[PDF] Would you like to go on a gap year? Why or why not? What are

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Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Spaces and Exchanges What drives people to leave their country to go and live in another country? Is the American Dream still alive? What attracts immigrants to live in the USA? Has the Olympic ideal of fair play and tolerance been now replaced by money, drugs and politics? www franglish

ESPACE ET ÉCHANGES - France Télévisions

RÉVISIONS DES ÉPREUVES DU BAC 1 - Espace et échange Immigration enables economic exchanges Multicultural society In any case, this migration pattern is the basis all kinds of exchanges As we have just said, it enables economic exchanges : while Mexicans are given the opportunity to improve their living

Quatre NOTIONS - lewebpedagogiquecom

MODALITES BAC ORAL ES/S Quatre NOTIONS à étudier dans l’année : - SPACES AND EXCHANGES - SEATS AND FORMS OF POWER - MYTHS AND HEROES - THE IDEA OF PROGRESS Chaque thème étudié dans le cycle terminal (1ère + term) rentre dans une de ces notions MODALITES DE L’EPREUVE D’EXPRESSION ORALE Séries S/ES

Space and Exchanges Proposition de plan pour lexpression orale

Space and Exchanges Proposition de plan pour l'expression orale Part 1: presentation of the notion Space and Exchanges = movement of money: Trade (the basis of all societies) The Stock Exchange (money rules the world) Globalization (the world has become a small village)

Would you like to go on a gap year? Why or why not? What are

2) Spaces and Exchanges : definition 3) GAP YEAR Document from 'cle du bac' Definition of what a GAP YEAR is 4) Giving my opinion - Methodology : under the divider 'Written Expression', put away the document called HOW TO GIVE YOUR OPINION IN AN ARGUMENTATIVE TASK - TRAINING #1 : PAIR WORK: in pairs (2 brains work better than one ;-) ),

L’expression orale

Rappel du déroulement de l’épreuve: Le candidat tire au sort une des 4 notions étudiées en classe : Places and forms of power, The notion of progress, spaces and exchanges, myths and heroes Il a 10 minutes de préparation Il présente la notion en oral en continu : 5 minutes


The Benefits of the Sharing Economy – Transcription The sharing economy is a system built around the sharing of human and physical resources

Séquence - The New Frontier - ANGLAIS Grenoble

The Idea of Progress / Spaces and Exchanges Séquence proposée par Mélanie David, professeur d’anglais au lycée Monge à Chambéry (Savoie 73) ® What does it feel to be a pioneer and what is the modern equivalent of the American Frontier? Intermediate Task You are a Lewis or Clark

Contrôle : correction Anglais A gap year

Anglais - A gap year - correction 3/5 © Educlever It can be expensive This depends on the destination and the duration of the trip but, chances are,

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