[PDF] A Ghost by Guy de Maupassant http://wwwhorrormasters

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A Ghost by Guy de Maupassant http://wwwhorrormasters

out to the château and bring me some papers of which I stand in urgent need They are in the secretary in my room, in our room I cannot intrust this commission to an inferior, or to a man of business, ecause I desire impenetrable discretion and absolute silence And as to myself, Ib would not go back to that house for anything in the world

Guy de Maupassant - APPARITION

urgent besoin Je ne puis charger de ce soin un subalterne ou un homme d'affaires, car il me faut une impénétrable discrétion et un silence absolu Quant à moi, pour rien au monde je ne rentrerai dans cette maison "Je te donnerai la clef de cette chambre que j'ai fermée moi-même en partant, et la clef de son secrétaire

Julio Cortázar, “Continuity of Parks”

3) Guy de Maupassant (France), “The Adopted Son” Julio Cortázar, “Continuity of Parks” Julio Cortázar (Argentina, 1914-1984) is best known for the novel Rayuela (Hopscotch) and the story that became the film Blow-up He spent a number of years in Paris He had begun to read the novel a few days before He had put it aside because of


RESUME – PIERRE ET JEAN, Guy de MAUPASSANT (1887) CHAPITRE I Un après-midi, M et Mme Roland, leurs deux fils et Mme Rosémilly pêchaient sur leur bateau : La Perle M Roland était un ancien bijoutier, qui était venu s’installer au Havre pour vivre sa passion : la pêche Il avait deux fils : Pierre, l’aîné,

Guy de Maupassant, « Lenfant

Guy de Maupassant, « L'enfant » Partie 1 : Après avoir longtemps juré qu'il ne se marierait jamais, Jacques Bourdillère avait soudain changé d'avis Cela était arrivé brusquement, un été, aux bains de mer

Masterpieces of mystery - archiveorg

Masterpiecesof Mystery InFourVolumes MYSTIC-HUMOROUSSTORIESv Editedby JosephLewisFrench GardenCity NewYork Doubleday,Page&Company 1922

The Complete Stories

The Complete Stories by Franz Kafka a b e-book v3 0 / Notes at the end Back Cover : "An important book, valuable in itself and absolutely fascinating The stories are

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windows of an old house seemed fitting and urgent, why did the first watery notes of a storm wind have for him the unmistakable sound of good news, cheer, glad tidings? Then there was an explosion, a smell of cordite, and rain lashed the Japanese lanterns that Mrs Levy had bought in Kyoto the year before last, or was it the year before that?

Grace Paley Writing the World - Columbia University

artistic legacy Her recent death has prompted an urgent need for just such a serious analysis It is fitting for a critical discussion of Paley’s work that the essays included here retain some of the intimate qualities of their oral presentations Though addressed to the academic audience of the MLA convention, and written in response to an

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