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BAC ANGLAIS ORAL Forms and Places of Power JENNY Mathieu – TS1 ANGLAIS ORAL – Fiche récap’ notion FORMS AND PLACES OF POWER Introduction The organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups on a political, social or economic level

Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Introduire la notion tirée au sort I am going to talk about the idea of / myths and heroes / the idea of progress / seats and forms of power / spaces and exchanges I'm going to deal with the notion In relation with the notion, the subject/topic of my presentation will be I would like to start with a definition of the notion

Des questions possibles à l’épreuve d’expression orale Myths

Places and Forms of Power 1 What places of power do you know? 2 What forms of power do you know? 3 How do people exercise their power? What tools can they use? 4 What in your opinion is the most dangerous form of power? 5 Can you give an example of a power struggle? 6 What are the limits to power? How is power abused? 7


In relation to the notion, the topic of my presentation will be the power of media We may wonder to what extent the press can be considered as a form of power The 4th power Counter power 1 - The press The press is commonly nicknamed the 4th power The three first powers being the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers

Questions about Powers of Numbers

the power functionof N, denoted P(N), is the real-valued function P(N)= logjNj lograd(N): It is reasonable to simply convene P(§1) := 1 so that the power function is defined for all nonzero integers We have that P(N) ‚1 and, for N>1, P(N)=1if and only if Nis “squarefree”, i e , if and only if Nis not divisible by any perfect square >1

The idea of progress - Paul K

notion with the example of Telecommuting Telecommuting refers to the ability for people to work from home With, generally speaking, just a computer, they achieve the tasks they would have done at the office So escaping from a stressful working environment represents a step forward, so it definitely relates to the idea of progress Link :


form of exchange Over the last decades, the US-Mexico border has been a burning and debated issue It is one of the longest borders in the world and also one of the busiest Indeed, it has become a strategic place for legal and illegal business Not only do commercial exchanges take place there, it is also a nerve centre for drug dealing

Ethics: some definitions - Infiressources

ethics is to place the human at the heart of our care and try to act for his greatest good The term deontology or professional code of ethics applied to a is simply ethics professional domain It brings together all the rules which govern the exercise of a profession We know it as the Nursing Code of Ethics The term bioethics, as its

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[PDF] Notion d'anglais - Myths and heroes

[PDF] Notion d'anglais - Places and forms of power

[PDF] Notion d'anglais - Spaces and exchanges

[PDF] Notion d'anglais : espaces et échanges