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Articles in English Grammar

2 I like books – books is a plural noun It is used about books generally, not specific books, so it takes no article Blood is thicker than water – blood and water are singular, uncountable nouns

Grammar & ESL: Articles—a, an, the

Most proper nouns do not use an article However, some do A proper noun names unique person, place, or thing (New York City, Walt Disney, The United States of America) o Correct: òI went to New York City ó o Incorrect: òI went to the New York City ó An exception is the proper nouns with of ó as part of the name: o the Fourth of July

Grammar: Using articles - University of New England

NOW TRY THIS EXERCISE ON CHOOSING THE CORRECT ARTICLE Write the definite article the, the indefinite article a / an OR if zero article is needed write N 1 __Communication is 2_activity in which 3 information is transferred from 4 __sender to 5 receiver via 6__ medium 7__ Technology has greatly revolutionised 8__ communication process

English as a Second Language (ESL): Use of Articles

article is used before college and university names when “university” or “col lege” is the first word in the name ) o The Natural History Museum is located in Washington, D C (Use a definite


An article appears before the noun it accompanies There are two types of articles Definite article: the Indefinite article: a, a General rules Place the article before the noun e g , the house the cat a dog a book Place the article before the adjective when the noun is modified by an adjective

Grammaire - University of Texas at Austin

Grammaire •1 1 subject pronouns •1 2 être ‘to be’ •1 3 introduction to nouns •1 4 determiners: definite articles •1 5 determiners: indefinite articles •1 6 gender: masculine, feminine •1 7 voilà vs il y a •testez-vous, chapitre 01 •verb conjugation reference •verb practice Vidéos Vocabulaire en contexte •bienvenue

An introduction to Traditional Grammar

[grammaire, French; grammatica, Latin; γραμμαζιχή ] 1 The fcience of fpeaking correctly ; the art which teaches the relations of words to each other We make a countryman dumb, whom we will not allow to fpeak but by the rules of grammar Dryden’s Dufrefney Men, fpeaking language according to the grammar rules of


FICHE DE GRAMMAIRE MG Compléter les phrases avec l’article qui convient: 1 Pour la recette du gâteau au chocolat, il faut des œufs, de la farine, du beurre, du sucre, du chocolat et de l’arôme de vanille 2 Tu bois ton café avec du sucre et un peu de lait ? Non, je ne prends jamais de sucre ou de lait dans le café 3


FICHE DE GRAMMAIRE MG Les articles partitifs (A1) Choisir le partitif qui convient : 1 Les céréales : du de la de l’ des 2 Le jus de fruits : du de la de l’ des 3 Les fraises : du de la de l’ des 4

Jeu de français - Grammaire

3 - Grammaire Choisissez la préposition À, DE ou PAS DE PRÉPOSITION Elle lui a permis ___ rester jusqu’à la fin du film DE 3 - Grammaire

[PDF] article grammar

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