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L’émigration irlandaise au XIXème - Académie de Poitiers

En 1845, une maladie de la pomme de terre touche l’Irlande La production chute de plus d’un tiers provoquant la Grande Famine Des familles sont expulsées de leurs terres et meurent de faim alors que le pays continue d’exporter des denrées agricoles Un quart de la population irlandaise va quitter le pays, faisant de l’Irlande, le

Votre Enfant et l’Ecole en Irlande

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Pôles de convergence, gains dynamiques de l’intégration

de l’Irlande, de la Grèce et de l’Espagne, que sans direction claire dans la coordination des politiques économiques, l’adoption d’une monnaie unique peut aboutir à des limites de tout processus d’intégration économique et monétaire

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edite d by the Group e de liaison des professeurs d'histoire contemporaine auprè s de la Commission européenne 2001
, Volume 7, Number 1 NOMO

S Verlagsgesellschaft















l Board LOTH , Wilfried (chairman) t Essen Jea n Monnet Chair


, Marie-Thérèse


é de Strasbourg III Robert Schuman

Jea n Monnet Chair


, Gérard


é de Cergy-Pontoise,

Jea n Monnet Chair


, Anne


n College, Oxford


, Michel


é catholique de Louvain

Jea n Monnet Chair


, Fernando


t Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Jea n Monnet Chair


, Johnny


y of Aarhus


, Alan S.


n University Institute, Florence


, Klaus e Technische Hochschule Aachen Jea n Monnet Chair


, Gilbert Centr e Robert Schuman, Université de Liège VA

N der HARST, Jan


y of Groningen Jea n Monnet Chair


, Antonio


à degli Studi di Firenze

Jea n Monnet Chair


l Secretariat


t Trausch, director


s Barthel, assistant director


Centr e d'études et de recherches européennes Rober t Schuman

4 Rue Jules Wilhelm


8 Luxembourg

Tel. : (3 52)478 2290/478 2291 Fax. : (352) 42 27 97




d twice a year by the Group e de liaison des professeurs d'histoire contemporain e auprès de la Commission européenne i n cooperation with the Jea n Monnet Chairs in History of European Integration wit h the support of the


n Commission, DG X University Information


REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GESCHICHTE DER EUROPÄISCHEN INTEGRATION edited by the Groupe de liaison des professeurs d'histoire contemporaine auprès de la Commission européenne

2001, Volume 7, Number 1

00_Editorial_01.book Seite 1 Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2001 12:09 12

The Liaison Committee of Historians

came into being in 1982 as a result of an important international symposium that the Commission had organized in Luxembourg to launch historical research on Euro- pean integration. The committee is composed of historians of the European Union member countries who work on specialized in contemporary history.

The Liaison Committee:

- gathers and conveys information about work on European history after the Second World War; - advises the European Union on research projects concerning contemporay European history. Thus, the Liaison Committee was commissioned to make publicly available the archives of the

Community institutions;

- enables researchers to make better use of the archival sources; - promotes research meetings in order to get an update of work in progress and to stimulate new research: seven research conferences have been organized and their proceedings published.

The Journal of European Integration History - Revue d'histoire de l'intégration européenne - Zeitschrift für

is in line with the preoccupations of the Liaison Committee. Being

the first history journal to deal exclusively with the history of European Integration, the Journal offers the

increasing number of young historians devoting their research to contemporary Europe, a permanent forum.

The Liaison Committee is supported by the European Commission, but works completely independ- ently and according to historians' critical method. Le Groupe de liaison des professeurs d'histoire contemporaine auprès de la Commission des


européennes s'est constitué en 1982 à la suite d'un grand colloque que la Commis- sion avait organisé à Luxembourg pour lancer la recherche historique sur la construction euro- péenne. Il regroupe des professeurs d'université des pays membres de l'Union européenne, spécialistes d'histoire contemporaine.

Le Groupe de liaison a pour mission:

- de diffuser l'information sur les travaux portant sur l'histoire de l'Europe après la Seconde Guerre


- de conseiller l'Union européenne sur les actions scientifiques à entreprendre avec son appui; ainsi

le Groupe de liaison a assuré une mission concernant la mise à la disposition du public des archi-

ves des institutions communautaires;

- d'aider à une meilleure utilisation par les chercheurs des moyens de recherche mis à leur disposi-

tion (archives, sources orales...); - d'encourager des rencontres scientifiques afin de faire le point sur les connaissances acquises et

de susciter de nouvelles recherches: sept grands colloques ont été organisés et leurs actes publiés.

L'édition du

Journal of European Integration History - Revue d'histoire de l'intégration européenne se situe dans le droit fil des préoccupati-

ons du Groupe de liaison. Première revue d'histoire à se consacrer exclusivement à l'histoire de la

construction européenne, le


se propose de fournir un forum permanent au nombre crois- sant de jeunes historiens vouant leurs recherches à l'Europe contemporaine.

Le Groupe de liaison bénéficie du soutien de la Commission européenne. Ses colloques et publica-

tions se font en toute indépendance et conformément à la méthode critique qui est celle des historiens.

00_Editorial_01.book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2001 12:09 12



2001, Volume 7, Number 1

Peripheral countries and the Integration of Europe

Fernando GUIRAO coordinator

Fernando GUIRAO




Ireland's Relations With the EEC:

From the Treaties of Rome to Membership

......................................... 11


Portugal's European Integration Policy, 1947-72



The Reliable Ally: Germany Supports Spain's European

Integration Efforts, 1957-67

................................................................... 37


From Isolation to the Core: Finland's Position towards

European Integration, 1960-95



Choosing the Periphery: The Political Economy of

Norway's European Integration Policy, 1948-73



An Awkward Partnership: Turkey's Relations with

the European Union in Comparative-Historical Perspective 105

Book reviews - Comptes rendus - Buchbesprechungen


Abstracts - Résumés - Zusammenfassungen


Contributors - Auteurs - Autoren

........................................................ 143 Books received - Livres reçus - Eingegangene Bücher 145

00_Editorial_01.book Seite 3 Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2001 12:09 12

Editorial notice

Articles for inclusion in this journal may be submitted at any time. The editorial board will then arrange for the article to be refereed. Articles should not be longer than 6000 words, footnotes included. They may be in English, French or German. Articles submitted to the Journal should be original contributions and not be submitted to any other publication at the same time as to the

Journal of European Integration History

. Authors should retain a copy of their article. The publisher and editors cannot accept responsibility for loss of or damage to authors' typescripts or disks. The accuracy of, and views expressed in articles and reviews are the sole responsibility of the authors. Authors should ensure that typescripts conform with the journal style. Prospective contributors should obtain further guidelines from the Editorial Secretariat. Articles, reviews, communications relating to articles and books for review should be sent to the

Editorial Secretariat.


The Journal of European Integration History may be cited as follows:

JEIH, (Year)/(Number), (Page).

ISSN 0947-9511

© 2001 NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden and the Groupe de liaison des professeurs d'histoire contemporaine auprès de la Commission européenne. Printed in Germany. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publishers.


Dieser Ausgabe liegt ein Prospekt der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft bei.

Wir bitten freundlichst um Beachtung.

00_Editorial_01.book Seite 4 Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2001 12:09 12



Fernando Guirao

The historiography of European integration has traditionally focused on five central questions - the emergence of the various European Communities, the process of institution-building and policy consolidation of each community, the relations among the Six , their relations with the United Kingdom, and the role played by the United States. In recent years, the European countries left outside of the original Six, and the problems they consequently faced, have received increasing attention.

The present volume of the

Journal of European Integration History

JEIH ) is an attempt to cast further light on countries rarely examined in standard historical accounts of European integration. The Editorial Board of the JEIH approved a spe- cial volume under the general theme of "Peripheral countries and the Integration of Europe" because it was interested in analysing how the less resourceful countries among those excluded from the Treaty of Rome perceived, and reacted to the con- sequences of exclusion. The concept of periphery adopted here is quite simple: it concerns those countries that have received scant attention in historiographical terms (or in some cases, have been totally ignored). The case studies contained in this volume refer to Finland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. While a wider range of countries would have been de- sirable, the JEIH Editorial Board was restrained by the papers presented and the outcome of the peer-review process. The time span covered varies from country to country. For Ireland and Finland the period between the signature of the Treaty of Rome and European Community (EC)/European Union (EU) membership is treat- ed as fully as the availability of archival sources permits. In the case of Norway, the author covers the period 1948-73 with the intention of explaining the gap between the Norwegian government, which successfully negotiated Community member- ship by 1972, and the people's decision to reject the accession terms in a referen- dum. Regarding Portugal, the author deals with the country's European integration policies during and immediately after Salazar's autocratic reign. The fact that ac- cess to archives ends with the 1974 Revolution determined the author's decision. The Spanish experience between 1957 and 1967, when official Spain-European Economie Community (EEC) negotiations began, is analysed from the German viewpoint. Finally, in the contribution on Turkey, there is much historical back- ground that helps in understanding this country's present position vis-à-vis the European Union. Why some governments thought that further was teh soution to certain questions while others either ignored the problem or failed to appreciate the need for a specific response has become an area of intense research activity in the field of European integration history. Nor should it be taken for granted that the governments of some countries on the periphery of Western Europe decided to join the European Community at all. For a long time, many observers in these countries had even questioned the need for institutional links of any kind. Specific circum- stances, of an economic, social and political nature, must have led the governments

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Fernando Guirao

6 of individual countries to put the question of their relations with the Community on the top of their respective political agendas. The contributors to this volume try to answer this question in their respective case studies. Among the countries examined here, Ireland stands out but showing how politi- cal and economic elites can deliberately engineer a move away from self-imposed isolation. According to Maurice FitzGerald, the Irish political leadership under- stood that the closer they moved towards multilateral interdependence, the sooner they would leave behind an asphyxiating bilateral dependence upon their powerful neighbour, a relationship which was increasingly being perceived as disruptive for long-term political stability, social cohesion and economic growth. The author forcefully insists that EEC membership was part of a development strategy and not the governmentÕs emergency response to external and accidental pressure. In other words, the British application would have only hurried up the implementation of the already-decided strategy to reverse the inward-looking economic policies that had prevailed for thirty years. These had only led to severe economic distortions, massive emigration and considerable unemployment. In support of this view, the author argues that, following de GaulleÕs veto of BritainÕs membership application in January 1963, the Irish government continued to put pressure on economic inter- est groups and social and political representatives in order to go on implementing those changes necessary for the countryÕs future EC entry. At the failure of the Þrst attempt to join the Community many governments felt relief because this led to a situation of standstill. Not so in Ireland, where the government used the delay Òto ready itself, as well as the rest of the country, for the uncertain vagaries that full EEC membership impliedÓ. In the end, an overwhelming majority of the Irish elec- torate was persuaded that the countryÕs future lay within the Community. An im- pressive eighty-three per cent of those polled voted in favour of acceding less than Þve months after Ireland signed the Treaty of Accession in January 1972. Norway represents the opposite experience. The terms of accession the govern- ment negotiated were rejected in a referendum in September 1972. Any attempt to explain the fundamental differences in outlook with respect to the question of Community membership between the government on the one hand, and the people of Norway on the other, has to analyse deeply-rooted socio-political dilemmas. In contrast to earlier scholarship, which had highlighted foreign policy issues, Hans-Otto Fr¿land emphasizes the perceived threat to the existing national consen- sus on agriculture and Þsheries, the preservation of which constituted the core of the national pact that Ð in the eyes of many Norwegians Ð would have rescued the country from the uncertainties of the 1930s and the post war years. The willingness to defend the wide set of agreements reached co-operatively by representatives of the economic interest groups and the state and involving income protection in the primary sector, undermined the case for Community membership in two important ways. First of all, it was responsible for a late and half-hearted effort at political mobilisation in favour of membership. Second, it was a crucial element in the pop- ulationÕs rejection of accession. Membership was perceived as a potential threat to the kind of socio-political stability and lifestyle to which Norwegian population

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7 had become accustomed. The Norwegian government expected to gain export mar-quotesdbs_dbs8.pdfusesText_14