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Gating of attentional effort through the central thalamus

Gating of attentional effort through the central thalamus N D Schiff, S A Shah, A E Hudson, T Nauvel, S F Kalik, and K P Purpura Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Joan and Sanford I Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York Submitted 12 April 2011; accepted in final form 20 November 2012

Dustin Hillard Stephen Purpura John Wilkerson

Hillard, Purpura, and Wilkerson (2007) Page 3 Introduction The ability to locate and examine the details of individual documents within a subject area is a requirement for many, if not most of the questions that interest social scientists Yet, researchers

REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE - tfcsbaruchcunyedu

Therefore, Purpura’s notion of grammatical ability incorporates strategic competence of prior models In defining the construct of grammatical knowledge in our own model of speaking ability, we draw on Purpura’s (2004) distinction between knowledge of grammatical form and knowledge of grammatical meaning

Aucun titre de diapositive - ResearchGate

Introduction: la vasculite d’effort, aussi appelée purpura d'effort, dermite des marcheuses, vasculite des golfeurs est une pathologie bénigne mais parfois invalidante et souvent méconnue

D Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pavesi et al J Clin Exp

effort as long distance running or hiking However it has also been described in jogging [5], step aerobics [6], body building [7], and recently in a series of golfers [8] The mean age at onset was over 50 years and males seem to be affected more rarely than females Clinical features are asymptomatic or sometimes itchy or burning,


l’effort permet d’évacuer les substances irritantes présentes dans la sueur En pratique, compter jusqu’à 30 sous l’eau tiède ou fraîche pour que cela soit efficace Il est conseillé d’utiliser un nettoyant sans savon et sans parfum Il suffit ensuite d’appliquer une crème


UNE ÉTIOLOGIE OUBLIÉE DU PURPURA VÉLO-PALATIN Le purpura vélopalatin est une entité dont les étiologies sont diverses Parmi celles-ci, les troubles de l’hémostase et de la coagulation, certaines maladies infectieuses (MNI), l’angine bulleuse hémorragique, les maladies systémiques et les traumatismes d’origines diverses

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