[PDF] Proposition de thématique dans le cadre (2016-2019) à l’UMR

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With Exhaustible Resources, Can A Developing Country Escape

e(Proposition 2) Proposition 2 Let k 0 0 Assume f0(0) >1:Then there exists T and T e such that for all t T we have k t >0;and for all t>T e, we have Rt = 0 Proof: See Appendix A Consider nally the case of a "bad" technology, in the sense that the average productivity of capital is very low, such that its highest possible

Proposition for a Master 2 internship (January 2021 – June 2021)

Arabidopsis to answer biological questions, pending for long in the team such as : - What is the dynamics of the localization of TTP proteins and their partners during cell division ? - Which domains of TTP proteins are essential to their fuction ? - What is the rule for positioning the division plane in a wild type background compared to a mutant

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INRA Discovers Meta-Genomic Indicators Faster INRA MetaGenoPolis (MGP) analyzes 17 billion records INRA is the world leader in meta-genomic research Up to 50 million different bacteria are identified per stool sample Sample size will grow by 100x over next 12 montha Data volume will grow from 17 billion to 2 trillion records

POSTDOC position at INRA, System lab, Montpellier, France

POSTDOC position at INRA, System lab, Montpellier, France Position description : the young researcher will be in charge of testing, parameterise and “validate”the STICS soil- crop model for its intercrop version (Brisson et al , 2004; Launay et al , 2009)

Matthew Adler, Well-Being and Equity: A Framework for Policy

questions of normative theory – questions that this book will engage In doing so, I draw upon welfare economics, social choice theory, and related formal literatures (such as utility theory and decision theory), and upon philosophical scholarship concerning a variety of topics, in particular well-being, equality, and personal identity

UNU-INRA Sparkle

au 12 octobre à l'UNU-INRA, à laquelle ont participé quinze professionnels du Ghana et du Nigeria UNU-INRA : renforcement des capacités pour la gestion des ressources naturelles Depuis 2013, l'UNU-INRA encourage l'adoption des SIG et de la télédétection au Ghana par le biais de son

Proposition de thématique dans le cadre (2016-2019) à l’UMR

Proposition de thématique dans le cadre de l’appel à candidature à un contrat doctoral (2016-2019) à l’UMR AGIR Institut National Polytechnique – Ecole Doctorale TESC Doctorat en sociologie L’UMR INP-INRA AGIR recherche un(e) candidat(e) pour un doctorat en sociologie de trois ans à partir d’octobre 2016 sur le thème suivant :

Living with Xylella The dynamics of knowledge

Research Questions What could be the benefit of comparing the emergence of the same epipythie in different both biotic and social contexts? The issue: how to introduce social studies of science/knowledge among the scientific accounts of the Xf emergence? The classical commitment of social sciences in risk research:

La sensibilité du consommateur au gaspillage alimentaire

La sensibilité du consommateur au gaspillage alimentaire: proposition d’une échelle de mesure Résumé : Cet article propose une échelle de mesure de la sensibilité du consommateur au gaspillage

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