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Tableau 75 : Répartition de la population active occupée par

20-24 326208 671 55697 1656 579 260355 2004 5246 25-29 295996 624 56394 2981 296 229133 1774 4794 30-34 235986 451 48600 2081 206 179363 1375 3910 35-39 204463 425 45454 970 139 153163 1153 3159 40-44 172263 351 41470 522 138 126246 1006 2530 45-49 135205 294 33940 328 110 97766 755 2012 50-54 109050 229 28853 260 80 77390 675 1563


_____ 2004 Moroccan Census for 1/9/2004 Method of time adjustment 1- Base data secured annually by population register [ ] 2- Applying statistics of births and deaths (natural increase), and migration i) Registered vital statistics [ ] ii) Vital statistics adjusted for incompleteness [ ]


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Statistics Division - United Nations

Demographic Statistics Section - Questionnaire on Population Estimates DESCRIPTION OF POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR LATEST YEAR


To insure accuracy and completeness of the description of national population estimates on file in the Statistics

Division ofthe United Nations, please provide the method of their construction. Please enter a check mark

X in the box following the words which best describe the estimates in terms of these questions. 1 . COVERAGE OF DATA In conformity with definition given in the general instructions see sheet titled "Instructions" , estimates should

relate to the de facto population. In order to clarify the exact composition of the population, please indicate in the

following check box with an "X" the exact disposition of each group listed. Specify the years to which the description

refers to:

Estimated total population

Population Group for year

20_ _ Not I nc l u d e d E xc l u d e d app li ca bl e a N oma d s x (b)


li v i ng i n remo t e areas x c Milit ary, nava l an d di p l oma ti c personne l an d th e i r f am ili es x l oca t e d ou t s id e th e coun t ry (d) M erc h an t seamen an d fi s h ermen resid en t i n th e coun t ry b u t a t x sea a t th e ti me o f th e census (i nc l u di ng th ose w h o h ave no p l ace o f res id ence o th er th an th e i r quar t ers a b oar d s hi p e Civ ili an res id en t s t emporar il y i n ano th er coun t ry as seasona l x wor k ers (f) Ci v ili an res id en t s w h o cross a f ron ti er d a il y t o wor k i n x ano th er coun t ry g Ci v ili an res id en t s o th er than th ose i n c e , an d (f) wor ki ng i n ano th er coun t ry (h) Ci v ili an res id en t s o th er th an th ose i n c g t emporar il y a b sen t f rom th e coun t ry (i) F orei gn m ilit ary, nava l an d di p l oma ti c personne l an d th e i r x f am ili es l oca t e d i n th e coun t ry (j) Ci v ili an a li ens t emporar il y i n th e coun t ry as seasona l wor k ers (k) Ci v ili an ali ens w h o cross a f ron ti er d a il y t o wor k i n x ano th er coun t ry (l) Ci v ili an a li ens o th er th an th ose i n (i) (j) , an d (k) wor ki ng i n ano th er coun t ry m Ci v ili an a li ens o th er th an th ose i n (i) (l) t emporar il y i n coun t ry n T rans i en t s on s hi ps i n h ar b our a t th e ti me o f th e census

Page 1



Statistics Division - United Nations

Demographic Statistics Section - Questionnaire on Population Estimates2 . METHOD OF ESTIMATION a

Total population

Estimates of total population for a country as a whole may be constructed by a variety of means. Please indicate by a check mark [X] the method used in constructing the latest population estimate f or (d a t equotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27