[PDF] ompic marrakech

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - ompicma

Applications submitted to OMPIC (national system) in 2014 reached 7786 against 7413 in 2013 increasing by 5 The repartition by origin of registration applications shows that applications from Moroccan origins have, for the first time surpassed 6,000 claims going from 5818 in 2013 to 6166 in 2014, thus displaying a 6 evolution rate

Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Industrielle, et

niveau des délégations du commerce et de l’industrie (Agadir, Tétouan, Fès, Taza, Marrakech ) L’OMPIC comprend 4 Départements et 10 services La structure de l’organigramme de l’OMPIC se présente comme suit : - Département Brevets, Dessins et Modèles Industriels

National Innovation System

OMPIC Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial Property Public MESRSFC Ministère de l ïEnseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Training Public MICIEN Ministère de l ïIndustrie, du

About the Authors - WIPO

the OMPIC (Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office) in 2000, he was responsible for the Information and Communication Department until 2007 Since 2008, he has been Director General of the OMPIC He has been an administrator of the Moroccan Centre for Innovation since October 2012, and a member of R&D Maroc since July 2011

His Majesty the King Mohammed VI

Marrakech Regional Agricultural Research Centre was visited on March 18, 2009, by Her Highlights His Majesty initiates the DMN and OMPIC NEW INRA WEbsITE

Bank of Morocco “Financial Inclusion”

Marrakech, Morocco, 14 July 20 17 Moroccan micro, small and medium-sized enterprises observatory (MSMEO) 1 Jilali Rahali, Moroccan Observatory of MSME 1 This presentation was prepared for the meeting The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BIS, the IFC or the central banks


Marrakech ICDT IRCICA/ISESCO, MC’s 6 Specialised Forum and Exhibition on Islamic financial services of export insurance and investment guarantee in the OIC Member States November 2012 ICDT/ICIEC MC’s 7 OIC Furniture Expo 12-17 May 2013 Medine-Saudi Arabia ICDT Medine International Exhibitions Co , MC’s 1 2 Encourage MCs to increase

Cégalapítás Marokkóban

Az OMPIC ügynökségnél „Certificate Negatif” igazolást kell beszerezni, amely tanúsítja, hogya választott, vagy ahhoz hasonló névvel nincs még cég regisztrálva Marokkóban, valamint a kiadástól számított egy éven belül csak az adott vállalkozás alapíthat az adott a névvel céget

Photo pleine page - CFCIM

Tanger-Tétouan ou encore Marrakech-Ten- sift-EI Haouz avec des parts respectives de 12, 10 et 9 A en croire les derniers chiffres de l'Ompic, les entreprises indi- viduelles se retirent du monde des affaires A Banque mondiale s'est montrée optimiste à l'égard du Maroc en ternes d'opportunités d'affaires, dans son dernier

[PDF] ompic recherche dénomination

[PDF] ompic recherche marque

[PDF] ompic recherche rc

[PDF] ompic registre de commerce

[PDF] ompic services en ligne

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