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6 Comment l’auteur de Le Pianiste présente-t-il cette scène

Wladyslaw Szpilman, Le Pianiste, 2002 (Wladyslaw Szpilman (1911-2000) Compositeur et musicien juif polonais, il fut l’un des seuls rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie Il écrivit ce témoignage en 1945 C’est son fils qui découvrit ce texte et le fit publier récemment ) Corrigé (doit apparaître dans le classeur)

Le Pianiste Virtuose [en progression chromatique]

Colette Mourey Arranger, Composer, Interpreter, Teacher France , Les Auxons About the artist Born in 1954, after being a guitar conservatory teacher, and a guitar and keyboard interpret, now teacher at

Lycée Marie Curie Première S3 Etude du film MASUREL Astrid

Le Pianiste D urant la deuxième Guerre Mondiale, les nazis adoptent une politique raciste A leurs yeux, les juifs sont la race la plus impure qui soit, et ils entreprennent alors des les exterminer Ce génocide est aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de « Shoah » Le Pianistede Roman Polanski est un film qui retrace l'installation de ce régime

Le Pianiste Virtuose en 60 exercices - Partie I (texte

Le Pianiste Virtuose en 60 exercices - Partie I (texte anglais) [Part I] Author: Hanon, Charles-Louis - Publisher: New York : G Schirmer, 1900 Ed No 925 Plate 15538 Subject: Public domain Created Date: 12/11/2010 10:36:13 AM


(publisher’s number 1860), was republished c 1845 as no 50 in his series ‘Le Pianiste Moderne’ ” However, the last work listed on the title page of 3-W-2 is Op 42, published by Wessel in 1840, which is title-page evidence for the earlier date of this score Moreover, the firm moved from 6 to 67 Frith Street in 1839 (Table 5D)

April 13, 2004 (VIII:13) - University at Buffalo

le pianiste/Shoot the Piano Player (1960), and À bout de souffle (1960) J EAN NE M OR E AU (23 January 1928, Paris, France) has acted in 117 films, the most recent of which was the made-for-tv “Les Parents

NOTES - University of Ottawa

Le pianiste et répétiteur vocal canadien Bryan Wagorn est chef d’orchestre adjoint au Metropolitan Opera (Met), et se produit régulièrement en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie comme soliste et chambriste, et comme pianiste collaborateur de chanteurs et instrumentalistes parmi les plus reconnus au monde

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POLONAISE, Opus ? First-edition imprints First-edition imprints of a work by Chopin are shown below. The Collection's s

cores for the work are described on the pages that follow. To go directly to a descriptio

n, click the score's imprint in the Bookmarks panel on the left. POLONAISE IN C MAJOR FOR PIANO AND CELLO Opus 3 Paris: Richault (????) ?

??? Composed ????-?? Vienna: Mechetti (????) ???? Brown ?? London: Wessel (????) (????) ???? Chominski & Turlo ???

POLONAISE, Opus ? Paris: Richault (3301) [= ????] 3-Rich-2 M233.C54 I58 - - - - POLONAISE BRILLANTE | Précédée | d'une Introduction | pour | Piano & Violoncelle | DÉDIÉE | à Mr. Joseph Merk, | PAR | FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN | OEuv: 3. " » Prix: 6 f. | A PARIS, chez RICHAULT, Editeur et M d. de Musique | Boulevart Poissonniére, N o. 16 au Premier. | A VIENNE, chez P. Mechetti. " » Propriété des Editeurs. | 3301. R. Piano: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [i] engr title page, [ii] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'PIANO. » F. Chopin. opera ?.'. footline: pp. ?-??, '????. R.'. Violoncelle: The cello part is not present in this copy. - - - - stamps: publisher, style Rich/B. - - - - ?. Date: first-edition inference (date code fe). ?. The piano part does not include the cello staff.

POLONAISE, Opus ? Paris: Richault (4360) [ca 1860] 3-Rich-1 M233.C54 I59 - - - - à Mr Joseph Merk | POLONAISE | BRILLANTE | précédée d'une Introduction | POUR | Piano et Violoncelle | PAR | F. CHOPIN | OEuv: 3 " » Prix: 10 f. | N ta. La Partie de Violoncelle est arrangée par M r Franchomme | PARIS, S. RICHAULT, EDIT r. , | Boulevt. Poissonniére, 26 au 1er | 4360 R | AE Piano: ?? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [i] engr title page, [ii, ??] blank, ??-?? engr music, [??] blank. caption title: p. ??, 'à Monsieur Joseph MERK. | POLONAISE BRILLANTE. | Pour PIANO et VIOLONCELLE ÷ F. CHOPIN. Oeuv: ?. " » La partie de Violoncelle est ÷ arrangée par A. FRANCHOMME.'. footline: pp. ??-??, '????. R.'. Violoncelle: ? leaves ??? x ??? mm): [?] blank, ?-? engr music, [?] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'à Monsieur Joseph MERK. | POLONAISE BRILLANTE. | Pour PIANO et VIOLONCELLE ÷ F. CHOPIN Op: ?. " » La partie de Violoncelle est ÷ arrangée par A. FRANCHOMME.'. headline: pp. ?-?, 'VIOLONCELLE.'. footline: pp. ?-?, '????. R.(?)'. wrapper (pale yellow): pp. [?] same as title page, [?-?] blank. - - - - stamps: publisher, style Rich/A; dealer, Flaxland, Paris. - - - - ?. Date: This score is from volume ?? of the ?? volumes of Chopin's collected works edited by Tellefsen and published by Richault ca ????, with plate numbers ???? to ???? (Chominski & Turlo, p. ???; Brown, p. ???). The title-page address, ?? Boulevard Poissonniére, was occupied from ???? until the firm moved to ? Boulevard des Italiens in October ???? (Devriès & Lesure, p. ???). ?. The piano part includes the cello staff. ?. Included with this copy is a manuscript of an arrangement of the cello part for violin. ?. According to Brown (p. ??), "The French edition was bought from Richault by M. Schlesinger, Paris, c. ???? ...". Chominski & Turlo (p. ???) give an earlier date, ????. However, Grabowski (????, p. ??) ar-gues that such a transaction never took place, and instead points to the earlier 'foreign' publication (in ????) by Mechetti, which according to French copyright law, made the work public property in France, thus allowing Richault to reprint it without publication rights. ?. Brown (loc. cit.) refers to an arrangement for piano solo published by Schlesinger (plate number ????) in ????, and Chominski & Turlo (loc. cit.) say that Schlesinger simultaneously issued a new edition for piano and cello (plate number ????). (The edition with plate number ???? is confirmed in a curious way by Hob-???, which describes the edition that corresponds to ?-Mec-?. The Hoboken score has two copies of the cello part, one for the Mechetti edition, the other with plate number M.S. ????.)

POLONAISE, Opus ? Vienna: Mechetti (2178.2723) [ca 1836] 3-Mec-1 M233.C54 I61 - - - - INTRODUCTION | et | POLONAISE BRILLANTE | pour le | Pianoforte et Violoncelle | ou Violon | Dédiée à | MONSIEUR JOSEPH MERK | par | FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN. | Propriété de l'Editeur. | Enregistré dans l'Archive de l'Union. | Oeuvre 3. " VIENNE, » Prix fl 1.15 " A. de C. | chez Pietro Mechetti qm Carlo, | Place St-Michel. No" 1153. Piano: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [?] engr title page, [?] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??] blank. caption title: p. ?, '» Fr. Chopin Oeuvre ?.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.????.'; pp. ?-??, 'P. M. No ????.????.'. Violoncello: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. ?-? engr music, [?] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'VIOLONCELLO. » Fr. Chopin Oeuvre ?.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.'; pp. ?-?, 'P. M. No ????.'. - - - - stamps: dealer, Schirmer, New York. - - - - ?. Date: Deutsch (p. ??) gives ???? for Mechetti plate number ????. ?. The piano part of ?-Mec-? does not have the cello (or violin) staff. ?. Plate number ???? is for the violin part (arranged), and ????.???? for the piano part of the "ou Violon" edition; see Hob-???. ?. This score corresponds to Hob-??? (with title page in plate ??, p. ??).

POLONAISE, Opus ? Vienna: Mechetti (2178.2723) [ca 1836] 3-Mec-2 M233.C54 I612 - - - - INTRODUCTION | et | POLONAISE BRILLANTE | pour le | Pianoforte et Violoncelle | ou Violon | Dédiée à | MONSIEUR JOSEPH MERK | par | FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN. | Propriété de l'Editeur. | Enregistré dans l'Archive de l'Union. | Oeuvre 3. " VIENNE, » Prix fl 1.15 " A. de C. | chez Pietro Mechetti qm Carlo, | Place St-Michel. No" 1153. Piano: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [?] engr title page, [?] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??] blank. caption title: p. ?, '» Fr. Chopin Oeuvre ?.'. sub-caption: p. ?, 'Introdu = ÷ zione.'; p. ?, 'Alla Polacca.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.????.'; pp. ?-??, 'P. M. No ????.????.'. Violoncello: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. ?-? engr music, [?] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'VIOLONCELLO. » Fr. Chopin Oeuvre ?.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.'; pp. ?-?, 'P. M. No ????.'. Violino: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. ?-? engr music, [?] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'VIOLINO. » Fr. Chopin Oeuvre ?.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.'; pp. ?-?, 'P. M. No ????.'. - - - - stamps: dealer, Ricordi, Milan. annotations: on the piano title page, owner's stamp "CA" (Alfred Cortot) and holograph "Carton ??? | Ed. orig. | op. ?". - - - - ?. Date: Deutsch (p. ??) gives ???? for Mechetti plate number ????. ?. The piano part of ?-Mec-? does not have the cello or violin staff. ?. The ???? first edition (Hob-??? and C&T p. ???), which does not have "ou Violon" in the title, has PN ???? for both the piano and cello parts. The "ou Violon" edition (Hob-??? and ???, with title page in plate ??, p. ??) has PN ???? for the cello part and ???? for the violin part. For the piano part it has ????.????, presumably to indicate that it belongs with this later edition. This score ?-Mec-? is unusual in having both of the string parts.

POLONAISE, Opus ? Vienna: Mechetti (2721) [ca 1836] 3-Mec-3 M233.C54 I61 - - - - Introduction | et | POLONAISE BRILLANTE | pour le | Pianoforte, | composée | par | FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN. | Arrangée d'après la Polonaise pour Pianoforte et Violoncelle par Charles Czerny. | Propriété de l'Editeur. | Enregistré dans l'Archive de l'Union. | Oeuvre 3. " VIENNE, » Prix fl 1.15 x. A. de C. | chez Pietro Mechetti qm Carlo, | Place St-Michel. No" 1153. ?? leaves (??? x ??? mm, oblong): pp. [?] engr title page, [?] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??, ??] blank. caption title: p. ?, 'Fr. Chopin, Oeuvre ?. "'. sub-caption: p. ?, 'INTRODUZIONE.'; p. ?, 'ALLA POLACCA.'. footline: p. ?, 'Pietro Mechetti No ????.'; pp. ?-??, 'P. M. No ????.'. - - - - stamps: none. - - - - ?. Date: Deutsch (p. ??) gives ???? for Mechetti plate number ????. ?. It is strange that a piano edition for two hands is in oblong format. ?. This score corresponds to Hob-???.

POLONAISE, Opus ? London: Wessel (1860) [ca 1840] 3-W-2 M38.C54 I618 - - - - No. [handwritten "?"] OF | WESSEL & Co's.. COMPLETE COLLECTION | OF | the Compositions | OF | FREDERIC CHOPIN | FOR THE | Piano Forte. | Solo & Duet | [list of works, Wessel ?-?] | ? "LA GAITÉ" Intr. et Polonoise brillante in C. Op. 3. 4/- [Duet] 6/- | [list of works, Wessel ?-?? ] | Ent. Sta. Hall. " Copyrights. » Price. Solo [handwritten "?/-"] ÷ " Duet [blank] | LONDON, | WESSEL & Co. Importers and Publishers of, FOREIGN MUSIC, | (by special Appointment) to, H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent. | No. ??, Frith Street, Corner of Soho Square. ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [i] engr title page, [ii] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??] advt. caption title: p. ?, 'LE PIANISTE MODERNE, N. 5?. | LA GAITÉ, POLONOISE BRILLANTE composée par FREDERIC CHOPIN. | Edited by his pupel [sic ] | I. [sic ] FONTANA.'. footline: p. ?, '» W & Co. No. ????)'; pp. ?-??, 'LE PIANISTE MODERNE, No. ??. " » (W & Co. No. ????)'; p. ??, 'LE PIANISTE MODERNE, No. ??. " | (No. ????) WESSEL & Co. No. ?, FRITH STREET, SOHO SQUARE.'. advt: p. [??], 'PAGE A. | CATALOGUE OF WESSEL & CO.'S CHOICE PUBLICATIONS OF MODERN PIANO-FORTE MUSIC, | No ?, FRITH STREET, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON.'. The latest Chopin work in the lists is Op. ??. - - - - stamps: publisher, style W/C. - - - - ?. Date: Brown (p. ??) states that Wessel's "... arrangement for PF. Solo, published in October ???? (publisher's number ????), was republished c. ???? as no. ?? in his series 'Le Pianiste Moderne'.". However, the last work listed on the title page of ?-W-? is Op. ??, published by Wessel in ????, which is title-page evidence for the earlier date of this score. Moreover, the firm moved from ? to ?? Frith Street in ???? (Table ?D). While the latter address appears on the title page, the former is still used in the colophon and advertisement. ?. This edition is an arrangement for piano solo. Wessel also published arrangements for piano and violin (see ??-W-?, note ?), piano and viola, and piano and flute (Brown, p. ??).

POLONAISE, Opus ? London: Wessel (1662) [1856-60] 3-W-1 M233.C54 I62 - - - - LA GÂITÉ. | Introduction, | et | POLONOISE BRILLANTE, | pour le | Piano Forte et Violoncello, | DEDIÉE À | MONSIEUR JOSEPH MERK, | Par | FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN, | New Edition, revised and fingered by his Pupil | I. [sic ] FONTANA. | Copyright of the Publishers. | Op. 3. " Ent. Sta. Hall. » Price 6/- | Paris, Schlesinger, - Vienna, Mechetti. | LONDON, | WESSEL & Co. Importers of Foreign Music & Publishers of the Works | of CHOPIN, MAYSEDER, KUHLAU, ROMBERG, DOTZAUER, KRAFT, &c | ??. HANOVER SQUARE. Piano: ? leaves (??? x ??? mm): pp. [i] engr title page, [ii] blank, ?-?? engr music, [??] advt. caption title: p. ?, ' "LA GAÎTÉ" | INTRODUCTION et POLONOISE BRILLANTE, Composée par F. CHOPIN.'. footline: p. ?, '(W & Co. No. ????)'; p. ?-??, 'CHOPIN. La Gaîté. " » (W & Co. No. ????)'; p. ??, 'CHOPIN. La Gaîté. " WESSEL & Co. ??. Hanover Square. » (No. ????)', followed by a list of Chopin works: [Duo concertant], Opp. ?, ??, ?, ?, ?, ??, ??, ??, "? Concerto pieces", Opp. ??, ??. advt: p. [??], 'WESSEL & Co.'s SERIES OF GERMAN SONGS, (THIRD LIST. No. ??? to ???.)'. Violoncello: The cello part (plate number ????) is not present in this copy. - - - - stamps: none. - - - - ?. Date: Wessel inference (date code W?). ?. The piano part does not include the cello staff. ?. This score (?-W-?) is the only one in the collection that was issued after ???? without the collective title.
