[PDF] Hydro-Québec Sustainable Development Action Plan 2013-2016

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ment durable, le conseil d’etat supervise cette démarche pour informer de son action, l’administration édite des «jalons» qui ont pour but de présenter l’état de la question et des pratiques à un moment donné Ils n’ont pas de fonction encyclopédique mais une valeur

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Hydro-Québec Sustainable Development Action Plan 2013-2016

fleet Action 5, which is continued from the previous Action Plan, targets a 12 reduction in GHG emissions from the light vehicle fleet by 2016, compared with 2005 This is in line with the Québec Energy Strategy 2006–2015, the 2013–2020 Climate Change Action Plan and the Québec policy for ecoresponsible government

Rapport de Développement Durable 2017 - Air Liquide

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Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable

Page 2 I Introduction 1 The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992,1 provided the fundamental principles and the programme of action for

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action plans for all threatened species in France, the enhancement of protection of marine biodiversity, the prohibition of neonicotinoids, and the exchange of traditional seed THE GOVERNMENT IS WORKING FOR EMPLOYMENT • In December 2015, France’s unemployment rate stood at 10 2 , just below average for the eurozone (10 4 )

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A range of strategic documents adopted by Malmö, including the Action Plan for the Culture Strategy 2016-2018, identify health as a key factor in local sustainable development and plan to increase access to culture in healthcare, social care and support activities

2019 Sustainability report - Nomad Foods

Resources Action Programme (WRAP) We also participate in networks and pacts at a national level For example, we have signed the UK Plas-tics Pact to address plastic waste; the Fossilfritt Sverige pledge to achieve fossil-free domestic transport by 2030 and the Peas Please initiative to support everyone in Britain to eat an extra


Durable et Autonomisation » des indicateurs fournis (Annexe 1) 10 GESTION : STRATÉGIE ET ORGANISATION a) Préciser la durée du projet b) Préciser qui va faire quoi et comment il entend le faire pour chacune des activités prévues avec les indicateurs correspondants élaborés en 6

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