[PDF] Turtle (Scratch with Python)

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Python 3 – Turtle graphics

Turtle example Using the Python interpreter in IDLE to demonstrate how to use Turtle graphics First, import the turtlepackage >>> import turtle >>> 6 Turtle example

Black Problem 1 (lab): Python Turtles

• turtle within interactive Python Here is example code for this site • turtle within skulpt's in-browser Python Here is example code for this site In a plain install of Python 2 7 x, turtle works pretty well just "out of the box " You can check this, e g , by typing these commands:

Python with Turtle - Read the Docs

The tutorial is designed for kids Here, we will learn several features of Python using Turtle library of Python The Turtle library is can be used to plot very beautiful shapes, therefore it is a very popular way for introducing the programming to the kids 1 1Downloads The tutorial can be downloaded for offline-reading as well

Python Turtle Graphics – The Complete Guide

Python Turtle Graphics Window The background color of the turtle window is black but there is no turtle because the default color of the turtle is black Note : The screen bgcolor() method accepts one argument which is the color of the turtle window as a string The default color of Python turtle window is white

Turtle (Scratch with Python)

TURTLE (SCRATCH WITH PYTHON) 6 Activity 5 (The heart of multiplication tables) Goal: draw the multiplication tables We set an integer n We are studying the 2 table, that is to say we calculate 2 0, 2 1, 2 2, up to

Python Turtles Tutorial GGC S3

turtle forward(distance)-command to move the turtle in the directions it’s facing Default distance is 100 pixels turtle turn(degrees)-turns the turtle in 90 degrees depending on the direction its facing turtle moveTo(x, y)-command to place the turtle in a new location in the world turtle penUp()-command to pick the pen up

Python 3 – Turtle graphics - Auckland

Logo and Turtle graphics In 1967, Seymour Papert and Wally Feurzeig created an interpretive programming language called Logo Papert added commands to Logo so that he could control a turtle robot, which drew shaped on paper, from his computer Turtle graphics is now part of Python Using the Turtle involves instructing the turtle to

Python 1 Turtle Power - WordPresscom

1 These projects are for use in Code Clubs within the UK For clubs outside the UK, please visit projects codeclubworld Our curriculum is developed in the open on

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Turtle (Scratch with Python)The??????module allows you to easily make drawings in??????. It"s about giving orders to a

turtle with simple instructions like "go ahead", "turn"... It"s the same principle as withScratch, but

with one difference: you no longer move blocks, instead you write the instructions.Lesson 1(The??????turtle).

Turtle is the ancestor ofScratch! In a few lines you can make beautiful drawings. left) •??????sets the pen down •????sets the pen up returns the angle between the horizontal and the segment starting at the turtle and ending at the point(x,y) The default screen coordinates range from475to+475forxand from400to+400fory;(0,0)is in the center of the screen.xy



(0,0)Activity 1(First steps).

Goal: create your first drawings.

Trace the first letters of??????, for example as below.


Goal: draw geometric shapes.1.Pentagon.Draw a first pentagon (in blue). You have to repeat5times: advance100steps, turn72


Hint.To build a loop, use

(even if you do not use the variable?).

2.Pentagon (bis).

Define a variable??????which is equal to200and a variable?????which is equal to72degrees. Draw a second pentagon (in red), this time advancing by??????and turning by?????.

3.Dodecagon.Draw a polygon having 12 sides (in purple).

Hint.To draw a polygon withnsides, it is necessary to turn an angle of 360=ndegrees.

4.Spiral.Draw a spiral (in green).

Hint.Build a loop, in which you always turn at the same angle, but you move forward by a length that increases with each step.Activity 3(Function graph).

Goal: draw the graph of a function.

TURTLE(SCRATCH WITHPYTHON)4Plot the graph of the square function and the sine function. In order to get a curve in the turtle window, repeat forxvarying from200 to+200: set y=1100 x2, go to (x,y).

For the sinusoid, you can use the formula

x‹ .By default??????does not know the sine function, to use?????you must first import the????module: Goal: trace the beginning of Sierpinski"s fractal by nesting loops.

Here is how to picture the second drawing. Analyze the nesting of the loops and draw the next pictures.


TURTLE(SCRATCH WITHPYTHON)6Activity 5(The heart of multiplication tables).

Goal: draw the multiplication tables.We set an integern. We are studying the2table, that is to say we calculate20,21,22, up to

2(n1). In addition, the calculations will be modulon. We therefore calculate


How do we draw this table?

We placenpoints on a circle, numbered from0ton1. For eachk2 f0,...,n1g, we connect the point numberkwith the point number 2k(modn)by a segment. Here is the layout, from the table of 2, modulon=10.0123 4 5 6 789

For example:

the 3 point is linked to the 6 point, because 2 3=6; the 4 point is linked to the 8 point, because 2 4=8; the 7 point is linked to the 4 point, because 2 7=14=4(mod 10). Draw the table of 2 modulon, for different values ofn.

Here is what it gives forn=100.

TURTLE(SCRATCH WITHPYTHON)7Hints.For calculations modulon, use the expression????? ? ?.Here"s how to get the coordinates of the vertices. This is done with the sine and cosine functions (available

from the????module). The coordinates(xi,yi)of the vertex numberi, can be calculated by the formula:

These points will be located on a circle of radiusr, centered at(0,0). You will have to chooserrather

large (for exampler=200).xy (x0,y0)(x1,y1)(xn1,yn1)(xi,yi)x i=rcos2in y i=rsin2in (0,0)r

Lesson 2(Several turtles).

Several turtles can be defined and move independently. Here"s how to define two turtles (one red and one blue) and move them.

Goal: draw tracking curves.

Program four turtles running one after the other:•turtle 1 runs after turtle 2, turtle 2 runs after turtle 3, turtle 3 runs after turtle 4, turtle 4 runs after turtle 1. Here are the starting positions and orientations:turtle 1turtle 4turtle 3 turtle 2 TURTLE(SCRATCH WITHPYTHON)9Hints.Use the following piece of code: •You place turtles at the four corners of a square, for example at(200,200),(200,200), (200,200)and(200,200). the other turtles. You calculate the angle between turtle 1 and turtle 2 by the command?????? ?

Y ouadvance the first turtle by 10 steps.

Improve your program by drawing a segment between the chasing turtle and the chased turtle each time.
