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The Napoleon Series

Duc d’Arenberg, and the 27th Chasseurs-a-Cheval when the regiment was taken into French service in 1808 Chevau-Legers Belges du Duc d’Arenberg (27th Chasseurs-a-Cheval) The ChevauLegers Belges du Duc d’Arenberg were authorised to be formed in the - autumn of 1806 by Napoleon, who wanted to utilise the manpower of Belgium in his growing

Grade One Session One – Exploration of Different Genres in Art

Napoleon, however, was not entirely divorced from the process He was the one who settled on the idea of an equestrian portrait: “calme sur un cheval fougueux” (calm on a fiery horse), were his instructions to the artist And David duly obliged What better way, after all, to demonstrate Napoleon's ability to wield power with sound judgment and

Hints about analysis of paintings

Jan 06, 2018 · standing portrait is a realist allegory of the emperor's civilian activities Napoleon is wearing the blue uniform (with white lapels) of a Colonel of the Grenadiers à pied de la Garde, normally worn on Sundays, the green Chasseurs à cheval uniform being for daily use He is in the trademark stance,


1814 With the return of Napoleon from Elba, he was named captain in the 3rd regiment of Tirailleur-Gren-adiers on 13 April 1815 Discharged 10 September 1815, Regnault was admitted as captain of the Legion of the Aube on 11 April, 1816 and was discharged again on 18 September 1816 This is the period portrait of Regnault that Keith Rocco used

Antique Arabian Horse Sculptures

when he was around 14 years old, Barye started to work under the goldsmith of Napoleon Later on he studied under the famous Orientalist and painter Baron Antoine-Jean Gros A few years later he discovered his true passion and destination: Barye watched animals in the park Jardin des Plantes The great botanical gardens in

Salvador Dali Retail Price List* - cagfineartcom

La Femme a Cheval $6,150 Voila Cogitans - Self-Portrait Pansy $19,150 Lilium Musicum - Lily $24,000 Napoleon (original intaglio) $9,150 1970 Three Hippies

FDP1 French Infantry Division FDP2 French Infantry Division

form of the Chasseurs a Cheval of the Guard 10/ LANNES taken from the portrait depicting him at the battle of Essling 11/ ST CYR shown wearing the Revo-lution period overcoat that he preferred to the more modern version 12/ SOULT as Col-Gen of the Guard Chassuer a pied 13/18 Marshals in various poses 19/

Christian BLONDIEAU - Fraysse

Le maréchal Davout à cheval (1 fig signée) Sur socle bois (Oxydations sur la crinière et la queue) Sinon T B E 250 / 300 e Voir la reproduction 57 Leibovitz Le maréchal Ney à cheval en manteau (1 fig signée) Socle bois (Oxydations sur la queue du cheval) Sinon T B E 250 / 300 e Voir la reproduction 58 N K


Portrait en pied d’un officier de chasseurs à cheval de la période révolution-naire coiffé d’un casque de dragons L’homme pose à côté de son cheval qu’il tient par la bride H S P (47 x 37 cm) Cadre doré 2 000 / 2 500 e 4 Anonyme Portrait en pied d’un officier d’infanterie légère vers 1806


(restaurations) Portrait du roi tête nue En uniforme avec épaulettes à la fleur de lys (62 x 49) Cadre bois et pâte dorée orné de palmettes 7 000 FF / 1 070 € LOUIS XVIII (1755- 1824) Roi de France 1814 - 1815 et 1815 - 1824 2 HUILE SUR TOILE, école française : LE ROI CHARLES X Dans un ovale, portrait du roi tête nue

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