[PDF] Crushing Guide For Oral Medication In Residents With

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FLOXAM (Flucloxacilline)

Adultes : 500 mg 3 à 4 fois / 24 heures Enfants et nourrissons : 25 à 50 mg/kg/jour en 2 à 3 prises, soit une cuillerée-mesure dosée à 250 mg/5 ml 2 à 3 fois par jour Nouveau-nés : 25 à 50 mg/kg/jour en 2 à 3 prises, soit une ½ cuillerée-mesure dosée à 250 mg/5 ml 2 à 3 fois par jour

Antibiotic Dosing for Children: Draft expert Recommendations

10 mg/kg/day PO given once daily 500 mg/day Aztreonam 1 month to 2 years, IV : 30mg/kg/dose given 6- to 8-hourly 2–18 years, IV: 30mg/kg/dose given 8-hourly (increase to 50mg/kg/dose 6-hourly in severe infection and cystic fibrosis Max 2g/dose 100 mg/kg/day IV divided in 2 or 3 doses 8 g/day E 1Benzylpenicillin

081007 Guidelines for the Administration of Drugs Through

5 GENERAL PRINCIPLES When administering medication via enteral tube consideration needs to be taken regarding drug formulation, interactions with feed, type of tube, site of placement, and site of drug absorption

Crushing Guide For Oral Medication In Residents With

Updated July 2018 Disclaimer: This document is considered to be a guide only and is not intended to replace sound clinical practice Occupational health and safety risks in crushing medicines can be significant


*This clinical guide is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for the practitioner’s judgment Concentrations provided

Handbook of Drug Administration - WordPresscom

Flucloxacillin 310 Fluconazole 312 Fludrocortisone acetate 314 Fluoxetine 315 Flupentixol (Flupenthixol) 317 Flutamide 319 Fluvastatin 320 Fluvoxamine maleate 322 Folic acid 323 Fosamprenavir 324 Fosinopril sodium 325 Frovatriptan 326 Furosemide (Frusemide) 327 Gabapentin 330 Galantamine 332 Ganciclovir 334 Glibenclamide 335 Gliclazide 336

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