[PDF] Tartuffe Production Script USM 81818

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Le Tartuffe ou l’imposteur was first performed at Versailles for the king in 1664 This three-act version was then performed only sporadically over the next three years, because of objections to its content by religious critics In fact, no play of Molière’s got him into such trouble with those in power

Tartuffe Production Script USM 81818

Tartuffe a religious hypocrite and con-man; he weasels his way into the Orgon’s household and almost walks away with the house; lusts after Elmire M Loyal a bailiff serves eviction papers to Orgon Officer an officer of the court Laurent Tartuffe’s lackey Mme PernelleOrgon’s mother; totally deluded by Tartuffe

Tartuffe - Ataun

Tartuffe, who uses his dupe to make a buck, Knows a hundred wily ways to pluck this duck; He rakes off great sums with his biblical bull And demands the right to censor us all His foolish footman has such presumption That even he dares to give us instruction ,

Tartuffe or the Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere

"Tartuffe " Compared with such characterization as Shakespeare's, Moliere's method of portraying life may seem to be lacking in complexity; but it is precisely the simplicity with which creations like Tartuffe embody the weakness or vice they represent that has given them their place as universally recognized types of human page 2 / 151


Tartuffe as an imposter, womanizer, and scam artist The Society of the Holy Sacrament, a French church group, found the play immoral and offensive and the King banned it from being performed In 1669, the restructuring of the French church caused The Society to dissolve, and the ban on Tartuffe was lifted


Le pauvre homme DORINE À la fin, par nos raisons gagnée, Elle se résolut à souffrir la saignée, Et le soulagement suivit tout aussitôt ORGON Et Tartuffe ? DORINE Il reprit courage comme il faut, Et contre tous les maux fortifiant son âme, Pour réparer le sang qu'avait perdu Madame, But à son déjeuner quatre grands coups de vin ORGON

Séance n°7 : Mettre en scène Le Tartuffe

Dans le mur latéral Cour, une double porte donne accès à la chambre de Tartuffe Dans le mur latéral Jardin, une porte à un seul battant et qu’on devine blindée donne sur l’extérieur Sur la partie Cour du mur du fond, accroché comme un tableau, un écran plasma Seul meuble au début de l’acte

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