[PDF] Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes

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Section 21: Vertical and Horizontal Asymptotes

Example 4 Find the vertical asymptote of the graph of f(x) = ln(2x+ 8) Solution Since f is a logarithmic function, its graph will have a vertical asymptote where its argument, 2x+ 8, is equal to zero: 2x+ 8 = 0 2x = 8 x = 4 Thus, the graph will have a vertical asymptote at x = 4 The graph of f(x) = ln(2x+ 8) is given below:

Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes

Behavior at Vertical Asymptotes: When a function reaches a Vertical Asymptote, it goes toward positive or negative infinity To see which occurs on either side of the line, take the limit by plugging in values just smaller than and just greater than those values at which the V A occurs

Vertical and Horizontal Asymptotes

What is an asymptote? An asymptote is a line that the graph of a function approaches IMPORTANT: The graph of a function may cross a horizontal asymptote any number of times, but the graph continues to approach the asymptote as the input increases and/or decreases without bound IMPORTANT NOTE ON HOLES: In order to find asymptotes, functions must

Vertical Asymptotes And Discontinuity

b g(—3) = 0 and h(—3) = 0, but a vertical asymptote occurs at x = Solution a For a hole to exist at x = 4, we need g(4) = 0 and h(4) = 0, so x — 4 is a factor of both the numerator and the denominator For a vertical asymptote to exist at x = 0, then h(0) = 0 and g(0) 0, so x is a factor of the denominator, but not the numerator


The graph of f can intersect its horizontal asymptote Slant asymptote: y = ax + b As x → ± ∞, f(x) → y = ax + b, a ≠ 0 or The graph of f can intersect its horizontal asymptote Examples: Vertical asymptote x = 5 Horizontal asymptote (two-sided) Horizontal asymptote (one-sided) y = 2 y = 3 -40

Chapitre 4 - Limites et Asymptotes GYMNASE DE BURIER 2MSt

Exemple 3 2 Calculer l'asymptote oblique qu'admet la fonction f (x ) = x 3 +2 x 2 +1 x 2 +1 On fait la division euclidienne : x 3 +2 x 2 +1 x 2 +1 x 3 x x +2 0 2 x 2 x +1 0 2 x 2 2 0 0 x 1 Il y a donc une asymptote oblique d'equation y = x +2 4 Etudes de fonction avec asymptotes Regle des degres Soit f (x ) = N (x ) D (x ) une fonction

IIIIII - AlloSchool

b Exemple : Exemple : asymptote verticale d'équation x1 C Asymptote horizontale : a Définition : Soit C f la courbe représentative d’une fonction définie sur D f ( tel que a, D ou ,a D ff dans un plan P est rapporté à un repère O,i,j Si x lim f(x) b ( ou x lim f(x) c

Etude des fonctions numeriques - AlloSchool

asymptote(horizontale)àlacourbereprésentantf Exemple: Onreprendl’exempledu2 3 2 Onavuque: lim x→+∞ x+2 x3 = 0 Donc la droite d’équation y= 0 (c’est-à-dire l’axe des abscisses) est asymptote à la courbe représentant la fonctionx−→x+2 x3 3)Asymptote oblique Définition: Soit∆ ladroited’équationy= ax+b Si lim

Limites et comportement asymptotique TS

Les seules valeurs de a pour lesquelles x=a peut être asymptote verticale sont les valeurs interdites Cependant il peut arriver que a soit une valeur interdite mais que x=a ne soit pas asymptote verticale (voir exemple 8) Pour savoir si x=a est une asymptote verticale, il faut calculer

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