[PDF] The New Monetarism - Duke University

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NICHOLAS KALDOR NICHOLAS KALDOR – ONE OF THE FIRST CRITICS OF MONETARISM doc Ing Ján Iša,DrSc Nicholas Kaldor was born in Budapest on 12 May 1908 His father was a lawyer and his mother came from wealthy business family Although his father had wanted him to study law, Kaldor opted for economics He began his studi-

The New Monetarism - Duke University

by Nicholas Kaldor T HE Keynesian Revolution of the late 1930s has completely displaced earlier ways of thinking and provided an entirely new conceptual framework for economic management As a result, we think of day-to-day problems—of inflationary or deflationary tendencies, unemployment, the balance of payments or

The NewKaldor Facts: Ideas,Institutions,Population,andHuman

In 1961, Nicholas Kaldor used his list of six “stylized” facts both to summarize the patterns that economists had discovered in national income accounts and to shape the growth models that they were developing to explain them Redoing this exercise today, nearly fifty years later, shows how much progress we have made In

Nicholas Kaldor - GBV

4 4 Kaldor on growth: Mark I 66 4 5 Kaldor on growth: Mark II 69 4 6 Kaldor on growth: Mark III 71 4 7 Theory, history and policy 75 4 8 The end of high theory 79 5 The British Economic Disaster, 1964-1979 81 5 1 In the beginning (1945-1951) 81

The New Kaldor Facts: Ideas, Institutions, Population, and

The New Kaldor Facts: Ideas, Institutions, Population, and Human Capital† By Charles I Jones and Paul M Romer* In 1961, Nicholas Kaldor highlighted six “stylized’’ facts to summa-rize the patterns that economists had discovered in national income accounts and to shape the growth models being developed to explain them

The Kaldor-Hicks Compensation Principle

The Kaldor-Hicks Compensation Principle Nicholas Kaldor and J R Hicks put forwarded the welfare criterion based upon the compensating payments in 1939 If a certain change in economic organization or policy, according to Kaldor, makes some people better off and the others worse

Seminar on the Programming of Economic Development; Capital

Title: Seminar on the Programming of Economic Development; Capital accumulation and economic growth; 1962 Author: Kaldor, Nicholas Subject: SS/PED/6

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