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Le Marais Poitevin & Angles sur L’Anglin May 26 - 28 The Marais Poitevin is a magical place and yet most Parisians I speak with have never been there Many have never even heard of it Not far from the more commonly visited La Rochelle and Ile-de-Ré, the Marais Poitevin is located just west of the city of Niort

LURAIS, plage du bord de Creuse (4670478/095383 ) ANGLES

ANGLES SUR L’ANGLIN, office de tourisme (46 69539/0 88428) Départ 0 N 250 m 500 m ’itinéraire vallonné fait le lien entre la vallée de la Creuse et celle de l’Anglin Il emprunte des petites routes champêtres pour vous emmener dans le département de la Vienne à Angles-sur- l’Anglin Nous vous recommandons de prévoir quelques

6 C Creuse Entre 5 3 P 4 etAnglin 2 CI R U I T VTT

Angles-sur-l’Anglin En suivant le balisage du GR de Pays des vallées de la Creuse et de l’Anglin, vous pourrez atteindre ce village classé « un des plus beaux villages de France » A découvrir : les vestiges d’une forteresse du début du 11ème siècle, ainsi que les fameux Jours d’Angles (dentelles), artisanat du 19ème siècle

A new population of European cave salamanders (genus

The red star spots the location of the new population from Angles-sur-l’Anglin Figure 2 a) Maximum likelihood tree built on concatenated sequences of cytb and ND2 of H italicus (green), H

Propriétaire Nom Commercial Commune du Meublé

BRAULT Maison Gabrielle - 2070425002 LA ROCHE POSAY FILLASTRE Les Catalpas Angles-sur-l'Anglin KESRAOUI Gîte rural n°1149 Mouterre-sur-Blourde

53 ˙ ˇ˝ ˆ

régional de la Brenne, d'Angles-sur-l'Anglin, l'un des "plus beaux villages de France" en Poitou, et du patrimoine remarquable de la Touraine du sud Dim 25 septembre 9h30 à 418h 3 cir uts 1 k m/25 8 op b l,1 e adpté euxf ils Inscription obligatoire pour boucle familiale : 8km,vélo/canoë Lieu d'accueil : stade d'eau vive de Tournon-Saint

Exemple contrat de location - petitemaisonpagesperso-orangefr

Ménage en fin de séjour 30 € (sur demande) Draps et linge de maison 15 € (sur demande Connexion ADSL 1 € par jour ou 5 € pour la semaine ( sur demande) TAXES LOCALES Taxe de séjour : 20 Centimes d'Euros par jour et par personne RESERVATION Le locataire verse à la signature des présentes, une avance sur loyer s’élevant à

Le petit Maillois

taire sur la carte touristique du CDT Participation pour la commune à hauteur de 350 € - coût total pour Communauté de Communes 3 910 92 € TTC [ Réunion de Conseil ] du 27 juin 2013 •• VOIRIE 2013 Un groupement de commandes est constitué avec les Communes d’Angles-sur-l’Anglin, La Roche-

A B C S E S - Maison des Maires 37

aNGLES SUR L’aNGLIN à 8 km g La Loire e Cher Bléré PaRC aNIMaLIER DE La HaUTE TOUCHE à 5 km zOO DE BEaUVaL à 8 km Saint-ntAgsisuit-rtAaC Saint-iAgsur C-rhe2CA3i-hgACr i2-Ahnhug4sC Dolmen Pietà et Maison Jean Fouquet MGP : Musée de la préhistoire Rocs aux Sorciers Station thermale, casino les Coteaux Archéolab Buxeuil Fontaines Rouges

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Copyright @ 2012 Paris Weekender

Le Marais Poitevin & Angles sur L'Anglin

May 26 - 28

The Marais Poitevin is a magical place and yet most Parisians I speak with have never been there. Many have never

even heard of it. Not far from the more commonly visited La Rochelle and Ile-de-Ré, the Marais Poitevin is located

just west of the city of Niort. The main town of the Marais, and launching pad for many of the boat trips through its

vast network of canals, is Coulon, about a 20 minutes' drive from Niort.

It is about a 4 ½ hour drive from Paris to Coulon. Poitiers makes a good lunch stop along the way. The Marais

Poitevin could be visited in a weekend, or combined with part of a Loire Valley, as we did, or La Rochelle and Ile-

de-Ré for a long weekend or even longer trip. We chose to stop in Angles sur l'Anglin for our second night, in part

to break up the ride home and in part to visit this medieval town that is one of Les Plus Beaux Villages de France.

Date To Flight/Hotel/Car Details Cost Comments Sat, May

26 Le Marais

Poitevin (visit

Vouvant) Car: Hertz, 45 ave de

Maine, Montparnasse -

pick-up 8AM (drop-off by

7:45AM May 29), via


Hotel: Logis de la


Brigitte Maugé

79220 Xaintray

Tel.: 05 49 26 05 33

Cell: 06 21 60 18 70

Email: lamelissiere@hotmail.fr

http://www2.marais- poitevin.com/heberg-ch/logis-de- la-melissiere/gite_la-maison-de- margot.html

€98 (suite for

4 people,

including breakfast)

Car: ǧ69.61 =

€86.87 We stopped for lunch in the old town of Poitiers, and had a wonderful lunch on a large and pleasant terrace at Vingélique (37 rue Carnot, 86000 Poitiers, Tel. Tél.: 05 49

55 07 03) for just €12 for a main plus dessert.

We stayed at Logis de la Melissière in the small town of Xaintray. I cannot recommend this B&B highly enough. The owners are very friendly and have painstakingly restored this old farm into an architectural and decorating marvel. In the late afternoon, we headed to Coulon just to scope it out. The only downside to our lodgings was that it's about a

25-30 minute drive from Xaintray to Coulon, the heart of

the Marais Poitevin. But we were happy to be staying a bit out of Coulon, as the town is a bit touristy. Nonetheless, the town is lovely and if you walk just a short way past the main part of the town, you lose most of the other tourists. The tourist office in Coulon sells hiking and cycling guides to the region. After a stroll along the river in Coulon, we returned to the B&B for dinner with the hosts (table d'hôte) for just €24, which included pre-dinner appetizers and homemade liqueurs, a three courses, wine and dessert. Experiencing a table d'hôte also a wonderful way to get to know some people in the region you are visiting. 2

Copyright @ 2012 Paris Weekender

Sun, May

27 Angles sur

L'Anglin Hotel: Artemisia

6, rue Traversière

86260 Angles-sur-l'Anglin

Tel.: 05 49 84 01 83

E-mail: pioger@hotmail.fr

http://www.chambre- hote.eu/pagelamaison.html

€75 (per

double, including breakfast)

Note: 50%, i.e.

€75 paid in advance On Sunday, after a wonderful breakfast at Logis de la Melissière, we returned to Coulon for 2-hour a guided tour of the canals in a small boat not much bigger than a canoe. You can rent your own boats, which allows you to get a bit more exercise, but the network of canals is confusing and the guides are able to share a wealth of information with you. Our guide, Benjamin, was extremely informative. We were extremely pleased to have toured with this company, La Pigouille, and not with one of the larger, more commercial outfits. La Pigouille (52, quai Louis Tardy, Tel.

05 49 35 80 99, lapigouille@free.fr

) also runs a guest house and a pleasant restaurant, which could be an option if you prefer to stay right in Coulon. If you are able to call ahead and reserve a boat, it cannot hurt. We had lunch after the canal tour at an excellent Breton crêperie, L' Escale (72, quai Louis Tardy, Tel. 05 49 35 98

42) - just €10 each for a galette and a dessert crêpe and

sharing a bottle of cider! After lunch, we visited the nearby village of La Garette, which we had also seen from the boat. La Garette is extremely picturesque and you can also start boat trips on the canals from here. The next stop was the medieval village of Vouvant, one of les Plus Beaux Villages de France. With an 11th century Romanesque church, medieval towers and ramparts, this Vendée town is definitely worth a stop. There also seem to be numerous bike paths in the area if you are planning to stay longer. Our final destination for Sunday was Angles sur l'Anglin, the second of our Plus Beaux Villages de France visits of this weekend. Angles is a larger village in the center of France (on the border of Berry and Touraine, in the southern Loire region) with castel ruins that look out over the medieval city and river below. At 3 ½ hours from Paris, you could even visit Angles as a 1-night getaway from Paris. Our B&B, Artemesia, was an attraction in and of itself: it's an ancient stone house decorated with an eccletic mix of traditional and modern accent pieces (including the paintings of one of the hosts) and includes (despite its location in the center of town) a wild English-style garden of flowers, several courtyards and a small fish pond. Mon, May

28 Drive back to

Paris We took our time getting back to Paris on Monday, stopping at the Maison du Parc (park headquarters) for the natural regional park of Brennes. We took a 2-hour hike through fields and forests and by some of the many ponds in the region. The gift shop in the park has free trail maps, as well as a number of wonderful regional products for sale. After out walk, we ate on the lovely terrace of the Maison du

Parc's restaurant.
