and R. Mock, translated from English by F. Soubiran. Ever since their adopted father disappeared without saying goodbye, Alexandre and Cléopatre have been on their own. They"d do almost anything to nd him, from roaming with street gangs in police stations to hanging out with pirates and heading

224 pages, 168 x 232 mm, in colour, glossy soft cover

Aliénor Mandragore : Trompe-la-mort

by Séverine Gauthier and Thomas Labourot The legendary Brocéliande forest is well protected, impenetrable and impressive. But what goes on there can also be... quite funny. Indeed, that"s what this second adventure with Aliénor Mandragore shows us. Merlin"s daughter is determined to make sure Ankou doesn"t make o with her father"s soul.

64 pages, 210 x 275 mm, in colour, glossy soft cover


by Marie Desplechin and Sothik Hok

1973. The fanatical Khmers Rouges have taken over Cambodia.

The country has become a huge prison camp. Eight-year-old

Sothik has seen families crushed, books burned, opposition members eliminated and terror and famine sweep the land. In

2014 he meets Marie Desplechin and recounts his story.

96 pages, 135 x 210 mm, in colour, glossy soft cover

OK, señor Foster

by Eliacer Cansino, translated from Spanish by Sophie Hofnung. Spain is dying under the yoke of 30 years of General Franco's dictatorship. Yet across the country many people, each in their own way, resist. Twelve-year-old Perico, an apprentice sher who longs for freedom and is passionate about poetry, meets up with resistance ghters in the shadows who become his friends.

198 pages, 135 x 210 mm, glossy soft coverCover illustration: Gabriel GayIllustrations : Philip HopmanCover illustration: Séverin Millet

Cover illustration: Gabriel Schemoul


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