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Pensées by Blaise Pascal This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3 7 3 Client Academic

Pensées, English edition

of human opinions of Pascal and of men of his stature is a part of the history of humanity That indicates his permanent importance The facts of Pascal’s life, so far as they are necessary for this brief introduc-tion to the Pensées, are as follows He was born at clermont, in Auvergne, in 1623

Pensées - Pascal Pensées His foolish project of describing

Pensées (1660) (selections; translation by W F Trotter) by Blaise Pascal 10 People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others 40 If we wished to prove the examples which we take to prove other things, we should have to take those other things to be

Pensées - Early Modern Texts

Pensées Blaise Pascal infidel: In this work, anyone who isn’t a Christian is an ‘infidel’ items of knowledge: This clumsy phrase translates con-naissances English won’t let us speak of ‘knowledges’, as French does Jansenism: A movement within the Roman catholic church, espoused by Pascal (despite item 865); it emphasized original

Blaise Pascal Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres

29-156 Ferox gens nullam esse vitam sine armis rati Ils aiment mieux la mort que la paix, les autres aiment mieux la mort que la guerre Toute opinion peut être préférable à la vie, dont l'amour paraît si fort et si naturel

Pensees - Oregon State University

Blaise Pascal Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager 184 A letter to incite to the search after God And then to make people seek Him among the philosophers, sceptics, and dogmatists, who disquiet him who inquires of them 185 The conduct of God, who disposes all things kindly, is to put religion into the mind by reason, and into the


Édition de 1897, Cette version des Pensées de Blaise Pascal fut publiée à partir de fragments de manuscrits destinés à son Apologie de la reli-gion chrétienne Cette édition est la plus complète, car les contempo-rains de Pascal craignant la réaction des Jésuites si tout était publié

“The Wager” by Blaise Pascal

Pascal’s Pensées reveals a skepticism with respect to natural theology Pascal pointed out that the most important things in life cannot be known with certainty; even so we must make choices His deep mysticism and religious commitment is reflective of Christian ex-istentialism, and Pascal’s devotional writing is often compared to Søren 1

Blaise PASCAL, « Divertissement » (139/136), in Les Pensées

Blaise PASCAL, « Ennui » (131/622), in Les Pensées, 1669 Quand je m’y suis mis quelquefois à considérer les diverses agitations des hommes et les pé-rils et les peines où ils s’exposent, dans la cour, dans la guerre, d’où naissent tant de querelles,

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