[PDF] Protestant Reformation

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Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation

1 This PowerPoint presentation accompanies Closeup Teaching Unit The Protestant Reformation 1300 – 1570 CE Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Movement - Harvard University

The Protestant Movement The Protestant Movement Summary: Martin Luther, a 16th century German monk with great frustration over the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and an insistence on the gift of salvation through God’s grace, began a process of Christian reform that eventually moved beyond Catholicism

Luther Sparks the Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Why he was important: Martin Luther was a Christian priest who did not agree with some of the teachings of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages He was one of the first people to speak against the pope (leader of the Catholic Church), which was a very dangerous thing to do during his time

Martin Luther & Protestantism DBQ - WordPresscom

Martin Luther & Protestantism From the 95 Theses of Martin Luther, 1517 21 Therefore those preachers of indulgences are in error, who say that by the pope’s indulgences a man is freed from every penalty, and saved 36 Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission (forgiveness) of

Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther •-1517 - Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door • Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany) •-Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out •-Church declares Luther a heretic •-Luther goes into hiding & writes New Testament in German •-Luther’s ideas spread to princes in German city-states

Reformation and its The Protestant Effects

Inspired by Luther’s message of equality, German peasants rebelled- demanded an end to serfdom- Luther urged German princes to suppress it- thousands killed Charles V led Catholic German princes against Protestant German princes- ended in the Peace of Augsburg (1555)- each prince would decide his state’s religion

The Truth Behind the Protestant Reformation

Protestant Reformation What is the truth behind the Reformation Martin Luther inspired almost 500 years ago? This Þrst article in an exciting new series will explain to you what so few really understand 10 Signal Hill When a station in Canada received the Þrst transatlantic radio transmission, did anyone understand the impact their

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Protestant Reformation

Protestant Reformation: BeginningProtestant = someone who protested the Catholic ChurchReformation = when people demand changes


•Indulgences= certificates •that take away sin •-church is selling •forgiveness to make $ •Q: Who will this anger? Usury •Merchants want usury •-usury = lending money & charging •interest •-Church says usury is wrong •Q: Who would this anger?


•Absolute power & wealth •of the church •Q: Why was the Catholic Church so •powerful in Europe? •Q: What people would have preferred •to be most powerful?


•Domination of the church by Italians •-non-Italians (Germans/English) mad IMAD


Look at each letter of

IMAD. Who would

have been angry at the

Church about each one

and why?

Martin Luther

•Faith saves people - not good works •-Catholic church = salvation by following church •Q: Who will not like this idea of Luther's? Why?

Martin Luther

•Ultimate authority for Christians = Bible •Q: Who will this anger? Who did Catholics think was the authority? •-Catholic Church says Pope is Ultimate Authority

Martin Luther

•Nobody is more important in God's eyes •Q: In Catholic hierarchy who was most important? •-laity is equal to clergy Q: Will the Church agree?

Martin Luther

•-1517 - Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church's door •Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany) •-Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out •-Church declares Luther a heretic •-Luther goes into hiding & writes New Testament in German •-Luther's ideas spread to princes in German city-states •-Luther's followers form 1st Protestant Christian group •LUTHERAN CHURCH


•Why were Luther and his followers called Protestants?

John Calvin

•His ideas hit the Church w/a: •Predestination -God chooses who goes to heaven •- you don't get there by good works •Our moral lives reveal if we're chosen by God •Q: What does Calvin say gets people to heaven? •Luther says? Catholic Church says? •Work ethic that honors God •Q: How should Christians work then?

Important Calvin Events

•-Calvin is from Switzerland •-He broke from Catholic Church & formed Calvinist Church •Q: Why would Calvin not be afraid to oppose the Catholic Church? •-Calvin's ideas spread to Scotland & then to N America •Q:What invention would have helped his ideas spread?

King Henry VIII

•DAD of the Anglican Church •Divorce: Henry wants one but Pope says no. •Q: Which letter of IMAD probably made Henry mad? •Anglican Church -Henry is in charge - no pope •Did away with Catholic Church's land & wealth in England

Important English Reformation Events

•-Henry's Church just like Catholic but no Pope •-Protestants mad - try to make church not at all Catholic •Q: Now who's mad? •-Catholics mad - try to make church not at all Protestant •Q: Now who's mad? What would be a smart solution? •-Elizabeth I - Henry's daughter combines Catholic styles with Protestant teachings •-Elizabeth I makes Anglican Church the official church of all of Great Britain

Question ?

•Why was Henry called a Protestant?


•Why is it said that the Protestants started a Reformation? •Because they wanted the Catholic Church to reform- or change.


•What's the major difference between Luther/Calvin's reasons for leaving the Catholic Church and HenryVIII's?
