[PDF] 1 Book Prostitution Exploitation - Fondation Scelles

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1 Book Prostitution Exploitation - Fondation Scelles

- Fondation Scelles, Charpenel Y (under the direction of), 1st Global Report: Rapport mondial sur l’exploitation sexuelle - La prostitution au cœur du crime organisé , Economica Ed , 2011 - Fondation Scelles, Charpenel Y (under the direction of), 2nd Global Report: Sexual


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2 Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression


Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression 3

By The Same Author

- Fondation Scelles, Charpenel Y. (under the direction of), 1st Global Report: Rapport mondial sur l"exploitation sexuelle - La prostitution au coeur du crime organisé, Economica Ed., 2011. - Fondation Scelles, Charpenel Y. (under the direction of), 2nd Global Report: Sexual Exploitation - Prostitution and Organized Crime, Economica Ed., 2012. - Fondation Scelles, Charpenel Y. (under the direction of), 3rd Global Report: Sexual Exploitation - A growing menace, Economica Ed., 2013.

4 Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression

Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression 5

Fondation SCELLES

Under the Direction of Yves Charpenel

Deputy General Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of France

President of the Fondation Scelles

4th Global Report


Exploitation, Persecution, Repression


49, rue Héricart, 75015 Paris, France

6 Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression

Excerpt from the Dictionary of the "Académie Française" PROSTITUTION n. 13th century, meaning of "debauchery"; 18th century, the current meaning. From the Latin prostitutio, "prostitution, desecration." The act of having sexual relations in exchange for payment; activity consisting of practicing regularly such relations. The law does not prohibit prostitution, only soliciting and procuring. Entering into prostitution. A prostitution network. Clandestine, occasional prostitution. ANCIENT MEANING. Sacred prostitution, practiced by the female servants of the goddesses of love or fertility in certain temples and for the profit of these goddesses, in some countries of the Middle East and of the Mediterranean. The Aphrodite temple, in Corinth, was a place where sacred prostitution was practiced. Fig. Degradation, defilement to which one consents by desire of goods, honors... He refuses to prostitute his talent. The prostitution of awareness. " The proceeds from the sale of this book will be given directly to the Fondation Scelles »

Translated from the original French Edition

" Prostitutions : Exploitations, Persécutions, Répressions » © Ed. Economica 2016 Translation copyright © Fondation Scelles, 2016 All reproduction, translation, execution and adaptation rights are reserved for all countries Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression 7


This Global Report could never have been achieved without the active participation of both independent researchers as well as researchers from CRIDES (Center for International Research and Documentation on Sexual Exploitation) as well as other collaborators. The information which was collected for 3 years has allowed for a better understanding of the global commercial

sexual exploitation situation; they have lead to a more nuanced understanding of the global

themes presented in this global report. We want to sincerely thank all these contributors. We also want to thank the members of the review committee which included a few members of the Board and faithful volunteers from the Fondation Scelles particularly Bérénice

Cartillier, Hélène Soulodre and Catherine Ozenfant, for their efficiency and ever relevant

remarks. We would like to express our recognition to the volunteers who translated this 4 th edition of the global report, particularly Marie-Claire Verniengeal. And finally, we thank our graphic designer, Elise Legrand, for her work, her creativity, her commitment and her availability and for, without cost, drawing the covers of the two latest

Global Reports.

Yves Charpenel Sandra Ayad

President of the Fondation Scelles Head of the CRIDES &

Coordinator of the Global Report

8 Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression

Contributing writers:

- Eugénie Bailleau, Project Manager (Research), Fondation Scelles - Frédéric Boisard, Project Manager (Research), Fondation Scelles - Victoria Carter, University of California, Berkeley (CA) - Bérénice Cartillier, Project Manager (Research), Fondation Scelles - Yves Charpenel, Deputy General Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of France, President of the

Fondation Scelles

- Alexis Cheney, Connecticut College (CT) - Olga Patricia Dávila, Anti-trafficking Unit, Ministry of the Interior (Bogota) - Lauren Day, University of San Francisco (CA) - Laurence Dell"Aitante, Communication Officer, Fondation Scelles - Nicolas Duran Delgado, Program Officer - ICCO Cooperation (Bogota) - Dorin Dusciac, Research Engineer at the French Commission for Atomic Energy (CEA), Chairman of the Association for the Integration of Migrants (AIM), Deputy Minister - Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova (June 2014-February 2015) - Catherine Goldmann, Project Manager (Research), Fondation Scelles - Esther Guillemard, University of Strasbourg - Doina Guzun, PhD Candidate, University Paris Diderot-Paris 7 - Madeline Krahn, Tufts University (MA) - Anouk Lemuet, University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense - Shérazade Mahaud, University Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - Katherine Milne, Project Manager BNP Paribas and trainer in English - Michaela Morrow, Harvard University (MA) - Errol Nuissier, Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Expert at the Court of Appeal in Basse- Terre (Guadeloupe) and at the Bordeaux Administrative Appeal Court, president of the Pole DOM (French Overseas Department) of the National Council of the companies of experts of justice. - Armina Petrescu-Tudor, Boston University (MA) - Jeanne Pinon, University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas - Marta de Prado García, Psychotherapist recognized by the European Federation of Psychologists" Associations and the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations (Madrid)

- Myriam Quéméner, Magistrate, Legal advisor to the Cyber-Préfet, board member of the

Fondation Scelles

- Léa Rougeot, University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense - Jimena Sanchez, Tufts University (MA) - Rachel Thimke, New York University (NY) - Marta Torres Herrero, Lawyer (Madrid), member of the Coalition Against Trafficking in

Women-CATW, board member of the Fondation Scelles

Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression 9 - Thierry Tribot, Citoyen des Rues International - Melissa Trostel, Boston University (MA) - Kalani Valdez, University of San Francisco (CA)

Contributing translators:

- Marie-Claire Verniengeal, Mélissa Godin, Melissa Trostel, Louis Slade, Lauren Kirk, Nadia

Dale, Katherine Milne, Elizabeth Farrell, Abigail Kohn, François Vignaud, Camille Alègre, Julia

Costet, Arben Forest-Sisalem.

10 Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression

Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression 11


Preface........................................................................................................................................... 13

Opening note ................................................................................................................................. 15

Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Methodological note ..................................................................................................................... 19

2013-2015 MAIN TOPICS ............................................................................................................... 21

The Multiple Faces of Prostitution .......................................................................................................................... 23

Behind the Words, the Reality of Sexual Exploitation ............................................................................................ 34

Sexual Exploitation of Minorities ............................................................................................................................ 43

Prostitution in Creole Societies................................................................................................................................ 59

Street Children and Prostitution as Survival ............................................................................................................ 66

Cyber-Vulnerability amongst Social Media Users .................................................................................................. 75

Terrorism and Sexual Exploitation .......................................................................................................................... 82

Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Army ........................................................................................................... 96

Sexual Exploitation and HIV/AIDS ...................................................................................................................... 103

Role of the Elites in the Fight against Vulnerable Situations ................................................................................ 111

Role of Bilateral Cooperation in the Fight against Sexual Exploitation ................................................................ 118

2014-2015 Legal Responses .................................................................................................................................. 129
