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unique quantum perspective, and we discuss them next Quantum Leader Characteristics • Fluid • Flexible • Mobile • Reflects synthesis • Works from the whole • Coordinates the intersection Creativity Over Stability In the quantum world, stability is a synonym for death Stability means no movement, which is synonymous with a dead system


axioms for quantum theory and Birkhoff and von Neumann’s inseminal idea that propositions about quantum systems can be viewed as forming a kind of logic more appropriately modeled by projections on a Hilbert space than

Lecture 3 Operator methods in quantum mechanics

Symmetry in quantum mechanics Symmetry considerations are very important in both low and high energy quantum theory: 1 Structure of eigenstates and spectrum reflect symmetry of the underlying Hamiltonian 2 Transition probabilities between states depend upon transformation properties of perturbation =⇒ “selection rules”


Examples of quantum noise are photon noise in an optical signal and shot noise in an electrical conductor or semiconductor quantum-noise-limited operation: Operation wherein the minimum detectable signal is limited by quantum noise (188) Synonym quantum-limited operation

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QUANTUM = quantité synonyme de santé • Ne pascombattrela maladiemaispotentialiser la santé • Proposer aux cellules les nutriments adéquats, aux bonnes

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