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ACAD – Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2019 -2021: Status

students, to become Foster Parents ACAD website will also be updated with new videos, foster care information, flyers etc Information on ACAD website will be shared with Broward Call Center, field officers, and customer service staff, to prevent unnecessary impoundments of kittens from the field


Lesbian and Heterosexual Parents and Their Children, 31 DEV PSYCHOL 105, 112 (1995) 20021 HeinOnline -- 14 Regent U L Rev 345 2001-2002 REGENT UNIVERSITY LAW

Ching and Hill: The Parents Evaluation of Aural/Oral

J Am Acad Audiol 18:220–235 (2007) 220 *National Acoustic Laboratories, Chatswood, NSW, Australia PEACH was administered to 180 parents (one parent of each of

Helping Children and Families Deal With Divorce and Separation

divorced parents 14 Girls living with divorced fathers are more likely to make suicide attempts than girls living with their divorced mothers 15 Parents’ Reactions Parents also suffer negative effects of separation and divorce Mothers are likely to feel stressed and humiliated, to use alcohol, and to seek mental health services compared with

Practice Parameters for the Psychiatric Assessment of

explicitly noted; unless otherwise noted, “parents” refers to the child's primary caretakers, regardless of whether they are the biological or adoptive parents or legal guardians These guidelines are applicable to the evaluation of child and adolescent patients 18 years of age and younger

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of

parents today have never seen many of the diseases that vaccines prevent As a possible consequence of these trends, recent national surveys found that 23 of parents questioned the number of shots recom-mended for their children,1 and 25 were concerned that vaccines might weaken the immune system 1 Because most parents receive information and

Relationship Between Hunger and Psychosocial Functioning in

the initially agreeing parents could not be scheduled leaving a rein­ terview sample of 96 parents and children (91 of the agreeing sample and 95 of the parents who were recontacted) The parent and child were interviewed separately one by a masters-level research assistant and the other by a lay interviewer from the community

Neonaticide, Infanticide, and Filicide: Review of the Literature

committed by parents who believe that the child or hmily is facing an unbear- able, inescapable, impending doom Sec- ond, the parents may murder their chil- dren in association with their own suicide These parents often do not be- lieve that the child can exist without them 2 Acutely psychotic ,filicicle involves

An Integrative Definition of Leadership

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES 7 today As new findings occur in leadership research we may come to understand leadership differently, but for now, this current definition helps us understand the whole of leadership

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