[PDF] Using Pivot Tables - LibreOffice

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Chapter 1 Introducing OpenOffice

Dec 15, 2010 · • GNU/Linux Kernel version 2 4 and glibc 2 3 2 or higher (starting with OOo 3 3 glibc2 version 2 5 or higher is required) • Mac OS X 10 4 (Tiger) or higher

Chapter 1 Introducing Calc - OpenOfficeorg

Zoom—new in OOo 3 1 To change the view magnification, drag the Zoom slider or click on the + and – signs You can also right-click on the zoom level percentage to select a magnification value Starting new spreadsheets You can create a new, blank spreadsheet from the Start Center (Welcome to OpenOffice org) or from within Calc or any other

Installation Guide OpenOfficeorg 3 - Westmont College

OpenOffice 3 Installation Guide OpenOffice 3 Installation Guide Rev 1 0 First edition: November 26, 2009

OpenOfficeorg BASIC Guide

OpenOffice Basic, links can be made to other programs — for example to a database server — and complex activities can be performed at the press of a button by using predefined scripts OpenOffice Basic offers complete access to all OpenOffice functions, 12 OpenOffice 3 1 BASIC Guide · April 2009

Apache OpenOffice Writer

Level 1 16pt Bold 1 2 cm 0 5 cm Level 2 13pt Bold 1 cm 0 4 cm Level 3 13pt Regular or Italic 0 8 cm 0 3 cm Table 2: Styles for first three levels of headings based on font Garamond (just a suggestion) Blank Lines When in a hurry it’s tempting to simply add a couple of blank lines before a heading and

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OpenOffice 1 0 One of the hidden secrets of OpenOffice 1 0 is that it also has a great user-friendly database front end All you need to do is wire it up to one of the many open-source databases on Linux, and you have a Microsoft Access (and more) equivalent

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OpenOffice Macros Explained OOME Third Edition Last Modified Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 09:05:51 AM Document Revision: 567

MySQL Connector/OpenOfficeorg Developer Guide

1 Install or upgrade to OpenOffice 3 1 2 Download MySQL Connector/OpenOffice from The OpenOffice extension download site Save the file corresponding to your platform Currently supported platforms are Windows, Linux, Linux x86-64, Mac OS X, Solaris x86 and Solaris SPARC 3 Add the oxt extension through the Extension Manager of

Chapter 12 Calc Macros - LibreOffice

1) Open a new spreadsheet 2) Enter numbers into a sheet Figure 1: Enter numbers 3) Select cell A3, which contains the number 3, and copy the value to the clipboard 4) Select the range A1:C3 5) Use Tools > Macros > Record Macro to start the macro recorder The Record Macro dialog is displayed with a stop recording button

Using Pivot Tables - LibreOffice

the format Pivot Table_sheetname_X; where X is the number of the table created, 1 for first, 2 for second and so on For the source shown in Figure 3, the new sheet for the first table produced would be named Pivot Table_sheetname_1 Each new sheet is inserted next to the source sheet Ignore empty rows

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