[PDF] More Means Worse: Asymmetric Information, Spatial

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Liquidity and Asset Returns Under Asymmetric Information and

ambiguous effect of asymmetric information on expected returns 1 In this article, we study how asymmetric information affects liquidity and expected returns Our model builds on Grossman and Stiglitz’s canonical framework, and thus assumes normality We replace the noise traders in Grossman and Stiglitz with rational hedgers

More Means Worse: Asymmetric Information, Spatial

More Means Worse: Asymmetric Information, Spatial Displacement and Sustainable Heritage Tourism SILVIA CASERTA 1 and ANTONIO PAOLO RUSSO '• 2 ^ Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands 2 European Institute for Comparative Urban Research - EURICUR, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Abstract

Asymmetric Information and Remittances: Evidence from Matched

asymmetric information within households over assets and income can affect the allocation of resources Our paper contributes to the new literature that emphasizes the importance of asymmetric information in intrahousehold outcomes Using new high-frequency data on earnings and remittances of migrants, we examine whether

Asymmetric Information and Imperfect Competition in Lending

Asymmetric Information and Imperfect Competition in Lending Markets† By Gregory S Crawford, Nicola Pavanini, and Fabiano Schivardi* We study the effects of asymmetric information and imperfect compe-tition in the market for small business lines of credit We estimate a structural model of credit demand, loan use, pricing, and firm default

No bulls: Asymmetric information in the market for arti cial

We study asymmetric information in an important context across the developing world: agricultural service provision More speci cally, we study the market for arti cial insem-ination (AI) of livestock in rural Punjab, Pakistan 1 The market for AI is fraught with asymmetric information about veterinarian e ort, leading to AI success rates lower than

Testing for Asymmetric Information in Insurance Markets

Institut 'Vational de la Statistique et des ~tudes ~conorni~ues,Centre de Recherche en Econornie et Statistique, and Centre National de la Recherche Scientzjique The first goal of this paper is to provide a simple and general test of the presence of asymmetric information in contractual relation- ships within a competitive context

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