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You Strode within the Temple, Lord Conception Abbey and

their méssage to the útmost bóunds of the wórld 3 Thére he has pláced a tént for the sún; it comes fórth like a brídegroom cóming from his tént, rejóices like a chámpion to rún his cóurse 4 At one énd of the héavens is the rísing of the sún; to its fúrthest énd it rúns its cóurse

Reproduced at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library

situations(s) mÉssage'(si t 1st ing date 09/25/73//268 subject catagory; coup message / annotationï messageî immediate fm amembašsy santiago secstate washdc niaät immediate 5761 to detained Ãmericans refî stÂtÉ of ninÉ persons repoátÉd currentcy dÉtaiÑËd or missing in cast 4442 i, four are confirmed by authorities

The 2nd Day of December Commemoration of the Holy Prophet

And he clearly prophesied the preaching of Thy méssage, / Foreseeing Thine apostles riding upón their steeds /// Through the roiling sea of gentile nátions R ejoicing in the Lord God, Thy Sávior, / O divinely eloquent and glórious one, / Thou didst receíve the radiant light of heáven /

DöcToa LuKE

A Méssage from the'Housé by Mr O'Brien, Clerk Mr President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill with the following title: Senate Bill 997 with House Amend-ment No 1 PRESIDING UFFICER: (SENATOR ROCK) Secretary's Desk Senator Graham, for what

Reproduced at the Richard NIxon Presidential LIbrary

mÉssage?si l'sting chice date 09/25/73//268 subject catagorÝ; coup message / annotationï message? immediate 0 sep 73 zff4 fm secstaie wasadc amembassÝ santiago niact immediate 37ô9 cr, pins, pint, miti suboect? requesi for on reaction to coup reft santiago 4204 is wrÄpup of nis pubÙrë stÀtÉments on coup for to give td press aidÉ

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MÉSSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT David Crandall, ing 6 Printemps 2007 Spring 2007 rom January 2 to 8, (from L to R) Chris Doley, Dave Thompson, Matthew Marleau, Martha

Les 70 expressions idiomatiques anglaises les plus courantes

Les 70 expressions idiomatiques anglaises les plus courantes à connaître absolument 1 when pigs fly : q ua n d l e s pou les au ro n t de s dents 2 I am under the weather : je ne me s en s p as très bie n

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